Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 407 rezultatai

The True Religion
The first thing that one should know and clearly understand about Islam is what the word "Islam" itself means. The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of Christianity which was named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, and Marxism after Karl Marx. Nor was it named after a tribe like Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the Hindus. Islam is the true religion of "Allah" and as such, its name represents the central principle of Allah's "God's" religion; the total submission to the will of Allah "God".
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (6,02 kB)
Describing people
A descriptive essay about a person should consist of: a) an Introduction in which you give general information about the person, saying when, where and how you first met them; b) a Main Body in which you describe their physical appearance, personal qualities and hobbies/interest. You start a new paragraph for each topic; c) a Conclusion in which you write your comments and/or feelings about the person.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (1,86 kB)
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), English poet and playwright, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. A complete, authoritative account of Shakespeare’s life is lacking; much supposition surrounds relatively few facts. His day of birth is traditionally held to be April 23; it is known he was baptized on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire.
Kita  Konspektai   (4,52 kB)
Puerto Rikas
Even though Puerto Rico has three times voted against becoming a U.S. state, yet another effort is being made to persuade Puerto Rico to change its mind. Of course, the Democratic Party thinks making Puerto Rico our 51st state is a cool idea because that would give the Democrats two additional U.S. Senators and 6 to 8 additional Members of the House, more congressional representation than 25 of our 50 states.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,55 kB)
An ability to communicate without experiencing any difficulties is essential for building successful and easy life. Both professional and private individual’s lives depend on the way one manages to communicate. Almost every employer thinks highly of somebody who is communicative, especially if one’s duty is to deal with other people. What is more, communicative person’s private life is much easier because of having no retardations in establishing relations with other people.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,4 kB)
Managing people
Nowadays managing is very important in our life. Everyone wants to manage, but not everybody can be good managers. John Peet, British Management Consultant said that management problems always turn out to be people problems. In our life are three main styles of managing: it is authoritarian, democratic and liberal. Good managers must have a cross-cultural awareness. It is very important to realize other country’s mores and understand differences between countries.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,68 kB)
Milk product
Milk, yogurt and ice cream are excellent sources of calcium and protein. But remember to check the label to see how much fat each product contains. The amount of fat affects the number of calories in each product. • Milk and milk products are a source of protein, calcium, zinc and magnesium, vitamin B12 and riboflavin. • Vitamins A and D are found in whole milk and its products • Milk and milk products are the major source of calcium in the UK, contributing 43% of calcium intake in adults.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (3,95 kB)
European Union
The European Union is the European supranational organization dedicated to increasing economic integration and strengthening co-operation among its member states. It was established on November 1, 1993, when the Treaty on Eu was ratified by the 12 members of the European Community (EC) – Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. Under the treaty on EU, customs and immigration agreements were enhanced to allow European citizens greater freedom to live, work, or study in any of the member states, and border controls were relaxed.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (2,61 kB)
Galsworthy’s trilogy – The Man of Property, In Chancery, To Let – concerns an upper middle-class English family and traces, through the story of a group of related characters, the changing aspects of manners and morals from the Victorian age to the period between wars. In his preface john Galsworthy points to the general theme of the series – the disturbance that beauty creates in the lives of men, as exemplified by the story of Irene. The story: In 1886 all the Forsytes gathered at Old Jolyon Forsyte’s house to celebrate the engagement of his granddaughter, June, to Philip Bosinney, a young architect.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,53 kB)
The World Organization of Volcano Observatories was established as the result of a meeting of representatives from world-wide volcano observatories, held in Guadeloupe in 1981. WOVO became International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior Commission in the following year.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,7 kB)
Flat or house
During the short time of period I would like top speak about what is better to live in a flat or in a house. I will try to consider good and bad points about living in both. Also I will try to express my opinion what is better flat or a house and opinion about what is the future perspectives on accommodation in Lithuania. And finally I will try to give you short summarize about all my speech.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,46 kB)
Crime in Lithuania
Nowadays crime is very associated with our modern world. Unfortunately, it’s not as safe as we would like to be so we must do everything we can in order to improve our own safety. Crime is a very serious problem in nowadays Lithuania. The criminal situation in my country is much worse than in other western European countries. It’s quite difficult to feel safe late at night or even in the evening in the streets as you can simply be mugged. Much more dangerous can be walking in the streets alone also in the evening, so people are advised to go by cars instead of walking alone and not to have a lot of expensive things such as mobile phones, cameras, watches, huge amounts of cash or other valuable things which might catch the offenders eye.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,05 kB)
Knauf, a family name, and a corporate group of global dimensions. A leading manufacturer of building materials worldwide, including plasterboards, plasters, insulation materials and external renders, with a turnover of Euro 2.5 bn. With over 100 plants in Europe, Asia, USA and South America, it is through technical innovation and high quality standards that Knauf leads the development of markets across the Globe. Committed to the environment, Knauf is active in retaining the natural balance across all our operations.
About Paroc
We have almost 50 years' experience of developing, manufacturing and distributing stone wool products for use by the building industry and other industries. We are currently the leading stone wool manufacturer in the Baltic region, with Sweden and Finland as our main markets. Our annual turnover is more than 235 million euro. Paroc has plants in Finland, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania and the United Kingdom, plus sales companies in fourteen European countries. Paroc offices are located in Vanda (head office) and Pargas, Finland, and in Skövde, Sweden. We employ some 1,700 people.
UAB Megrame was established on 26 March 1992 and was the first in Lithuania to start the production of plastic windows. The President of the company is Juozas Magelinskas. Megrame has been a member of the Lithuanian Builders' Association since 1996. The company has two subsidiaries, i.e. Vakarų Megrame and Pietų Megrame, and its representatives in twelve cities and towns of Lithuania.
Feast of St.John
From ancient times people marked the time of the return of the sun, the shortest and longest night. In olden times it was called the Feast of the DEWS, [ a.k.a. RASOS ]. When Christianity was established in Lithuania, the name was changed to Feast of St. John, according to agrarian folk calendar, the start of haying. The rituals of the longest day were closely related to agrarian ideas and notions.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (8,08 kB)
Steel is the most important materials in construction. Steel construction can be used in multi floor buildings, halls, masts, and towers, and industrial buildings: crane rails, boiler houses, conveyor belt bridges. Steel construction is very flexible and ecological, but all structures must be very safety and be built according to legal construction regulations.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,38 kB)
Children start to go school at age of seven. They can stay at secondary school for 12 years but some of them leave it after tenth form. These pupils usually go to vocational junior colleges where they can get secondary education and profession. But these schools are getting less popular now, because more and more students want to study at the University.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (2,07 kB)
Italian Migration
Italy is a country with a long history of emigration and a very short experience ofimmigration. Mass emigration started with Italian unification: during the period 1861- 1976 over 26 million people emigrated, half of them towards other European countries,the rest towards North and South America.
Geografija  Kursiniai darbai   (4,89 kB)
Klimato atšilimas
Neseniai du nepriklausomai Antarktidoje ir Grenlandijoje atlikti tyrimai dar kartą patvirtino, kad klimato atšilimas tiesiogiai lemia ledynų tirpimą ir vandens lygio kilimą. Požeminė saugykla, kurioje nuo tokių katastrofų kaip atominis karas, asteroido smūgis ar klimato pokyčiai būtų saugoma planetos biologinė įvairovė - gali pasirodyti kaip ištrauka iš fantastinio filmo.
Geografija  Referatai   (3,34 kB)
The capital of russia experienced all historic crises and lighted for the new gloss. That giant city looks like as, if it was built withaut a plan. It is like a peculiar improvisation. There surprise as bigger than any where Else streets, hauses and sobors. Still, such giant fulness doesn't drown ancient architektures of monument. Especially pleasant and extraordinary favour of Moscow peaple is meet not only in a busy market by old Arbat, but in a district by new Arbat as well.
Rusų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,45 kB)
Maisto saugos vadybos sistemos projektas. Anglų kalba. Projektas buvo pristatytas Kopenhagos universitete, Danijoje. Darbas buvo yvertintas labai gerai. Vertas dėmesio studijuojantiems maisto pramonę.
Pramonė  Referatai   (14,77 kB)
Šiame darbe pristatysiu 5 programas, kuriomis vadovaujantis dirba ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos. Taip pat aptarsiu kiekvienos programos tikslus bei turinį. Tai yra: 1. Bendroji priešmokyklinio ugdymo ir ugdymosi programa. Ši programa skirta priešmokyklinio ugdymo pedagogams, o taip pat skiriama tėvams(globėjams). Ji padės geriau suprasti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaiko ugdymosi reikmes, pagalbos teikimo būdus, leis kurti kokybiško ugdymo(si) sąlygas.
Pedagogika  Referatai   (22,01 kB)
Rašinys "Kas geriau, žiūrėti filmus namuose ar kine", mano anglų kalbos mokytojos buvo įvertintas palankiai.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (0,99 kB)
My Ideal School
Šis mano darbas buvo įvertintas 10 balų. In my childhood, i used to dream of the best school. I kept telling my friends, if i would be a headmistress, i would change a lot. I have a pen-friend, he is from Brazil. In addition he has never heard about Lithuania, and it's educational problem.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (0,82 kB)
Įvairių dalykų pliusai ir minusai, gali praversti rašiniams, kalbėjimo įskaitai. Access a lot of information, do some jobs very quickly, communicate very quickly, word processors make it easier to write letters and reports, and to do work for school, make learning more exciting, large amount of information can be stored.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,31 kB)
Channels of communication What are ‘telecommunications’? This term refers to the transmission of information over long distances using the telephone system, radio, TV satellite or computer links. Examples are two people speaking on the phone, a sales department sending a fax to a client or someone reading the teletext pages on TV But in the modern world, telecommunications mainly means transferring information from one PC to another via modem and phone lines (or fibre-optic cables).
Olympic Games
The Olympic Games is the world’s number one sports event. For athletes they mean a chance to win gold and glory. For all people they are a symbol of peace, hope, friendly cooperation between nations, fairness, high moral and physical standards. The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 777 BC in Greece and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olympia.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,18 kB)
The city of London
The City of London is a small area in Greater London. The modern conurbation of London developed from the City of London and the nearby City of Westminster, which was the centre of the royal government. The City of London is now London's main financial district.
Europien Union
What is the Europien Union ? The European Union (EU) is not a federation like the United States. Nor is it simply an organisation for co-operation between governments, like the United Nations. It is, in fact, unique. The countries that make up the EU (its ‘member states’) remain independent sovereign nations but they pool their sovereignty in order to gain a strength and world influence none of them could have on their own. Pooling sovereignty means, in practice, that the member states delegate some of their decision-making powers to shared institutions they have created, so that decisions on specific matters of joint interest can be made democratically at European level.