Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

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Abraham Lincoln Born on February 12, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky In 1842, he married Mary Todd a women from Lexington, Kentucky In 1847, Lincoln was elected to the House of Representatives In 1856, he went to the ran against Stephen A. Douglas in a losing effort to get to the U.S Senate as a Republican In 1860, he ran for President against Stephen Douglas and won the election John Wilkes Booth Born May, 10 1838 in Bel Air, Maryland--a Southern city Began interest in theatrics in 1855 at the Charles Street Theater in Baltimore Booth became a common actor at the theater In September 1858 Booth moved to Richmond, Virginia to act at the Marshall Theater At Richmond, Booth became accustomed and sympathized to the southern politics Booth never joined the Confederate army but did smuggle medical supplies from the North during the Civil War The Plot: Summer 1864 Booth developed plans to give the Confederates an advantage in the war Planned to kidnap Lincoln with a group of friends Wanted to hold Lincoln for ransom to free Confederates Co-conspirators included Samuel Arnold, Michael O’Laughlen, John Surratt, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt and David Harold with the help of Dr. Samuel Mudd Booth would use John Surratt’s wife Mary Surratt’s boarding house to hold his meetings about his plans
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (948,97 kB)
The subjects of this presentation are the origins of American lexicography which will be represented through main problems, bilingual dictionaries, historical development of British and American lexicography, the great works of Noah Webster, also by the lexicographic influences of encyclopaedic dictionary by John Ogilvie and Funk and Wagnall’s standard dictionaries.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9 psl., 17,83 kB)
Liverpool is a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England, along the eastern side of the Mersey Estuary. It was founded as a borough in 1207 and was granted city status in 1880. So I want to tell abaout one of most beautiful city Liverpool.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (7 psl., 71,56 kB)
Kai matematinis modelis suformuluotas taip, kad negalima taikyti nei analitinių, nei skaitmeninių metodų, pasitelkiamas eksperimentinės optimizacijos metodas. Tada efektyvumo kriterijus ir apribojimai patei¬kiami algoritmo forma. Šie algoritmai aprašo nagrinėjamojo objekto veiklą, o jo funkcionavimo sąlygas nustato tyrinėtojas. Šiais algoritmais gali būti ir skaitmeniniai metodai, tačiau griežtas matematinis formalizavimas ne visuomet leidžia aprašyti sudėtingas sistemas, atsižvelgiant į kiekvienos sistemos specifines veiklos sąlygas.
Matematika  Konspektai   (18 psl., 65,28 kB)
100 anglų kalbos transformacijų. Gale yra atsakymai.
Anglų kalba  Testai   (13 psl., 34,24 kB)
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), English poet and playwright, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. A complete, authoritative account of Shakespeare’s life is lacking; much supposition surrounds relatively few facts. His day of birth is traditionally held to be April 23; it is known he was baptized on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire.
Kita  Konspektai   (4,52 kB)
The Republic of Ireland (Irish: Poblacht na hÉireann) is the official description[1] of the sovereign state which covers approximately five-sixths of the island of Ireland, off the coast of north-west Europe. The state's official name is Ireland (Irish: Éire),[2] and this is how international organisations and citizens of Ireland usually refer to the country. It is a member of the European Union, has a developed economy and a population of slightly more than 4.2 million. The remaining sixth of the island of Ireland is known as Northern Ireland and is part of the United Kingdom.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (6,36 kB)
William Shakespeare Biography describes the life of William Shakespeare. From birth to death, Shakespeare Biography describes all that is known about Shakespeare's life from available documentation including court and church records, marriage certificates and criticisms by Shakespeare's rivals.Shakespeare (1564-1616): Who was he? Though William Shakespeare is recognized as one of literature’s greatest influences, very little is actually known about him.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (5,26 kB)
Galsworthy’s trilogy – The Man of Property, In Chancery, To Let – concerns an upper middle-class English family and traces, through the story of a group of related characters, the changing aspects of manners and morals from the Victorian age to the period between wars. In his preface john Galsworthy points to the general theme of the series – the disturbance that beauty creates in the lives of men, as exemplified by the story of Irene. The story: In 1886 all the Forsytes gathered at Old Jolyon Forsyte’s house to celebrate the engagement of his granddaughter, June, to Philip Bosinney, a young architect.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,53 kB)
Once lived boy named John. He was 14 year old. The boy was very friendly and helpful. John and his parents lived in a villge. They had a big farm with a lot of land and livestock. One morning John and his father were going to the market to sell some vegetables and fruits they had grown. It was very cold. The roads were iceovered. However they were being late so they were in a hurry. The engine were roarring. Suddenly the car stardet skiding from side to side.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (0,77 kB)
Aukštoji mada
Kad ir kaip žiūrėsime, aišku, jog esminis mados tikslas – išsiskirti iš kitų. Ji kyla iš mūsų poreikio jausti ir reikšti savo individualumą, unikalumą. Tačiau mada yra ir socialinis ritualas, kuris išreiškia tam tikros žmonių grupės tam tikru metu puoselėjamas idėjas, priimtiną, toleruotiną elgesį. Nors mada yra kintanti, tačiau jos suvokimas yra nuolatos siekiamas dalykas.
Dailė  Referatai   (8,38 kB)
Lithuania festivals
Ancient Lithuanian celebrations, work customs and ceremonies often corresponded with the most significant days of the year: solstices, equinoxes and others. Many of these traditions dated back to pagan times. Lithuania was an agricultural nation, therefore it is not surprising that farming and husbandry left their mark on calendar celebrations. After Lithuania was converted to Christianity, the church began determining when holidays would occur. However elements of ancient pagan beliefs still existed alongside Christian ones in many holiday rituals.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,7 kB)
Feast of St.John
From ancient times people marked the time of the return of the sun, the shortest and longest night. In olden times it was called the Feast of the DEWS, [ a.k.a. RASOS ]. When Christianity was established in Lithuania, the name was changed to Feast of St. John, according to agrarian folk calendar, the start of haying. The rituals of the longest day were closely related to agrarian ideas and notions.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (8,08 kB)
British art
British art is the art of the island of Great Britain. The term normally includes British artists as well as expatriates settled in Britain. Art of the United Kingdom is relatively detailed, as most styles, tones, and subject matters have been used by British artists. British art in the later Middle Ages was part of the International style and art in that period was not distinctive to much of other northern European art.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,84 kB)
The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been the official title of the British state ever since 1922. The UK is constitutional monarchy. This means that the official head of state is the monarch, but his or her powers are limited by the constitution. The British constitution is not written in any single document. Only some of these rules are written down in the form of ordinary laws passed by Parliament at various times. Parliament is the supreme law-making body in the country. It consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. British parliamentary system is one of the oldest in the world, it developed slowly during the 13th century after King John's signature of Magna Charta in 1215.
Šiais technologijų amžiaus laikais komunikacija vaidina svarbų vaidmenį ne tik kiekvieno žmogaus gyvenime, bet ir viso pasaulio veikloje ir organizacijose. Manau, kad kiekvienam iš mūsų yra svarbu suvokti komunikacijos esmę, nors šiek tiek pažvelgti į šio mokslo vidų ir „pačiupinėti“ struktūrą, sandarą. Šio pranešimo dėstymą padalinau į 4 dalis. Tai: 1) kas yra komunikacija; 2) komunikacijos sandara; 3) pats komunikacijos procesas; 4) komunikacijos taikymas.
Komunikacijos  Referatai   (3,92 kB)
Įvaizdžio sandara
Šiame darbe nagrinėsime įvaizdžio sandarą, lygius bei su jais susijusius aspektus. Šio darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti bei išanalizuoti įvaizdžio sandarą, lygius bei su jais susijusius aspektus. Šio darbo aktualumas – kiekviena įmonė susiduria su įvaizdžiu, kadangi klientai susidaro nuomonę apie įmonę ar jos prekes bei paslaugas atsižvelgdami į jos įvaizdį, tad yra aktualu žinoti kaip sukurti teigiamą įmonės įvaizdį atsižvelgiant į jo lygmenys, veiksnius bei sandarą.
Komunikacijos  Referatai   (12,72 kB)
Šiuo metu nė viena valstybė negali pasigaminti visų reikmenų, reikalingų vartotojų poreikiams tenkinti. Taip susiklostė, kad kiekviena šalis gamina tas prekes, kurias apsimoka gaminti. Svarbiausia tarptautinių mainų prielaida yra gamybos sąlygų skirtingumas. Prie šių sąlygų reikia priskirti: gamtines, klimatines, išteklių aprūpinimo, specializacijos ir kitas. Kita tarptautinės prekybos prielaida pasireiškia skirtingais visuomeninio darbo našumo lygiais. Kiekviena pasaulio šalis gamina tai, kas pelninga ir efektyvu. Gaminamos ir eksportuojamos tos prekės, kurių technologijos lygis pralenkia pasaulio šalis.
Ekonomika  Namų darbai   (16,09 kB)
Šis darbas skirtas, superlaidumo istorijos, medžiagų, taikymo sričių bei perspektyvų apžvalgai ir analizei. Darbe trumpai aprašysiu, svarbiausiu superlaidumui, atradimų raidą, problemas su kuriomis susidurią superlaidumo mokslas, medžiagas...
Elektronika  Referatai   (14,49 kB)
Muzika yra viena iš labiausiai kultūros globolizacijos plėtrai tinkančių formų, kadangi jos įspūdis nepriklauso nuo rašytinės ar žodinės kalbos tiesioginio poveikio. Ši forma leidžia peržengti kalbinius skirtumus be papildomų vertimo pastangų ir išlaidų. Negalima teigti, kad muzikos kultūrinėje interpretacijoje nėra kai kurių labai ryškių sunkumų, susijusių su muzikos kūrimo ir priėmimo vietinėmis ir tautinėmis tradicijomis.
Sociologija  Referatai   (15,33 kB)
Žmogaus psichologija yra daugelio mokslininkų tyrinėjimo objektas. Tačiau iki šiol į daug klausimų nebuvo rasta atsakymo. Empiriniai tyrinėjimai atkleidžia tik dalį nematomos, neapčiuopiamos žmogaus pusės, savybes. Žmogaus psichologija labai svarbi norint suprasti žmogaus poelgius, elgesį.
Atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių panaudojimas turi žymų potencialą ir teoriškai gali beveik neribotai tiekti santykinai švaria energija. Paskutiniu metu energijos gamyba naudojant atsinaujinančius išteklius sparčiai augo, apytiksliai 30% per metus. Tačiau tai vis dar sudaro labai maža dalį visos pagaminamos energijos, t.y. apie 4%, įskaitant ir didžiąją hidroenergetiką.
Mechanika  Referatai   (4,77 kB)
Sveika mityba
Referatas apie pilvo preso lavinimą ir pratimus jo vystymui. Sveikata–didžiausias turtas. Gera fizinė ir dvasinė savijauta yra būtina kasdienio mūsų gyvenimo dalis. Tačiau paprastai tik susirgę pajuntame, kokia neįkainojama vertybė yra sveikata. Kitaip tariant, gerą savijautą dažniausiai vertiname kaip savaime suprantama dalyką. Sveikatą ir gerą savijautą lemia daug veiksnių.
Sportas  Referatai   (11,26 kB)
XX amžiaus dailė
Fovizmas [pranc. fauvisme – fauve – laukinis, plėšrūnas], XX a. pr. prancūzų modernistinės tapybos kryptis. Fovistai išgarsėjo ekspozicija, surengta 1905 m. rudens salone Paryžiuje, kurią kritikas Louis Vauxcelles'is pavadino "laukinių žvėrių narvu".
Dailė  Referatai   (14,29 kB)
Jane Eyre
In this work there will be analyzed Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. The book, acritique of social Victorian assumptions about gender and social class, became one of the most succeccful novels of its era, both critically and commercially. The structure of this work is as follows: - The period of Realism (it’s reflection in Jane Eyre) - Autobiography of Charlotte Bronte.
The city of London
The City of London is a small area in Greater London. The modern conurbation of London developed from the City of London and the nearby City of Westminster, which was the centre of the royal government. The City of London is now London's main financial district.
Photography is the process of recording pictures by means of capturing light on a light-sensitive medium, such as a film or electronic sensor. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects expose a sensitive silver halide based chemical or electronic medium during a timed exposure, usually through a photographic lens in a device known as a camera that also stores the resulting information chemically or electronically.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (12,46 kB)
Gavau 10. Diana Spencer nickname Lady Di born: July 1st, 1961 birthplace of: Sandringham (Norfolk - England) parents: John Edward Spencer (1924-1992) Lady Frances Spencer (1936) divorced since 1969 sisters and brothers: Sarah, Jane, Charles length: 1.77 m weight: unknown colour of eyes: blue colour of hair: blond residence: Kensington Palace in London marriage: On July 29th Lady Diana married Prince Charles.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (24,52 kB)
Charles Dickens
Įvertintas 9. he Greatest of Victorian writers English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (6,77 kB)
Today education has become a token of an advanced, healthy and competent society. In fact, modern education more than ever before is aiming to provide experiences that will be useful in life (Smith 153). In the process of deciding which activities are effective and should be included in the high school curriculum, a clash between opinions often arises.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (5,45 kB)