Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 85 rezultatai

Motyvacinis laiškas, siųstas į Anglijos universitetus.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2 psl., 13,44 kB)
In Construction Materials Skills class we are trying our hand at a variety of different basic construction materials skills ranging from bricklaying to masonry, to carpentry, to painting, to plumbing, to sheet metal, to hot metal. The last six weeks I was learning bricklaying and masonry skills. In this report I will be writing about bricklaying and masonry skills I learned.
Statyba  Analizės   (7 psl., 3,1 MB)
There are many subjects and many teathers at school. Every subject is important for teather, which he teathes. But sometimes some subjects are not important for studens. Senior pupils are decided what they are going to study, and decided which subjects are the least important, so they can renounse some subjects. I am going to speak about the subjects which I am studying.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 6,45 kB)
Šiandieniniame gyvenime mes gana dažnai mes susiduriame su agresyviai nusiteikusiais žmonėmis. Tai ypač ryškiai pasireiškia jaunimo tarpe. Yra labai daug šitą nulemiančių veiksnių. Žmogaus agresyvumas priklauso tai bendravimo klasei, kuri gali būti suprasta tik išnagrinėjus daug mokslinių disciplinų-natūralių ir socialinių. Taip remiantis visa eile natūralinių mokslų-biologija, biochemija, genetika ir t.t,buvo padarytos išvados leidžiančios pradėti agresyvumo gilesnį tyrimą. Čia nemažai reikšmės turi ir socialiniai mokslai, nes agresyvumo įsivaizduoti kur nors kitur nei pačioje visuomenėje, paprasčiausiai neįmanoma, kaip ir negalima paaiškinti pačios visuomenės, nežinant agresyvaus elgesio įpatumų ir jį sukeliančių veiksnių.
Kita  Referatai   (4 psl., 13,31 kB)
1. Internetas ir studijos 1.1. Interneto ryšio paslaugos 1.2. Interneto informacinės paslaugos 2. Elektroninės bibliotekos 3. Distancinis (nuotolinis) mokymas 3.1. Nuotolinis mokymas Lietuvoje 4. Kursinių darbų pirkimo ypatumai
Informatika  Kursiniai darbai   (17 psl., 35,51 kB)
Dear Sir or Madam, Although I had never left my native country and saw other places, I have always been interested in other cultures, the way people are thinking and what they are doing to make the world better place to live. Since my early age, this interest spread in all over my mind, so after many researches and thinking I found out that Bachelor's Degree in International Management program in Aarhus University - Institute of Business and Technology of Denmark would be the best choice for my further studies. This program will give me valuable knowledge on how to deal with issues among others like globalization, international marketing and global supply chain management. Also I have some arguments that I would be a relevant candidate for Aarhus University.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 4,48 kB)
Kolokacijos - tai žodžių junginiai, dažnai pasitaikantys sakytinėje ir rašytinėje kalboje, sukuriantys naują semantinę reikšmę ir skirstomi pagal savo funkciją ir sandarą. Kaip ir kiti kalbos vienetai, verčiant yra transformuojamos naudojant pagrindinius vertimo trasformacijų tipus – perkėlimą, pakeitimą, įterpimą ir praleidmą. Šio darbo tikslas – išrinkti kolokacijas, sudarytas iš veiksmažodžio ir daiktavardžio analizuojant Europos Sąjungos dokumentus ekologijos tema, pastebėti ir analizuoti kolokacijų vertimo transformacijas. Darbo uždaviniai – apžvelgti įvairių autorių teorinius požiūrius, susijusius su darbo objektu, pateikti asmeninę sampratą, apžvelgti transformacijų dėsningumus ir susisteminti bei apibendrinti tyrimo duomenis.
Kita  Kursiniai darbai   (17 psl., 52,89 kB)
Stresas darbe
Tikriausiai ne vienam buvo taip, kad gyvenimas papilkėjo, viskas tapo nemiela. Ar pastebėjote, kad elgiatės ne taip, kaip norėtumėte, pasakote tai, ko visai nenorite pasakyti...? Tokios kitų ir savęs ignoravimo bei pykčio būsenos žalingos savijautai, darbingumui ir net sveikatai.
Psichologija  Kursiniai darbai   (10 psl., 17,15 kB)
Violence at school
Kids do not turn violent overnight, nor do they not have previous problems of some type. Aggressive behavior can be attributed to a number of things and expressed in a number of ways through home-life, culture, and society. Many of the kids who have committed violent crimes have had problems since the age of five. It is extremely hard to say what leads kids to horrible acts such as Springfield and Columbine. One reason may be aggressive behavior in childhood, caused by harsh and inconsistent parents. A poor family life often leads to trouble in school from the very beginning. The best thing to do for such troubled children is to help them control their aggression through emotional growth and learning. Parents should encourage good behavior or the child will think this way is ineffective. As the child grows older they will continue to think that violent behavior is acceptable and is the most effective way. A teacher can step into these situations and help them see positive morals and realize their actions are wrong. Teachers should reward students for polite behavior or else they will feel frustration and failure. Frustration and failure can bring the child to aggressive behavior as it brings results and gives a sense of control.
Short-term memory
SM is a intermediary (tarpininkas) storage between SeM and LM. One of its functions is in some way to process information and transmit it for further processing and storage. For this first of all is used encoding. Acoustic encoding is very common in SM and for a long time psychologists thought that was the only method of encoding. Evidence of its importance is documented by that show, for example, the letters T and C are more likely to be confused in SM than C and O, even when they are presented visually.Such results suggest that subjects are recoding the visual symbols to acoustic representations, thus explaining why the similar-sounding C and T are more easily confuced than the different-sounding C and O. There is ample evidence of visual and especially semantic encoding in SM as well. One of the most important aspects of SM is its limited capacity. It is 7 ± 2 elements for a wide variety of materials. There is a tremenduous amount of variation of what can be put into each of those seven bits. For example, we can hold seven numbers in our SM, but also7 words, 7 pictures, or sometimes even 7 sentences. In fact, the bits may be made considerably larger through the processes of chunking, by which we combine pieces of information together to allow them to take up less space in working memory. Another important process that occurs in SM is rehearsal, the temporary activation or recycling or information through memory. Rehearsal may be maintenance (holds information in SM long enough for it to be acted upon in some way) or elaborative (nuodugnus) rehearsal (helps transfer information to LM). Elaborative rehearsal relates information to other concepts already in LM and and develops new asociations between these concepts. The explanations offered for forgetting from SM generally cluster around two general phenomena. On the one hand forgetting is said to occur due to decay of the memory trace over time. The other class of explanations uses the consept of interference. Material is forgotten because other material that is similar is some way interferes by replacing or distorting it. Interference may be retroactive, which means it occurs after original leaning. And proactive, when interfering material comes first and hinder the learning of something else later. We use SM when we are thinking about something at the moment, solving problems (in this case information is retrieved from LM to SM). SM plays a role in understanding language. Findings suggest that we have a special memory system for processing language. A patient who has a defective memory span but normal language understanding has an impaired SM but an intact language memory. The special memory for language seems limited to relatively simple sentences. Once sentences become complex SM is brought in for help. When it come sto higher-level language processes like following a conversation or reading a text, SM appears to play a crucial role. When reading for understanding, often we must consciously relate new sentences to some prior material in the text.
I even got unsightly flags on the streets of Maroubra taken down after writing a public letter of complaint outlining the visual pollution and commercialisation of our otherwise beautiful suburb of Maroubra Beach. The motivation is always there to learn more.” Favourite aspects of his role as the Media Man include: “Meeting and dealing with so many wonderful, interesting people. I am expanding my horizons every day. Interviewing people at Channel 31 has a sentimental significance for me, as the producer, Joy Hruby, gave me my break in television. I need to mention that the Internet provides constant learning and business opportunities. Seeing my ideas and research come to fruition, and benefiting so many, is most gratifying. I also like to expose fraud. Encouraging free thought and expressing freedom of speech in satisfying. Dealing with so many wonderful, supportive folks, many of whom reside in the good ol' USA.” Being able to communicate a message that so many other people will read and consider is probably the most rewarding aspect of being a journalist, according to Greg. “I am still coming to terms with being referred to as a journalist, even though I have my formal qualifications. I need to put in more hard yards, and until I win a major journalism award, I don't mind if I am not thought of as a journalist.”
Firstly, busyness at home and at school should be biggest. Teenagers have to talk with parents about our problems and learning. I think if teenagers would have trade, there would be less crime in the streets. For example: out of school activities, travels, and international organizations, or example: scouts, youth clubs.
English grammar
Emotions cause not only general reactions, but specific ones as well. We may laugh when happy, withdraw when frightened, get aggressive when angry, and so forth. Among these typical emotional reactions, psychologists have singled out one in particular for extensive study: aggression. The components of an emotion include autonomic arousal (sužadinimas), cognitive appraisal (įvertinimas), and emotional expression. Intense emotions usually involve physiological arousal caused by activation of the autonomic nervous system. People who have spinal cord injuries, report experiencing less intense emotions. Most people report getting angry at least several times a week often at loved ones. Though they commonly feel like aggressing physically when angered most control these impulses. Frustration and pain (mental and physical) arouse anger and can stimulate aggression. Incentives may also trigger aggression. Aggression is a typical reaction to anger (though it can occur for other reasons as well). According to early psychoanalytic theory, aggression is a frustration-produced drive; according to social-learning theory, aggression is a learned response. Biology gives animals the capacity to hurt one another. The threshold levels of numerous aggressive brain systems are thought to be influenced by heredity other neutral circuits, blood chemistry, neurotransmitters, and experience. Cultures that sanction aggression have high rates of it. Families teach aggression directly and indirectly. When treated harshly, children pick up the same habits. Other contributers to aggression include school failures and frustrations, anonymity, poverty, and the availability of weapons. Several techniques for the control of human aggression exist. These include punishment, catharsis, exposure to nonaggressive models, and training in basic social skills. In addition, aggression can often be reduced though the induction of responses or emotional states incompatible with such behavior.
Emotions cause not only general reactions, but specific ones as well. We may laugh when happy, withdraw when frightened, get aggressive when angry, and so forth. Among these typical emotional reactions, psychologists have singled out one in particular for extensive study: aggression. The components of an emotion include autonomic arousal (sužadinimas), cognitive appraisal (įvertinimas), and emotional expression. Intense emotions usually involve physiological arousal caused by activation of the autonomic nervous system. People who have spinal cord injuries, report experiencing less intense emotions. Most people report getting angry at least several times a week often at loved ones. Though they commonly feel like aggressing physically when angered most control these impulses. Frustration and pain (mental and physical) arouse anger and can stimulate aggression. Incentives may also trigger aggression. Aggression is a typical reaction to anger (though it can occur for other reasons as well). According to early psychoanalytic theory, aggression is a frustration-produced drive; according to social-learning theory, aggression is a learned response. Biology gives animals the capacity to hurt one another. The threshold levels of numerous aggressive brain systems are thought to be influenced by heredity other neutral circuits, blood chemistry, neurotransmitters, and experience. Cultures that sanction aggression have high rates of it. Families teach aggression directly and indirectly. When treated harshly, children pick up the same habits. Other contributers to aggression include school failures and frustrations, anonymity, poverty, and the availability of weapons. Several techniques for the control of human aggression exist. These include punishment, catharsis, exposure to nonaggressive models, and training in basic social skills. In addition, aggression can often be reduced though the induction of responses or emotional states incompatible with such behavior.
Bikes I will tell you a story which i called –bikes. Actually I don’t remember my first bike but I will try to recreate my memories about it. As I remember it was green collored with pink wings. It was present from my good neighbour friend .She presented that bike to me because she bought new one and that old one she didn’t want to through away. Now I remember clearly how I was riding with that bike and my mother was holding me behind it. The first time was enough hard because I could not to concentrate me attention but day after day I was learning to do it well and finally I learnt. Ride bicycle was very funny . I remember when my friends bought bikes too then we were riding through the all city until midnight, without any lights or helmets . I know that it was dangerous, but I was cool. And every day the same. That bike was my casuality. I remember that once we were riding and we were in very good mood , we were screaming something like cannibals or crazy people. Next time we were screaming like that – Hey young lady Danguole which lives in Salomeja 51, where are you going? I don’t ride bike so often as I used to. Maybe the reason is that I don’t have so much time. But I have extra case that I am riding when my best friend comes to me then we take our ancient grandmothers bikes and after that we are going to scare people. I can describe how looks my bike like. It is yellow, with big wheels, extra seat on the back and with breaks which don’t work. My mum calls that bike – The masculine bike. It looks really terrible. And when I am cycling with that beauty ( rasyti kabutese) through the city that moments are very funny when people pay attention on you because you made them laugh of your bike appearance … So… That was the story about two bikes which weren’t my own, but with them I was riding mostly.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,06 kB)
Leidinyje nagrinėjama technikos objektų patikimumo sąvoka bei jo įvertinimo metodai. Objekto patikimumas įvertinamas atsižvelgiant į ypatybes. Kiekviena iš šių ypatybių – ilgaamžiškumas, negendamumas, pataisomumas, išsilaikymas – apibūdinama tam tikrais rodikliais arba charakteristikomis. Gedimo susiformavimo ir jo pašalinimo laikas yra atsitiktiniai dydžiai, todėl patikimumo charakteristikos apskaičiuojamos tikimybių teorijos ir matematinės statistikos metodais.
Mechanika  Referatai   (19 psl., 105,19 kB)
My friend
One time, when I was playing basketball with friends came Modestas. He was my friend’s cousin. But at first sight I thought that I had seen him somewhere.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 5,66 kB)
Vulnerable period for the shaded frame. Throughput versus offered traffic for ALOHA systems. Comparison of the channel utilization versus load for various random access protocols. The basic bit-map protocol. The binary countdown protocol. A dash indicates silence. Acquisition probability for a symmetric contention channel. The tree for eight stations. Wavelength division multiple access. GSM uses 124 frequency channels, each of which use an eight-slot TDM system.
Informatika  Konspektai   (53 psl., 98,98 kB)
Computer network - interconnected collection of autonomous computers. Mainframe computer with terminals is not a computer network. Computer network is not a Distributed system. Distributed system is a software, built on top of a network. Networks for companies: resource sharing, high reliability, saving money, communication medium. Networks for people: access to remote information, person-to-person communication, interactive entertainment.
Informatika  Pateiktys   (19 psl., 530,76 kB)
Drug dependence. Opioids. Stimulants. Hallucinogens. Cannabis. Inhalants. Drug dependence, psychological and sometimes physical state characterized by a compulsion to take a drug in order to experience its psychological effects. Psychological dependence, or habituation, is present when the compulsion to take a drug is strong, even in the absence of physical withdrawal symptoms.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6 psl., 124,12 kB)
English Tenses
Anglų kalbos laikų lentelė.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (2 psl., 12,06 kB)
I remember my days in the primary school. My first day, my first lesson in the school stacked in my memory very well. It was early morning of 1 September in 1988. My father saw me to my new school. I was terrified in that big building. I did not know anyone in my new school. I had no friends, because I had not ever been to the kindergarden. I remember very well, when I came to my first classroom. It was very big and full of toys, books and strangers. My father gave to me a pen and pencil and I sat into my first desk.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 3,2 kB)
London is packed full of accommodation options. You can stay in a five-star hotel, an intimate B&B (Bed & Breakfast), a self-catering apartment or a quality hostel. There is no shortage of beds and even in the luxurious and fashionable areas you might find something to suit your price range. Type of Room Double rooms, single rooms, twin rooms, family rooms… the choice can be overwhelming. Just know that London’s hotels offer a range of standard room configurations. Your hotel or B&B might offer simple singles and twins or may stretch to luxurious suites covering hundreds of square feet.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,49 kB)
I read one article that psychologists did an experiment to answer the question of violence influence on kids in which they showed each of two groups of children a different version of a video tape: One group saw video A which showed a lady acting normally with a big doll. The second group saw video B which showed a lady acting aggressively with the same doll. She was kicking and hitting the doll violently.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,59 kB)
Lithuania is situated on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea and borders Latvia on the north, Belarus on the east and south, and Poland and the Kaliningrad region of Russia on the southwest. It is a country of gently rolling hills, many forests, rivers and streams, and lakes. Its principal natural resource is agricultural land. Government. Parliamentary democracy. History. The Liths, or Lithuanians, united in the 12th century under the rule of Mindaugas, who became king in 1251.
Geografija  Referatai   (9,82 kB)