Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

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I read one article that psychologists did an experiment to answer the question of violence influence on kids in which they showed each of two groups of children a different version of a video tape: One group saw video A which showed a lady acting normally with a big doll. The second group saw video B which showed a lady acting aggressively with the same doll. She was kicking and hitting the doll violently.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,59 kB)
Big city problems
Since the foundation of Sćo Paulo, flood caused by summer rains has always been a serious problem, almost paralyzing the whole city. Year after year, many people die during these tropical rains, which devastate large areas of the city. 2000 was no exception. In March, inside the Anhangabaś Tunnel, in the downtown area, more than 160 vehicles got blocked by the rising water and were submerged as the tunnel flooded and the pumps didn't work fast enough. All over the city 14 people died and lots of houses and shops were invaded by mud and water.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,1 kB)
Describing people
A descriptive essay about a person should consist of: a) an Introduction in which you give general information about the person, saying when, where and how you first met them; b) a Main Body in which you describe their physical appearance, personal qualities and hobbies/interest. You start a new paragraph for each topic; c) a Conclusion in which you write your comments and/or feelings about the person.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (1,86 kB)
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), English poet and playwright, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. A complete, authoritative account of Shakespeare’s life is lacking; much supposition surrounds relatively few facts. His day of birth is traditionally held to be April 23; it is known he was baptized on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire.
Kita  Konspektai   (4,52 kB)
Marketingas – daugiaveiksmė sąvoka. Jis suprantamas kaip mokslinė disciplina, organizacijos veiklos sritis ar verslo filosofija arba valdymo procesas. Kalbant apie marketingą ir komunikaciją svarbu pabrėžti, kad egzistuoja daug nesusipratimų dėl įvairių naujų terminų (marketingo komunikacija, korporacinė komunikacija, integruotas marketingas ir t.t. atsiradimo bei skirtingo jo interpretavimo. Marketingo sąvoka pastaruoju metu pradėta sieti su komunikacijos mokslu.
Rinkodara  Referatai   (4,4 kB)
Present Unreal Conditional If I have time, I study English. (Sometimes I have time.) If I had time, I would study English. (I don't have time.) Past Real Conditional Past Unreal Conditional If I had time, I studied English. (Somtimes I had time.) If I had had time, I would have studied English. (I didn't have time.) Future Real Conditional Future Unreal Conditional If I have time, I will study English. If I have time, I am going to study English. (I don't know if I will have time or not.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3 kB)
American English
In the early part of the seventeenth century English settlers began to bring their language to America, and another series of changes began to take place. The settlers borrowed words from Indian languages for such strange trees as the hickory and persimmon, such unfamiliar animals as raccoons and woodchucks. Later they borrowed other words from settlers from other countries – for instance, chowder and prairie from the French, scow and sleigh from the Dutch.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (2,86 kB)
This section describes why leaders exist and what knowledge, skills, and abilities are important to manage learning. We know, to begin, that leaders exist because man is a social creature. The leader in our society is responsible for the essential tasks in the collections of groups that make up civilization. In most traditional or conventional training events, because of a lack of systematic programming, most of the emphasis is focused on attempts to change people's perception. Little time is usually allocated for practice and even less to measure changes in performance during the training situation.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,62 kB)
Business Dress code
We would like to present for you business dress code. Of course, we know, that your knowledge about clothing is really wide, but in the lecture there were a lot of discussions about it, so we are going to explain why the dress code is so important in the offices or in another workplace. First of all, I think, that everyone knows, this old phrase: "You will never get a second chance to make the first impression”. As a business executive, you have a responsibility to send the best professional message you can be successful.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (3,89 kB)
Defoe hopes that Moll Flanders will be taken for what he says it is, a true history, despite the fact of its heroine's real name being concealed and the multitude of novels being published at the time. He explains that he has altered Moll Flanders' style to make it more polite and modest, as befitting her supposedly reformed character. Originally its language had been "not fit to be read," as a result of Moll's debauched lifestyle.
Now the computer is very important invention for us. The first electronic computer was invented in 1950. The first computer was very big and not very clever. Now the computer is very small and modern. We can carry modern computer in the little bag. With computer we can do a lot of things, for example: play, write, listen the music, watch TV, read news papers and magazines, paint, count and do other things.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,24 kB)
The capital of the United Kingdom can be divided into three distinct parts. The main commercial area is around The City, where Roman London was founded and where the medieval township grew up, dominated by the massive fortress of the Tower of London. Further west along the Thames lays Westminster, the centre of government and administration. The West End—running west from Covent Garden to Oxford Street—is the main shopping and entertainment area. Surrounding this core are districts such as Kensington, Chelsea, and Marylebone, that joined London in the 18th century, but retain a separate identity.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (8,57 kB)
We can’t imagine our life without friends without talking with them. The communication and friendship take a huge place in our life. It wouldn’t be a happy life without it. It would be just an existence and people like robots, it would be boring and absolutely uninteresting. Nowadays communication is one of the most valuable skill. Because we live in the time when it is really important to express your own opinion, to say what you like or not, to share your ideas with others.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,36 kB)
Modal Verbs
The great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language, doesn’t know his own once”. Today English language is the language of the world. English is not only the national or official language of some thirty states that represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language of communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. It is also the major language of diplomacy. No doubt that we must know English very well.
Where was the famous poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe born? Where were German emperors crowned? Why do Frankfurt's traditional apple wine glasses carry such a unique pattern? Which is the tallest skyscraper in Europe? Where does the European Central Bank have its headquarters? Frankfurt's superbly trained and certified tour guides present our wonderful city in a total of 20 languages.
Foreign languages
First of all I’d like to say that learning foreign languages is especially important in nowadays. Some people learn languages because they need them in their work, others travel abroad. Many people go to different countries as tourists or to work every year. They may not understand that countries language, therefore they have to know English, the language of international communication.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,16 kB)
XXI amžiaus santykiuose tarp valstybių, kad ir kokie jie kartais būtų priešiški ar, atvirkščiai, draugiški, vienas reiškinys yra itin ryškus – tai didėjanti valstybių tarpusavio priklausomybė. Tarpusavyje susipynę ir vienas kitą įtakojantys valstybių ekonominiai, politiniai, kultūriniai, socialiniai ir kitokio pobūdžio santykiai, savaime suprantama, nevyksta chaotiškai.
Teisė  Analizės   (4,89 kB)
Punk kultūra pradėjo formuotis JAV apie 1970 m. kaip atsvara tuo metu bepopuliarėjančiam glam rokui (rokui su pop muzikos elementais). Pagreitį judėjimas įgavo persikėlęs į Didžiąją Britaniją. Išskiriamos dvi punk judėjimo bangos: pirma (1976-1985) ir antra (po 1985). Pankroko aukso amžiumi laikomas aštuntojo dešimtmečio vidurys ir antroji jo pusė.
Socialinis darbas  Referatai   (3,66 kB)
Tarp visų skambančių daiktų pasaulyje yra ir tokių, koriuos žmogus sąmoningai sukūrė garsams išgauti. Muzikos instrumentai tik dalis visų priemonių garsui išgauti, be to, juos išskiria ypatingas naudojimo tikslas – kurti ir atlikti muziką. Bet dažniausiai muzikos instrumentai gaminami turint konkretų tikslą. Kiekvienas muzikos instrumentas suvienija dvi esmines savybes. Viena vertus, tai įrankis, daiktas. Jį pagamino meistras, naudodamas jam žinomus darbo įrankius ir turimas žaliavas.
Muzika  Referatai   (10,65 kB)
Valiutos kursas su bazine valiuta skatina arbitražą, kuris verčia išsilaikyti palūkanų normas bei infliaciją valiutų valdybos šalyje tokią pat, kaip bazinės valiutos šalyje. Tačiau išimtys pasitaiko šalyse, pakeičiančiose centrinio banko sistemą su didele infliacija į valiutų valdybos sistemą. Tokiais atvejais daugumos prekių pradinės kainos, išreikštos rezervine valiuta yra žemesnės, kadangi nacionalinė valiuta anksčiau buvo nepatikima. Todėl įvedus valiutų valdybą, infliacija, nors ir sumažėjusi, yra aukštesnė nei bazinės valiutos šalyse.
Finansai  Referatai   (18,13 kB)
The Flowers decorate our daily life. To present or buy the flowers unnecessary needs the cause (for instance when lad than that was guilty against his girl, they present her flowers). But more often flowers are bought on holidays, birth day, weddings and so on. Also flowers are used for gift not only but also embellishment (for instance on wedding to decorate the machine).
Finansai  Analizės   (2,99 kB)
Šiuo metu nė viena valstybė negali pasigaminti visų reikmenų, reikalingų vartotojų poreikiams tenkinti. Taip susiklostė, kad kiekviena šalis gamina tas prekes, kurias apsimoka gaminti. Svarbiausia tarptautinių mainų prielaida yra gamybos sąlygų skirtingumas. Prie šių sąlygų reikia priskirti: gamtines, klimatines, išteklių aprūpinimo, specializacijos ir kitas. Kita tarptautinės prekybos prielaida pasireiškia skirtingais visuomeninio darbo našumo lygiais. Kiekviena pasaulio šalis gamina tai, kas pelninga ir efektyvu. Gaminamos ir eksportuojamos tos prekės, kurių technologijos lygis pralenkia pasaulio šalis.
Ekonomika  Namų darbai   (16,09 kB)
Mokymo kokybė
Darbe aprašoma nuo ko priklauso mokymo kokybė: mokytojų kvalifikacija, mokinių motyvacija, mokyklų būklė, priemonės ir t. t. Ateities karta. Nuo ko priklauso kokia ji? Kas darnios, praktiškos, rezultatyvios kartos pradininkas? Dėl atsakymo į ši, klausimą, galima pasiginčyti. Tėvai? Darželis? Mokykla? Aš manau, kad tai vieno nuo kito labai priklausomos sąveikos rezultatas. Tad šiame darbe aš nagrinėsiu kaip mokinių tėvai supranta mokyklos duoklę bręstančiai asmenybei.
Pedagogika  Kursiniai darbai   (22,66 kB)
Darbe „Vieta gyvajai gamtai pažinti pradinių klasių gamtamoksliniame ugdyme” analizuojama, kiek vietos pradinių klasių gamtamoksliniame ugdyme skiriama gyvajai gamtai pažinti. Yra daug tėvelių ir mokytojų nuomonių apie pradinių klasių gamtos pažinimo vadovėlius. Jie skirti žinioms praplėsti ir gilinti, daug iliustruoti, daug rekomenduojamų atlikti užduočių, todėl didelį vaidmenį, mokant pažinti gyvąją gamtą vaidina mokytojas.
Viskas apie viduramžius. Gavau 10. V a. Romos imperiją užplūdo barbarų gentys – gotai, vandalai, hunai ir kt. 476 m. buvo nuverstas paskutinis Romos imperatorius. Romėnų miestai su tais laikais įspūdinga akvedukų ir kanalizacijos sistema buvo sugriauti arba ištuštėjo. Europa suskilo į šimtus smulkių savarankiškų valstybėlių.
Istorija  Referatai   (14,41 kB)
Dramos analizė-referatas. S.Becketto pirmoji drama „Belaukiant Godo" (En attendant Godot) (1953), priklauso absurdo teatro klasikai. Anksčiau rašęs romanus „Merfis" (Murphy) (1947), „Molojus" (Molloy) (1951), „Malonas miršta" (Malone meurt) (1952), S.Beckettas ima domėtis teatro galimybėmis - kaip lakoniška forma perteikti gyvenimo beprasmybės idėją. Gimė pietiniame Dublino priemiestyje.
Filologija  Analizės   (6,57 kB)
Ieškant darbo
Dear Sirs, I am writing in reply to your advertisement in the “Daily News”. I would like to ask you to find me a job as a tutor assistant in a children art campsite.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (0,73 kB)
Family Relationship
Psichologinė analizė apie santykius šeimoje. Families shape the quality of our lives. Emotional links among family members stretch across households and decades, influencing our outlooks on life, motivations, and strategies for achievement, and styles for coping with adversity. Family relations are the earliest and most enduring social relationships.
Drug, substance that affects the function of living cells, used in medicine to diagnose, cure, prevent the occurrence of diseases and disorders, and prolong the life of patients with incurable conditions. Since 1900 the availability of new and more effective drugs such as antibiotics, which fight bacterial infections, and vaccines, which prevent diseases caused by bacteria and viruses, has increased the average American’s life span from about 60 years to about 75 years. Drugs have vastly improved the quality of life.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (11,98 kB)
Hawaii is a group of islands located in the centre of the Pacific Ocean that became the 50th state of the United States of America in 1959. The 130 islands are of volcanic origin. Only seven of the eight major islands are inhibated :Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Hawaii's Big Island… GEOGRAPHY Hawaii is the most remote island chain in the world, over 2,000 miles from the nearest landfall. Distance makes for splendid isolation - these Polynesian islands are removed from all else but one another.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (7,33 kB)