Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 187 rezultatai

Fresin Fries is a locally owned fast food outlet that will be positioned as an international franchise through our creative approach to the company's image and detail presentation. Fresin Fries will provide a combination of excellent food at value pricing, with fun packaging and atmosphere. Fresin Fries is the answer to an increasing demand for snack-type fast food, to be consumed while window shopping and walking around inside a shopping mall.
Administravimas  Dokumentai   (51 psl., 178,17 kB)
Labour relations
In this paper we will analyze regulation of labour relations, speak about management problems in the companies looking from the law side. Besides analyze labor rights, their disputes, individual labour disputes and the labour disputes considered in courts.
Teisė  Referatai   (16 psl., 26,11 kB)
Šiame straipsnyje siekiama išskirti veiksnius, kurie svarbūs valdymui pokyčių kontekste. Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje akivaizdus valstybių ir visuomenių suartėjimas. Kalbant apie pokyčius, neišvengiamai kyla klausimų apie mūsų ateitį. Teisingas pokyčių ir jų padarinių numatymas dar šiandien leistų organizacijų vadovams keisti strategijas ir pasirengti rytdienai. Tai garantuotų konkurencinį pranašumą ir sėkmingą organizacijų veiklą. Pagrindinių kaitos poveikio sričių nustatymas yra viena svarbiausių šiandienos vadybos mokslo problemų.
Ekonomika  Tyrimai   (7 psl., 31,14 kB)
63 anglų topikai
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (42 psl., 53,24 kB)
Own business
Millions of people work for a living. Some of them run their own business, others work in somebody’s else company or in a governmental enterprise. There are a lot of different opinions about what is better to run own business or to work for somebody else. I strongly believe that it’s better to work for somebody else, of course there are a lot of disadvantages by working like this, but also there are a lot of advantages. First and I think the most important reason, why working for somebody else is better, is that you don’t have so much responsibility for what you are doing. For example if you run your own business one bad resolution can disrupt your business. But if you are working for somebody else you don’t have so much responsible duties. Second reason is that you can change your work whenever you want. If you are sicken of that job which you have, if you are unsatisfied with existing standing, you can change it if you have a chance. In my opinion the best thing in running own business is that you can choose staff, working-hours and incomes. Of course a lot of thing relies on what job you have chosen. So, finally I can say that working for somebody else is much better for steady working position. If you are the best you can be sure that this position won’t disappear.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,83 kB)
Dress code
We would like to present for you business dress code. Of course, we know, that your knowledge about clothing is really wide, but in the lecture there were a lot of discussions about it, so we are going to explain why the dress code is so important in the offices or in another workplace. First of all, I think, that everyone knows, this old phrase: "You will never get a second chance to make the first impression”. As a business executive, you have a responsibility to send the best professional message you can be successful. Well, let‘s think about such a thing when you see a person for the first time, what eyes catch firstly. Of course, it would be clothes. It is simple, you don‘t know about that person anything else. But then you form the first impression about that person. In business workplace it‘s very important, that the first impression would be excellent, but sometimes you can do really awful impression because of your clothes and you don‘t have the second chance to show your best. Finally, that‘s why is so important to know what clothes help you to have a good success. So plan your wardrobe carefully and it will be the first step in your success. So, now Indre tell you about the business dress code trends, after that, Viktorija will say you about the women‘s business dress code, and finally Skaiste will tell you about men‘s business dress code. So now let’s follow fashion trends and how they relate the workplace. Well, in the 70s, people dressed just for success. But in the 80s, people were high styled and fashion-conscious. And in the 90s, times were more relaxed, creating an atmosphere where business casual flourished. Furthermore, it can be seen in the new millennium that what used to be just casual Fridays is turning into every day casual. Well, there are three levels of business casual: Elegant casual; Business casual; Comfortable casual; The first level is the most formal business casual, which consists of classic styles and is the closest to traditional business dress. What is more about this “elegant” level for men and women still includes the jacket in the wardrobe. So a blazer or sport coat for men is worn with a shirt (with or without a tie) or a sweater. Talking about women, the suit is worn with a sweater, blouse or knit top. The second level of business casual and probably the most widely accepted is known as smart one which consists of two-piece coordinated outfits with or without a jacket. For men, a sweater or vest worn with shirt (tie optional), of course, shirt with collar. Furthermore, blends worn with leather shoes that have leather or rubber soles. What is about a woman’s wardrobe, it consists of sweater sets, unobstructed jacket and dresses. Blouses and knit tops are worn with short or long sleeves. Shoes are low heel leather pumps. The third level of business casual, the least accepted by most businesses, is the “comfortable” level, which consists of denim jeans, t-shirts and sneakers are always worn with socks. The woman’s wardrobe is similar, but also includes jumpers and skirts in denim. As you can understand, in various periods of time fashion trends have changed a lot of; at first people dressed for success, or relax, but in the new millennium Fridays casual changed into every day casual. Finishing, I want my audience to know that there are three most important levels of business casual: elegant, business and comfortable which are really different.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6,78 kB)
Business Culture
Doing business in the US could be quite different from the way it is done in your home country. The greetings, dress codes, and schedules may vary from what you are habituated to. Here are some proper approaches to conduct business in a proper way in the US: Business Dressing Every individual company sets certain standards for business outfits. Usually, as a general rule, most of the large companies and organizations require a more formal dress. Most companies have a formal dress code for their particular business. Some companies may supply uniforms for some, or all of their employees. You could check with your employer whether they have any policy on dress code and what they feel is the most appropriate outfit for your position. If you choose to wear jewelry, it should be minimum and compliment your outfit. Large, flashy jewelry is usually not appropriate for a business environment. Business hours The normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8.30 or 9.00 a.m. to 5 or 6 pm, with a 30 to 60 minute lunch break. Punctuality Being on time is a very important rule of business etiquette. Every effort should be made to arrive on time to any scheduled meetings or appointments. If you would be late for an appointment, then a call should be made announcing the expected delay. On the other hand regularly arriving late or missing appointments would have a negative impact on your business. Greetings & Introductions It is customary for business meeting with people from outside your company to begin and end with a firm handshake. Eye contact should be maintained during the handshake and whenever someone is speaking to you. During introductions, listen carefully to the pronunciation of the persons name so that you could address properly. While introducing yourself, give your full name not just the first name. You could take help of others in your company to find out when it would be appropriate to address someone by their first name only, or whether they should be addressed in a more formal manner (i.e. Mr. Robin). Avoid using nicknames until the person permits you to do so. The appropriate way of addressing someone may depend partly on his or her position in the company. For instance, it could be acceptable if you address your coworkers by their first name but not the senior officers of the company. This is a bird's eye view of the US business culture to help you assist you for your first visit. Your employers and coworkers could be of great help for you to adjust and make your work experience enjoyable and successful.
Anglų kalba  Straipsniai   (5,02 kB)
More and more people are beginning to open new business ventures (sumanymas). It seems like it is becoming the popular move. By opening a business there could be big profit(nauda)to be made, depending(atsizvelgiant) on the market. On the other hand, there are risks(rizika). It is said that there are two reasons why people start a business. The first reason is because they have inspiration(ikvepimas) for what they believe would be a great idea and the second is from desperation(neviltis).. There are various different ways to start a business. Not all entrepreneurs(verslininkai) begin their business by the thought of an idea. There are many other ways to go about starting a business. Buying a franchise, buying an existing company, the inventions of a product are all other ways to begin a business. People often start a business in a field that they know well. Although this is true, it is important not to limit the perspectives(perspektyva) of the kind of business to open. The areas outside of your interests may just be the right opportunity(galimybe) for you, which is why it is important to explore(istirti)other areas. This paper will talk about the general ways in which to start a new business and how to go about doing it. Included will be how to get ideas to open a business, planning out the business structure, ways to get money to start the business, getting prepared(pasiruosimas), hiring(samda the staff, and getting the word out to the public. Getting ideas to Open a Business the business idea plays a critical role in the overall(apskritai) success of the business venture chosen.. There are many considerations(pamastymu) that must be thought of before determine(nulemti) the success of an enterprise, including the entrepreneur, financing and other external forces. In order to have a good business idea it should:  satisfy personal goals and interests, (patenkinti personalo tikslus ir..)  find a success place in the market,  making sure it is possible to produce the necessary quality of the product or service,  Meet or exceed your financial goals.(atitikti ar virsyti ) In order to meet all of these criteria, it is important to complete research(uzbaigti nagrinejima) on the business idea that has been chosen. Research information can be gathered(kauptas) from various different sources(saltiniu). Some of these sources being the library, looking at existing businesses, word of mouth, reading books, watching television, going to government departments, talking to university professors etc. If the research has not been completed then it more likely that the business will become a failure(bankrotas) Planning out the business structure The one basic question facing all new business owners is “what business structure is the best for me?”. There are three main types of business structures:  sole proprietorship, (private nuosavybe)  partnership,(kompanija partneryste)  corporation. All of these different structures are different and require(reikalauja) different things to make them work. The sole proprietorship is a business that has only one owner and for the purpose of his/her own profit, the partnership is a business which has two or more people and all of the workers work as co-owners(bendra nuosavybe), and the corporation is an artificial entry with obligations(netikras iejimas su isipareigojimais Ways to Get Money to Start the Business There are various different funds available for new business ventures to try and create more jobs. Entrepreneurs are more then welcome to come into economy. To get these funds the business plan has to be completed. The funds available are for many different types of people. There are special ones for immigrant entrepreneurs, women’s entrepreneurs, and young entrepreneurs. Loans(paskola) from the government are available in several different places. The loans from the Government are mostly interest free and unsecured(negarantuotas) loans. This, in comparison(palyginus) to a bank loan, is much better for the fact that there is no interest. If the only opportunity left is the bank then it is necessary to get a low interest loan. When there is the most common questions in starting a business is: “where do I start?”. The questioner below will help answer that question for new business people. This checklist (katakogas) will be the road map for starting a business. Most business owners should use this to make sure that everything is done before the opening of the store. Prepare a business plan. Prepare a marketing plan.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6,5 kB)
Elektroninės komercijos samprata. E-komercijos sąvoka. E-komercijos infrastruktūra. E-komercijos tyrimo modeliai. E-komercijos paslaugų tinklų optimizavimo galimybės SANITEX įmonėje. Optimizavimo tikslas ir objektai. Reikalavimai e- komercijos. Dėl plataus pasiekiamumo ir lankstumo Internetas tapo labai svarbiu pardavimų kanalu šiandieniniame versle. Naudojant elektroninės komercijos taikomąsias programas, organizacijos gali išsiveržti į priekį stiprinant ryšį su klientais, gali sparčiai išsiplėtoti naujose rinkose, sukurti naujus pajamų srautus, ir išauginti pelningumą. Šiandienos elektroninė komercija sukuria virtualią parduotuvę, įgalina kompanijas pristatyti savo produktus ar paslaugas, užpildyti užsakymus ir transakcijų procesus 24 val. per parą. Elektroninės komercijos sprendimai taip pat leidžia organizacijoms pasiekti specialių poreikių auditorijas.
Vadyba  Kursiniai darbai   (22 psl., 135,37 kB)
Vocabulary. Definitions of key vocabulary. The means of marketing. Advertising. Advantages and disadvantages of major advertising media. Formulating of the advertising message. The role of the advertising in the promotional mix. Advertising as persuasion. Marketing influences and often actually controls almost every part of company's activities. Everyone who works for the company must “think marketing”. To think marketing we must understand in the right way what is the marketing concept.
Rinkodara  Konspektai   (32 psl., 212,25 kB)
IMPARCard atsiradimo prielaidos Lietuvoje. IMPARCard kaip naujos elektroninės atsiskaitymo Lietuvoje priemonės charakteristika. Techninė charakteristika. Įsigijimo sąlygos. Konkurencinės aplinkos analizė. Artimiausio funkcinio konkurento paligynamoji analizė. Panaudojimo galimybės. Pastaruoju metu, vykstant sparčiam mokslo progresui ir staigiam technologiniam šuoliui elektronikos bei telekomunikacijų srityje, atsiranda daug galimybių palengvinti ir supaprastinti daugelį dalykų, su kuriais kasdienybėje susiduria kiekvienas žmogus. Daugelis mokslo išradimų gana greitai pritaikomi kasdieniniame gyvenime ir tampa neatsiejama civilizuoto žmogaus gyvensenos dalimi. Juk dar visai neseniai mobilus ryšys buvo tik perspektyvi idėja, generuojama moksliniuose projektose, o dabar tai jau kasdienybė.
Finansai  Kursiniai darbai   (16 psl., 28,2 kB)
Šio darbo paskirtis yra įsisavinti organizacijų veiklos sisteminės analizės metodą, kuris skirtas organizacijos padalinių ir darbuotojų informacinių poreikių nustatymui ir specifikavimui. Namų darbas skirtas sisteminės analizės praktiniams įgūdžiams formuoti. Pagrindiniai atliktos sisteminės analizės rezultatai pateikiami namų darbo ataskaitoje, kurią ir sudaro lentelės, schemos ir trumpi jų aprašymai.
Vadyba  Namų darbai   (31 psl., 58,81 kB)
Singapore founded as a British trading colony in 1819, Singapore joined Malaysia in 1963, but withdrew two years later and became independent. It subsequently became one of the world's most prosperous countries, with strong international trading links (its port is one of the world's busiest) and with per capita GDP equal to that of the leading nations of Western Europe. Singapore is a city-country, locating in the south of Malaya.
Geografija  Namų darbai   (6,35 kB)
Bill Gates
William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is the co-founder, chairman, and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest software company (as of April 2006). He is also the founder of Corbis, a digital image archiving company. Gates is the wealthiest individual in the world according to the Forbes 2006 list. When family wealth is considered, he is second behind the Walton family, which The Sunday Times represents by Robson Walton.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,21 kB)
Coca Cola company
Today we won‘t take up more that 20 minutes of your time so won‘t waste time and let‘s get down to business. Our first point is to give some background information about Coca Cola history and heritage. Then we‘ll give you some facts about companies products and their changes over existence. We are sure you will be of particular interest to those products. And finally we will reveal the secret formula of coca cola company success. So I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (3,8 kB)
Nightclub is a business that is open at least twice a week and provides some type of regularly scheduled entertainment. It usually has an area for dancing if it is a dance club or a stage where patrons may observe entertainment such as live bands, comedy, magic, exotic dancers, etc. Most clubs serve alcoholic beverages and may or may not have dining. Night clubs have become the new fad in town!
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (4,84 kB)
One of the most striking features about India, which any foreign traveler must appreciate, is the size and diversity of this country. India is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of size, with a total landmass of 3,287,590 sq km. Located in South Asia, it has land boundary of 14,107 km with its neighbours [Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal and Bhutan] and a coastline of 7,000 km, which stretches across the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean. India is a country of both diversity and continuity.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,84 kB)
Business Dress code
We would like to present for you business dress code. Of course, we know, that your knowledge about clothing is really wide, but in the lecture there were a lot of discussions about it, so we are going to explain why the dress code is so important in the offices or in another workplace. First of all, I think, that everyone knows, this old phrase: "You will never get a second chance to make the first impression”. As a business executive, you have a responsibility to send the best professional message you can be successful.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (3,89 kB)
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries (March 21-April 19) Element: Fire Modality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars, Pluto Part of Body: Head, skull sinuses, jaws. Herbs: Pepper, garlic, hemp, poppy, holly, thistle, onion, fern, mustard. Stones: Bloodstone, ocher, diamond, ruby. Keywords: Self, ego, imitative, action, courageous, pioneering, adventurous, freedom-loving, independent. Business Types: Exploration, design, engineering, athletics. Aries starts off the Zodiac, and it is self-motivation that is the hallmark of this sign.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (5,35 kB)
Business Ethics
Business ethics is a form of applied ethics, a branch of philosophy. As such, it takes the ethical concepts and principles developed at a more theoretical, philsophical level, and applies them to specific business situations. Generally speaking, business ethics is a normative discipline, whereby particular ethical standards are assumed and then applied. It makes specific judgements about what is right or wrong, which is to say, it makes claims about what ought to be done or what ought not to be done. While there are some exceptions, business ethicists are usually less concerned with the foundations of ethics (metaethics), or with justifying the most basic ethical principles, and are more concerned with practical problems and applications, and any specific duties that might apply to business relationships.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6,48 kB)
About Forbo
Forbo is a global company, which employs some 5,800 people worldwide. Forbo has leading market positions with its attractive product portfolio and brand names of global reputation. Forbo strives to expand and further its existing product range and encourage innovation. The Forbo Group attaches great importance to quality assurance, quality enhancement and environmental compatibility.
People on our planet can’t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners all of that provide you with comfort and security. What choice to make? It’s up to you to decide. There are great varieties of choices available for you. If you travel for pleasure you would like by all means to enjoy picturesque places you are passing through, you would like seeing the places of interest, enjoying to sight seeing of the cities, towns and countries.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (1,63 kB)
Maisto saugos vadybos sistemos projektas. Anglų kalba. Projektas buvo pristatytas Kopenhagos universitete, Danijoje. Darbas buvo yvertintas labai gerai. Vertas dėmesio studijuojantiems maisto pramonę.
Pramonė  Referatai   (14,77 kB)
The city of London
The City of London is a small area in Greater London. The modern conurbation of London developed from the City of London and the nearby City of Westminster, which was the centre of the royal government. The City of London is now London's main financial district.
Hotels provide the vast majority of the accommodation for those traveling on business, atending conferences and exibitions or perticipating in incentives trips. In the UK hotels and guset hauses between them account for two – thirds of all business tourism accomodation. Only universities ( mainly for conferences ) and friends and family provide any other significant forms of accommodation.
Įvertinimas 8,pristatytas kolegijoje, legalios verslo formos ir valdymo struktūra. New business planners do some serious thinking about what legal form to choose for their new endeavour. This means determining what status the business will be in the eyes of the law. The choice has very important consequences.
The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).
Anglų kalba  Kursiniai darbai   (15,94 kB)
An industry is a group of businesses or corporations that produce a product or service for the profit. Because of the billions of dollars it generates, travel can certainly be categorized as an industry.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (7,78 kB)
Verslo portfolio
Bostono matrica. Kryptinės politikos matrica. Įmonės stipriųjų pusių/rinkos patrauklumo matrica. SVV pozicijų rinkoje modelio trūkumai. Portfolio naudojimas. Portfolio analizės svarba. Aptariant strateginio verslo vieneto (SVV) poziciją rinkoje, jo padėtį, lyginant su kitais konkuruojančiais SVV, naudojamas Bostono matricos modelis. Šį modelį sudarė Bostono Konsultavimo Grupė (Boston Consulting Group), todėl modelis pavadintas Bostono matrica. Modelio sudarytojai teigė, kad svarbiausi veiksniai, sąlygojantys SVV ilgo laikotarpio pelną, yra rinkos augimo tempai ir SVV užimama padėtis rinkoje.
Rinkodara  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (19 psl., 47,18 kB)
I choose subject risk and benefit of starting a new business. This topic is quite interesting for me and necessary to know how it is developing recently. It is interesting, because many people are starting their business nowadays, they want to have independence and earn a lot of money. So it is useful to read articles of people which business was and is prosperous, how they succeeded. Why people start their business? Are they exceptional? What is the risk to lose everything?
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9 psl., 19,39 kB)