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Pasirinkau šią organizaciją, nes UAB „Selita“ ir Ko prekinis ženklas „Selita“ yra seniausiai žinomas vaisvandenių prekinis vardas Lietuvoje. Be to, UAB „Selita“ ir Ko turi vieną iš moderniausių gamybos bazių Lietuvoje. Produkcijos gamybos linijos nuolat tobulinamos, perkami papildomi gamybos įrengimai, skirti naujoms produkcijos rūšims pagaminti ir t.t. Šio darbo tikslas- susipažinti su konkretaus produkto gamybos proceso technologinėmis operacijomis, darbo priemonėmis, organizacijos valdymo struktūra. Darbo uždavinys – išanalizuoti gamybos procesą, darbuotojų pasiskirstymą pagal profesijas, darbo planavimo ypatumus, aptarti darbuotojų skatinimą bei kontrolę. Mano pasirinktos įmonės asortimentą sudaro 9 gėrimų grupės. Tai energetiniai, gaivieji (gazuoti ir negazuoti) gėrimai, izotoniniai gėrimai, near water kategorijos gėrimai, kolos skonio gėrimai, šaltos arbatos skonio gėrimai, sultys ir nektarai, sirupai. Aš pasirinkau kolos skonio gėrimą „Just Cola“. Tai klasikinės kolos skonio gazuotas ir pasaldintas gaivusis gėrimas, skirtas troškuliui numalšinti. Šis produktas gaminamas iš vandens, fruktozės- gliukozės sirupo, angliarūgštės, koncentrato,dirbtinių saldiklių ir konservantų.
Vadyba  Namų darbai   (8 psl., 63,55 kB)
63 anglų topikai
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (42 psl., 53,24 kB)
Lietuvių literatūros interpretacijų įžangos. Bronius Radzevičius. Kazys Bradūnas. Vincas Mykolaitis – Putinas. Juozas Grušas. Just. Marcinkevičius. Balys Sruoga. Vincas Krėvė. Henrikas Radauskas. Vytautas Mačernis. Kristijonas Donelaitis. Maironis. Antanas Vaičiulaitis. Jonas Biliūnas. Salomėja Nėris. Antanas Škėma. Janina Degutytė. Juozas Aputis. Marija Pečkauskaitė. Romualdas Granauskas.
Lietuvių kalba  Interpretacijos   (4 psl., 15,04 kB)
Aliteracija – tikslingas priebalsių kartojimas. Pvz. : Gaisro dūmuos, degėsiuos, pro apkaso moli, / Kai dundėjimas tyla padangių plačių... K. Nastopka pažymi tos aliteracijos motyvuotumą, ryšį su turiniu: ji „tarsi imituojanti pabūklų dundesį“. Aliteracija – vienodų ar panašiai skambančių priebalsių kartojimas kalboje: „Rymo ramunėlė rudenio arimuos“ (S. Nėris).
Literatūra  Konspektai   (12 psl., 26,14 kB)
• Good things come in small packages. Here's a trick for staying satisfied without consuming large portions: Chop high-calorie foods like cheese and chocolate into smaller pieces. It will seem like you're getting more than you actually are. • Don't give up dips. If you love creamy dips and sauces, don't cut them out of your diet completely. Just use low-fat sour cream and mayo instead of the full-fat stuff. • Get water-wise. Make a habit of reaching for a glass of water instead of a high-calorie snack. It will help your overall health as well as your waistline. Add some zest with a twist of lemon or lime. • Herb it up. Stock up your spice rack, and start growing a small herb garden in your kitchen window. Spices and herbs add fantastic flavor to foods without adding fat or calories. • Slim down your soup. Make a big batch of soup and refrigerate it before you eat it. As it cools, the fat will rise to the top. Skim it off the surface for reduced fat content. • Doggie-bag that dinner. At restaurants, ask the server to put half your entrée in a doggie bag before bringing it to your table. Putting the food away before you start your meal will help you practice portion control. • Listen to your cravings. If you're craving something sweet, eat something sweet - just opt for a healthier nosh, like fruit, instead of a high-calorie one. The same goes for crunchy cravings - for example, try air-popped popcorn with soy sauce instead of high-fat tortilla chips. It's just smart substitution! • Ease your way into produce. If you're new to eating lots of fruits and veggies, start slowly. Just add them to the foods you already enjoy. Pile veggies on top of your sandwiches, or add fruit to your cereal. • Look for high-fat hints. Want an easy way to identify high-calorie entrees? Keep an eye out for these words: au gratin, parmigiana, tempura, alfredo, creamy and carbonara, and enjoy them in moderation. • Don't multitask while you eat. If you're working, reading or watching TV while you eat, you won't be paying attention to what's going into your mouth - and you won't be enjoying every bite. Every time you sit down for a meal, sit down. Chew slowly and pay attention to flavors and textures. You'll enjoy your food more and eat less. • Taste something new. Broaden your food repertoire - you may find you like more healthy foods than you knew. Try a new fruit or vegetable (ever had jicama, plantain, bok choy, starfruit or papaya?). • Leave something on your plate at every meal. One bite of bagel, half your sandwich, the bun from your burger. See if you feel satisfied eating just a bit less. • Get to know your portion sizes. It's easy to underestimate how much you're eating. Don't just estimate things - make sure. Ask how much is in a serving, read the fine print on labels, measure your food. And learn portion equivalents: One serving of pasta, for instance, should be around the size of a tennis ball. • Make a healthy substitution. Learn to swap healthier foods for their less-healthful counterparts. Find a substitution that works for you: Use skim milk instead of whole milk; make up a batch of brownie mix with applesauce instead of oil; try a whole-grain bread instead of white. • Bring lunch to work. Packing lunch will help you control your portion sizes. It also provides a good alternative to restaurants and fast-food joints, where making healthy choices every day can be challenging (not to mention expensive). • Have some dessert. You don't have to deny yourself all the time. Have a treat that brings you pleasure, but this time enjoy it guilt-free - be sure you're practicing portion control, and compensate for your indulgence by exercising a little more or by skipping your afternoon snack. • Ask for what you need. Tell your mother-in-law you don't want seconds. Ask your sweetie to stop bringing you chocolates. Speak up for the salad bar when your coworkers are picking a restaurant for lunch. Whatever you need to do to succeed at weight loss, ask for it. Make yourself a priority and assert yourself.
The Son of the Wolf
'I never saw a dog with a highfalutin' name that ever was worth a rap,' he said, as he concluded his task and shoved her aside. 'They just fade away and die under the responsibility. Did ye ever see one go wrong with a sensible name like Cassiar, Siwash, or Husky? No, sir! Take a look at Shookum here, he's Snap! The lean brute flashed up, the white teeth just missing Mason's throat. 'Ye will, will ye?' A shrewd clout behind the ear with the butt of the dog whip stretched the animal in the snow, quivering softly, a yellow slaver dripping from its fangs. 'As I was saying, just look at Shookum here- he's got the spirit. Bet ye he eats Carmen before the week's out.' 'I'll bank another proposition against that,' replied Malemute Kid, reversing the frozen bread placed before the fire to thaw. 'We'll eat Shookum before the trip is over. What d'ye say, Ruth?' The Indian woman settled the coffee with a piece of ice, glanced from Malemute Kid to her husband, then at the dogs, but vouchsafed no reply. It was such a palpable truism that none was necessary. Two hundred miles of unbroken trail in prospect, with a scant six days' grub for themselves and none for the dogs, could admit no other alternative. The two men and the woman grouped about the fire and began their meager meal. The dogs lay in their harnesses for it was a midday halt, and watched each mouthful enviously. 'No more lunches after today,' said Malemute Kid. 'And we've got to keep a close eye on the dogs- they're getting vicious. They'd just as soon pull a fellow down as not, if they get a chance.' 'And I was president of an Epworth once, and taught in the Sunday school.' Having irrelevantly delivered himself of this, Mason fell into a dreamy contemplation of his steaming moccasins, but was aroused by Ruth filling his cup. 'Thank God, we've got slathers of tea! I've seen it growing, down in Tennessee. What wouldn't I give for a hot corn pone just now! Never mind, Ruth; you won't starve much longer, nor wear moccasins either.' The woman threw off her gloom at this, and in her eyes welled up a great love for her white lord- the first white man she had ever seen- the first man whom she had known to treat a woman as something better than a mere animal or beast of burden. 'Yes, Ruth,' continued her husband, having recourse to the macaronic jargon in which it was alone possible for them to understand each other; 'wait till we clean up and pull for the Outside. We'll take the White Man's canoe and go to the Salt Water. Yes, bad water, rough water- great mountains dance up and down all the time. And so big, so far, so far away- you travel ten sleep, twenty sleep, forty sleep'- he graphically enumerated the days on his fingers- 'all the time water, bad water. Then you come to great village, plenty people, just the same mosquitoes next summer. Wigwams oh, so high- ten, twenty pines. Hi-yu skookum!'
Rape a women
This is just one out of millions stories of rape. Several books can be written describing the stories of rape and many more volumes about the feelings of the raped women. Every day newspapers are full of reports of rape. People are scared. We know the definition of rape, but very few know what a victim feels. The act of not being able to choose what you want to do with your very own body is a violation in itself. No one understands that feeling until it happens. It is like knowing that you are going to get into a car accident, seeing the other vehicle approaching, not being able to stop it, but it lasting much, much longer. We are taught that we can choose how to live, but in case of raping we can not do anyhing at all, just wait until the end: end of the act or end of life… “I know that I will never, ever be the same person again. In fact, after it happened, I asked both my daughter and my sister if I looked different. Because I have changed so much, it must be on my face”, -says a raped 49-year woman. There are many explanations of a crime, its reasons and the effects on the victim. The view towards the causes of a rape changed over centuries. But almost all theories, no matter how old are they and their authors have one common trait: they blame the criminal and emphasize that he has some psychical disorders. Actually, there is a question: who is a victim: a raped woman or a rapist. They both are victims. The impact of rape on the victims emtional health appears to be huge. Several studies have found that during the first six months after rape, women show high levels of depression, anxiety, dismay and many other indicators of emotional distress. Some women manage to cope with it, fight and repair their lives. But the rapist cannot. He is not normal. A normal man cannot do such horrible things with so sad circumstances just for such a short pleasure. S. Brownmiller, a feminist, claims that the main motive of rape is a man’s asspiration to control and predominate over woman. Psychologists support this idea and claim that a rapist had problems in communicating in early childhood and he can not have close relationship with people. He is very lonely and repulsed and that is why he wants revenge. This theory also explains why he chooses women: physically women are weaker than men and there is much more chance to suceed. Statistical data show that the majority of the rapists feel that they are of little value. That is why they want to show their strenght and choose not very self-confident, weak and young women ( the most common age is 16-25 years). I ask a victim of a rape: “Was he normal?”. She is shocked by such a stupid question: “Normal? That bastard is sick. He was not a human. He was worse than an animal”. The biological theory explains that rapists are born with the savage instincts of wild animals. A bent for aggression and other crimes is inherited and lots of evidence is found. Christiansen’s research shows that if one of the monozygotic twins is a criminal, it is predictible that the other one will be a criminal as well. One more scientifically prooved explanation is related with internal inhibitions and controls. Only very few rapists are irresponsible for their actions. But the majority of criminals do not have such internal inhibitions and values as normal people do. Psychologists assert that internal controls are not develoveloped because of deficient or deviant values of a person. It is obvious that a man with strong and right values does not even think of such a humiliation of an innocent woman and of ruining her life. Only the one who thinks that it is quite normal to take by force from a woman what in normal conditions she can give to a man, can rape and after that feel almost normally or just feel nothing. And this leads to the only conclusion- he is not like the majority, he is not normal. Psychoanalytic theory, which also says that rapists are not normal people, was developed by Zigmund Freud. He says that the Superego (or the conscience) of rapists is not strong enough to contervale the wild inborn instincts of the Id. S.Freud claims that the sexual instinct is the most powerful in people’s decisions, but the Superego manages to control it. But when the Superego is weak, man can listen to his wild instinct to satisfy the sexual wish to have sex with any woman right here and right now. This disorder is very dangerous both to that individual and for society. Freud treats such men as not normal, but curable. But rape is not just a sexual intercause, but a physical injury as well. About seventy percent of rape is combined with severe injuries. Thanks God that just a little part is followed by death. There are such sadistic rapists who keep their victims for several days, no matter wheather she has children, hwo are waiting for their mother to return home. One married woman was taken from her own home and beaten and raped for seven days. Were they normal? It is up to You to decide. A normal man is ashamed to beat a woman at all. And here four “normal” men beat and rape a married woman for several days and do not care that her baby is waiting for his sweetest mummy. What do those men get for such actions? Ten orgasms and an opportunity to train their muscles? Was it worth the trouble? They think so, because they are deviants. Some men are such devils that they rape their own children and wives- the most precious people in their lives. The worst word in the world would be too kind for them. And for rape they are inprisoned only for eight to fifteen years. But the question is why they aren’t sentenced by capital punishment. They come out of prison and rape again. Another kind of rape is so-called “date rapes”. Such rapists are deviant in few aspects: they do not understand the meaning of a very simple word “No” ; and they feel satisfaction in having sex with a woman who may be screaming, crying, trying to escape… The main difference from the simple rapists is that they rarely beat their victim. But this is not a big comfort to the victim. A rapist can be anyone: a father, a grandfather, an uncle, a neighbour, a son… It would be good if physical appearance of the rapists would differ from the appearance of normal men. But it does not. Only psychics differ greatly: the men who can rape women have very serious problems in communicating with people, feel that they are of little value, do not have internal inhibitions and controls. The rapists are not like other men- they are not normal.
A blue Christmas
It was Christmas Eve and Mrs. Wilson, an elderly woman, was sitting in her rocking chair, listening to Christmas carols on her radio. This was a family tradition that went on for many, many years. Christmas just wasn't Christmas in the Wilson household without listening to carols on the radio. "Oh my!" she sighed. "I'm so lonely. I wish my son, Paul were here to share Christmas with me!" Mrs. Wilson lived alone in a small apartment. This particular Christmas was very rough on her. Normally, Christmas was spent with Paul, his wife Nelly, and their son Johnny. However, this could not happen this Christmas. Paul had lost his wife and son in a car accident earlier that fall. It was a very difficult time for Mrs. Wilson, but especially for Paul. Oh how he had loved his wife and child! A few days ago, Mrs. Wilson had called her son to ask him to join her for Christmas. "Ma, I can't," Paul had told her. "I miss them so terribly. I keep expecting them to show up at the doorstep." "Oh Paul," cried Mrs. Wilson. "I know this is difficult for you, but do you honestly think that you should be alone at a time like this." "I don't know," said Paul. "Right now, yeah, I do think that being alone is the answer." "Well dear," she replied sadly. "If you change your mind, I'll be here." "Thanks Ma," said Paul. "And, Ma, Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas to you too, son," said Mrs. Wilson. The radio program was just finishing up for the night. Mrs. Wilson, yawning, got up and turned it off. "The radio program just wasn't the same this year," she sighed as she went into her bedroom. "It's just not the same without Paul, Nelly and Johnny. I sure wish Paul would change his mind." Later that night, she was awakened by a strange sound coming from her living room. Quickly, she grabbed her house coat and went to see what was going on. There, standing by the Christmas tree, with his arms full of presents, was Paul. "Oh Paul!" cried Mrs. Wilson. "I'm so glad to see you." She embraced her son as tightly as she could. "I just got to thinking that maybe being alone wasn't the right thing," said Paul. "After all, aren't we supposed to spend Christmas with family." "Yes, dear, we are," said Mrs. Wilson, happily. "I'm so glad you came." "You know," said Paul. "I'm glad I did too." "Can I get you something to eat, Paul?" asked Mrs. Wilson. "I have some apple pie and ice-cream." "Now that sounds good," said Paul. "Come to think of it, I'm starved." Mrs. Wilson dished Paul out a heaping dish full of homemade apple pie and a huge serving of vanilla ice-cream.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (4,14 kB)
Pateikiamos tokių terminų reikšmės: alegorija, aliteracija, aliuzija, anotacija, antonomazija, apybraiža, apsakymas, veikėjas, trioletas, tragikomedija, tragedija, toninė eilėdara, tercina, tema, stilius, sonetas, siužetas, sinonimas, silabinė eilėdara, satyra, sarkazmas, sakmė, romansas, romanas, ritmas, rimas, remarka, rauda, prologas, problema, poema, personifikacija, perifrazė, patosas, patetika, pasakėčia, paralelizmas, parafrazė, paradoksas, parodija, paralelizmai, palyginimas, pakartojimas, padavimas, onomatopėja, oksimoronas, odė, nutylėjimas, novelė, nirvana, monologas ir kt.
Lietuvių kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (7 psl., 24,22 kB)
Though we have a comprehensive site on the Pyramids of Egypt, this is a summary overview for those who would like to digest just a little less information. The Great Pyramids of Giza are some of the most famous manmade objects in the world, and they have been famous since ancient times. In fact, the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) is the only "Wonder of the Ancient World" that still survives.
Istorija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (3 psl., 43,39 kB)
Logistika – pagrindinis elementas tiekimo grandinėje. Savalaikė logistikos sistema – konkurencinis pranašumas. Materialiniai srautai. Materialiniai srautai gamybinėse operacijose. Materialiniai srautai negamybinėse operacijose. Pardavimų, marketingo ir logistikos integracija. Pirmos pakopos struktūra. Antros pakopos struktūra. Trečios pakopos struktūra. Ketvirtos pakopos struktūra. Penktos pakopos struktūra. Integruotos logistikos kontrolė. Tarpiniai organizacijos projektavimo faktoriai. Centralizacija prieš decentralizacija. Strateginis požiūris prieš operatyvųjį. Linijinis ar personalo valdymas. Valdžios delegavimas. Integruotos logistikos atskyrimas. Integruotos logistikos veiklos valdymas. Just-in-time. Logistikos sistemos elementai. Bendrųjų kaštų skaičiavimas. Logistinės paslaugos. Logistinio aptarnavimo poveikis klientui. Paslaugos lygio nustatymas. Logistikos poveikis kitiems tiekimo grandinės dalyviams.
Logistika  Referatai   (31 psl., 52,44 kB)
Kristijonas Donelaitis. Maironis. Jonas Biliūnas. Šatrijos Ragana. Vaižgantas. Vincas Krėvė. Balys Sruoga. Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas. Salomėja Nėris. Antanas Vaičiulaitis. Henrikas Radauskas. Antanas Škėma. Justinas Marcinkevičius. Juozas Aputis. Romualdas Granauskas. Saulius Šaltenis. Bitė Vilimaitė. Vanda Juknaitė. Judita Vaičiūnaitė. Marcelijus Martinaitis. Sigitas Geda. Nijolė Miliauskaitė. Tomas Venclova.
Lietuvių kalba  Konspektai   (8 psl., 53,02 kB)
London is packed full of accommodation options. You can stay in a five-star hotel, an intimate B&B (Bed & Breakfast), a self-catering apartment or a quality hostel. There is no shortage of beds and even in the luxurious and fashionable areas you might find something to suit your price range. Type of Room Double rooms, single rooms, twin rooms, family rooms… the choice can be overwhelming. Just know that London’s hotels offer a range of standard room configurations. Your hotel or B&B might offer simple singles and twins or may stretch to luxurious suites covering hundreds of square feet.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,49 kB)
William Shakespeare Biography describes the life of William Shakespeare. From birth to death, Shakespeare Biography describes all that is known about Shakespeare's life from available documentation including court and church records, marriage certificates and criticisms by Shakespeare's rivals.Shakespeare (1564-1616): Who was he? Though William Shakespeare is recognized as one of literature’s greatest influences, very little is actually known about him.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (5,26 kB)
A blue Christmas
It was Christmas Eve and Mrs. Wilson, an elderly woman, was sitting in her rocking chair, listening to Christmas carols on her radio. This was a family tradition that went on for many, many years. Christmas just wasn't Christmas in the Wilson household without listening to carols on the radio. "Oh my!" she sighed. "I'm so lonely. I wish my son, Paul were here to share Christmas with me!" Mrs. Wilson lived alone in a small apartment.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,96 kB)
Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. Nickname Leo. Height 5' 11" (1.80 m). Mini biography. His name allegedly derives from his German mother Irmalin's having experienced a sudden kick from her unborn boy while enjoying a DaVinci painting at the Uffizi. In the year following his birth, she and his Italian father, George, were divorced. He grew up in Echo Park, then a particularly seedy, drug-dominated area of Los Angeles.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (5,36 kB)
William Bradley Pitt. Height 5' 11" (1.80 m). Mini biography Brad Pitt was born in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane. His father, Bill, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. At Kickapoo High School, Pitt was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. Pitt attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism with a focus on advertising.
Anglų kalba
Everyone wants to live clean, nice and tidy. We like to look at somewhere and say: “What a niece place! How wonderful! Just like in heaven!”. But what are we doing to make the surrounding like this? To my mind just nothing… On the contrary – we do much more to destroy our environment. Living conditions in the world are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from factories are polluting the air, trees are cutting down, and streets are full rubbish and grime. Furthermore rivers are being polluted by chemicals from factories too.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,89 kB)
Crime in Lithuania
Nowadays crime is very associated with our modern world. Unfortunately, it’s not as safe as we would like to be so we must do everything we can in order to improve our own safety. Crime is a very serious problem in nowadays Lithuania. The criminal situation in my country is much worse than in other western European countries. It’s quite difficult to feel safe late at night or even in the evening in the streets as you can simply be mugged. Much more dangerous can be walking in the streets alone also in the evening, so people are advised to go by cars instead of walking alone and not to have a lot of expensive things such as mobile phones, cameras, watches, huge amounts of cash or other valuable things which might catch the offenders eye.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,05 kB)
What exactly is a U.F.O? Where do they come from? What do they want from us? Well, a UFO is an unusual airborne object that cannot be identified, even after an expert examination. 90 Percent of these reports are either Hoaxes, Conventional objects, or some poor person going insane. The other 10 percent is considered UFO enigma. [II] History: The data of the first UFO sighting is not known. Some researchers say that UFO sightings date back to ancient times. There is no evidence for this speculation, so it is just a thought.
Delivery of speech
It is known that public speaking is a transaction between you and your audience. Just as the language you choose for your message should reflect the nature of your audience, so too should your delivery. Specifically, we discuss choosing an appropriate method of delivery, adapting to diverse audiences, and adapting delivery to the speech occasion.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9,62 kB)
I would like to start my individual project with describing of Vilnius Castle Complex. I have been living not far away and can wonder time, when I see it. How beautiful and interesting it is! The Vilnius Castle Complex is a group of defensive, cultural and religious buildings on the left bank of the Neris River, near the inflow the Vilnia River, in Vilnius.
Gavau 10. Diana Spencer nickname Lady Di born: July 1st, 1961 birthplace of: Sandringham (Norfolk - England) parents: John Edward Spencer (1924-1992) Lady Frances Spencer (1936) divorced since 1969 sisters and brothers: Sarah, Jane, Charles length: 1.77 m weight: unknown colour of eyes: blue colour of hair: blond residence: Kensington Palace in London marriage: On July 29th Lady Diana married Prince Charles.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (24,52 kB)
Dialogai, kuriuos tenka kalbėti įskaitos metu, temos iš egzaminų programos.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (3,48 kB)
Samuel M. Thompson „The Nature of Philosophy“. The book was published in January, 1961 Monmouth, Illinois. Samuel M. Thompson- a member of Monmouth College. In Monmouth Colleg‘s faculty he became chairman of the Philosophy Department. His first book, A Modern Philosophy of Religion, as well as his second book, The Nature of Philosophy, became widely used in many colleges and universities.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,4 kB)
Media have a tremendous influence on family life. Consider that 99 percent of U.S. homes have a television. Ninety-eight percent have radios, and 69 percent have computers. Just sixty years ago the invention of the television was viewed as a technological curiosity with small black and white ghost-like figures on a screen so hardly anyone could see them. Today that curiosity has become a constant companion to many, mainly – children.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (6,03 kB)
In ancient times, commercial and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii. Egyptians used papyrus to create sales messages and wall posters.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (20,72 kB)
Palyginimas darželių, mokyklų ir rebilitacijos klinikos Norvegijoje ir Lietuvoje. Darbas pristatytas Agderio universitete Norvegijoje.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (8,8 kB)
Kalbėjimas tema "Can we really lear to be happy". Turėtų ypač praversti žmonėms, kurie mokosi iš vadovėlio "Matrix. Upper-intermediate", nes tai kalbėjimo tema iš Unit 2.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 3,32 kB)
Pagalba ruošiantis anglų kalbos egzamino kalbėjimo daliai.
Lietuvių kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (8 psl., 19,36 kB)