Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

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Paslaugos samprata. Produkto savybių ir vartotojų pasitenkinimo ryšys. Paslaugų ir prekių marketingo skirtumai. Paslaugų marketingo kompleksas. Vartotojų tipai ir pagrindiniai vartotojų elgsenos bruožai. Elektroninės bankininkystės situacija . Elektroninės bankininkystės teikiamas produktas. Telebanko paslaugos vartotojai ir teikėjai . Telebanko teikimo procesas ir fizinė paslaugos teikimo aplinka. Telebanko rėmimo kompleksas. Telebanko paslaugos teikimo vieta. Telebanko paslaugos kainodara. Telebanko paslaugos kokybės matavimo kriterijai.
Administravimas  Kursiniai darbai   (36 psl., 78,76 kB)
Teatras-meninės išraiškos prieminė,išorinio ir vidinio pasaulio įvykių atvaizdavimas scenoje,dalyvaujant artistams bei publikai. Antikoje teatras buvo rengiamas Dioniso garbei. Dionisas-senovės graikų vynuogių,vyndarystės,ekstazės dievas. Teatro dramos rūšys:
 Komedija-persirengeliai,nešvankios dainos. Komedijos tėvu yra laikomas Aristofanas. Tragedija-įvairūs dievą Dionisą šlovinančios dainos.Tragedijos tėvu yra laikomas Aischilas.
Lietuvių kalba  Projektai   (18 psl., 1,43 MB)
Vocabulary. Definitions of key vocabulary. The means of marketing. Advertising. Advantages and disadvantages of major advertising media. Formulating of the advertising message. The role of the advertising in the promotional mix. Advertising as persuasion. Marketing influences and often actually controls almost every part of company's activities. Everyone who works for the company must “think marketing”. To think marketing we must understand in the right way what is the marketing concept.
Rinkodara  Konspektai   (32 psl., 212,25 kB)
Who was in charge of judging Bad Design and how different were their takes? Focusing on three main figures within Victorian Design Culture: Pugin, Ruskin and Morris. The three most prominent Victorian architects and designers Ruskin, Morris and Pugin influenced and defined both the architecture and art of the Victorian period. Their ideas of beauty and correctness followed many strict rules, which have been established as the most influential and architectural structures of the Victorian Age.
Dailė  Referatai   (4,66 kB)
Singapore founded as a British trading colony in 1819, Singapore joined Malaysia in 1963, but withdrew two years later and became independent. It subsequently became one of the world's most prosperous countries, with strong international trading links (its port is one of the world's busiest) and with per capita GDP equal to that of the leading nations of Western Europe. Singapore is a city-country, locating in the south of Malaya.
Geografija  Namų darbai   (6,35 kB)
Bill Gates
William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is the co-founder, chairman, and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest software company (as of April 2006). He is also the founder of Corbis, a digital image archiving company. Gates is the wealthiest individual in the world according to the Forbes 2006 list. When family wealth is considered, he is second behind the Walton family, which The Sunday Times represents by Robson Walton.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,21 kB)
William Bradley Pitt. Height 5' 11" (1.80 m). Mini biography Brad Pitt was born in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane. His father, Bill, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. At Kickapoo High School, Pitt was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. Pitt attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism with a focus on advertising.
Where was the famous poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe born? Where were German emperors crowned? Why do Frankfurt's traditional apple wine glasses carry such a unique pattern? Which is the tallest skyscraper in Europe? Where does the European Central Bank have its headquarters? Frankfurt's superbly trained and certified tour guides present our wonderful city in a total of 20 languages.
Lithuania is a small piece of land at the Baltic Sea in the geographical centre of Europe. On the map of Europe Lithuania can hardly catch your attention, because its area is only 65,000 sq. km. The borders of our country stretch for more than 1800 km. In the North it borders Latvia, in the East and in the South Belorussia, in the South - West Poland and the Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (16,48 kB)
The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).
Anglų kalba  Kursiniai darbai   (15,94 kB)
The media shows us millions pictures of "beautiful" people and gives us a lot of “lessons” on how to make ourselves more attractive: how to have better hair, better teeth, better makeup or a better body. Take any fashion magazine and you will see that almost every fashion advertisement company there uses a thin model who looks happy because she has bright skin, new lipstick, beautiful clothes or because she lost her weight because of some new magic pills. Have you seen an overweight male or female appear in the advertisement?
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,18 kB)
Charles Dickens
Įvertintas 9. he Greatest of Victorian writers English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (6,77 kB)
Style in letter
Tai vienuolika skirtingomis temomis parašytų rašinėlių, kurie pravers besiruošiant anglų kalbos egzaminams ar kalbėjimo įskaitoms.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (10,77 kB)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is about a young boy, Huck, in search of freedom and adventure.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (11,73 kB)
Pagrindinės finansavimo taisyklės. Finansinis lizingas kaip verslo finansavimo būdas. Finansai ir jų sąveika su kitomis ekonominėmis kategorijomis. Kapitalo esmė ir taupymas. Įstatinis kapitalas (IK). Privalomas (PKRF) ir atsargos (AKRF) kapitalo rezervo fondai. Pelno rezervo fondas (PRF). Finansinių rinkų (FR) tipai. Finansinių sandėrių tipai. Finansų galimybės. Valstybės finansinė politika. Finansų kontrolės supratimas. Akcinės komanditinės bendrijos. . Įstatinio fondo (kapitalo) pirminiai šaltiniai ir jų panaudojimas. Finansinis aspektas įmonių pagrindinių fondų vertės apytakoje. Visuomeninių susivienijimų finansai.
Finansai  Konspektai   (41 psl., 65,33 kB)