Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 294 rezultatai

Popular music
. I’m not saying all pop fans are closed minded to the point where they listen to the music genre that is currently trendy in hopes of it helping them position themselves socially. I’m also not denying the fact, people like that are out there. In most cases, I think people listen to pop because for some reason they’re not involved in another music scene, so it’s all they know exists. Record labels systematically chose who they want to sign, and then promote them to the public. Therefore, they have an enormous influence on what music America and many other countries listen to. This is bad news because corporate promoters don’t just go out looking for talent to sign to their label regardless of what kind of music it is attached to. Companies use statistics to determine what they think will sell, and sign whoever fits the right criteria. They don’t bother looking for artists who aren’t playing what’s hot; they want bands playing the sound they know sells. Labels also want bands with catchy songs, and I don’t know about you but I think catchy giggles are for advertisements. Real musicians have to be careful where they put their signature, because any one who takes them self seriously wouldn’t stand for a company who censers their art. Also you may have noticed TV is now just as much a source of music as radio, so you better be an attractive conformist if you want to be promoted as an artist in the business of pop music. MTV, without doubt, plays a major role in how generic popular music has become. Obviously the birth of music videos gave big business a chance to sell music to the other four senses. The real opportunity for MTV to cash in on the music industry wasn’t just picking up their crumbs. Just luring in those people whose ears are uninterested in music with flashy colors and shiny things is no longer their motive. Quickly MTV figured out eye candy doesn’t sell nearly as well as the fantasy life the right image can supply. There is nothing wrong with having an image, everyone portrays an image whether they like it or not. In this case the problem is, MTV uses image to sell a product where image should be considered irrelevant. The effect of doing this is closing the viewers’ minds; it causes people to listen to music only on the expressional level.
How carefully are you with money? Do you like saving? If yes, for what purpose? Is it good to have a part — time job in order to get some money? Does everything depend on money? What is money? Is it just a paper note or something more? Is it the root of evil or is it good? Can we live without it? Does everything depend on it? There are questions which everybody would ask differently. Money is just a paper note but world doesn’t go round without it. Pessimist would say that money is the evil which makes arguments between friends, makes wars, kills people and destroys everybody’s souls. That’s true but that’s also just the one side of the truth. Maybe money is the evil but it is also good because everything depends on it. If I were a millionaire I would live without problems and I wouldn’t need to think how to pay my dues, I wouldn’t have to put by money in order to have enough food. This means that money allows living well — off. But it is needless to say that humanity disappears when there is too much money, and egoism takes place of humanity. So what can we do if we want to have plenty of money and don’t be lost to sense of humanity? We need to do work honestly and to save our money. To star with I’m very carefully with my money. It’s very good always to have it, because when I have enough money I don’t go out of my mind even if there happens something to me. There isn’t necessary to borrow from somebody, too. That’s because I always think about my future and I never know what will happen to me, too. Basically I put by money for purpose to feel safe. And maybe you feel like you don’t know how I manage to save money being a teenager. Well, I get a pocket money from my mother everyday. I don’t spend all of them so I put by twenty pounds per month. That’s not a big amount but that’s enough for me. I think that there would be better to get more, but that’s not a necessity. Apart from this I bay clothes from the second — hand shops and accessories from sale. It helps me to save a lot of money. On the one hand if I didn’t save it I would borrow some from somebody. But that’s not a good idea because I feel really bad being in debt. I don’t like to borrow and also I don’t like to lend, too. However, it would be great to have a part — time job in order to get some money. In my opinion every man should try to find a right way how to earn some extra money. They should stop putting the blame on life for injustice. Saying the truth I dream of perfect graduation that I would be able to get a good job in order to earn a lot of money. And I don’t want that there would be heavy fall of rain of money. I just want to share my future life by myself. I believe in a dream that’s why I keep trying and do my best to realize it. To sum up I want to say that money is a lubricous thing. You must be very carefully with it because you never know what can happen in the future. And although money is the root of evil but we couldn’t live without it. And also it smells good.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6,89 kB)
Life and death
Though less is known about death. All we know is that the body stops functioning. And no one knows what comes after that, what happens with person’s mind and spirit. Or maybe nothing happens, human existence just ends at the moment of death. So far it is everyone’s business to believe in life after death or not. But there is one question that can be discussed about death: is it meaningful or not? One can say that the one who believes in life after death will give the meaning to it and on the contrary – the one who does not – will not give the meaning to it. But there are people who do not believe in life after death. They even do not know if they believe in something at all and death is something mysterious, something important in human’s life even for them. Why death is so important in human’s life? Is it important? Before answering these questions I checked in the Internet hoping to find something about death. I looked for information in Academic Search Elite and Academic Search Premier databases and found over 20.000 pages related to this theme. Of course, not all of them were only about death itself, some of them where about death of some famous person, but the numbers speak. People talk about it, and if they talk about it – they care about it, it is important for them. However, why others think that it is just “an awful, stinking, absurd horror, and there is no way of giving it meaning”? There may be a lot of reasons and I would like to mention some of them. Let us look at the world history and especially the World War I, World War II and other tragedies. Dead people were buried all together without coffins, without priests (if a man was religious), without any attention. Of course, there were such circumstances – economic situation was bad, no time for normal funeral (have to fight), lots of unknown dead people. The death lost it’s mysteriousness, sacral meaning. Therefore some people think of death if it was only the end of bodies functioning. Though no man can judge them because no-one knows if there is something after death. Everyone knows for sure that the body begins to fall to pieces, begins to putrefy, to stink after death. This is also a reason to think as Rollo May does. But we should think from the other point of view. Every man’s death makes his relatives, friends, acquaintances feel bad, sad, or at least uncomfortable. Some of them say that they miss the person, feel lonely without him. Maybe it can be called egoism, but still person’s death does not pass through without consequences. It makes us stop for a second and think about the eternal questions of life and death. Yet another reason for such thinking could be the fear of death. When people are afraid of something they usually ignore or deny it. Some of them do not even think about it. In this situation a person who thinks so do not want to have any relationships with death and therefore deny it, give no meaning to it. And as the folk wisdom speaks – the roots of fear hide in ignorance. The meaning of death also shows burying traditions. Our ancients showed respect to a dead man by putting expensive clothes, things, animals and even humans to graves. They believed in life after death and emphasized it with great ceremonies. When Catholicism came to our culture burying traditions have changed but nevertheless it remained very important in humans’ life cycle. It proves the importance of priest’s participation in funeral. I have already mentioned World Wars. As it is the tragedy of the whole mankind, we can not judge about significance of death from this point of view. Nowadays things change very fast and it is hard to decide how people think about things. By the way Andrew Greeley said: “since the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe there has been a significant increase in religious faith in Hungary, Slovenia, East Germany, and the Soviet Union, particularly in matters of religious faith like belief in God, life after death, heaven, hell, and religious miracles.” (Society, Mar/Apr2001, Vol. 38 Issue 3, p32, 6p). Proving this I should say I was surprised one day by the Mass in the Catholic Church – there were lots of young people, they were singing, it looked as if they liked it very much to be in church, to participate in Mass. It was no doubt for me that they really believe in God who says that death is an important period in human’s existence. But there is another question about believing in God and meaningful death. It happens very often that a man who lost his friend, beloved person in early childhood when his faith in something was just beginning to develop does not believe in God, hates death because of some unfairness, offense. He can not go to a funeral, he laughs at those who suffer because of somebody’s death. He says he does not understand people who give some meaning to death. But it is just a defensive reaction. He denies death because he does not want to remember early childhood’s horrible experience. Lately I have been to a couple of funerals. People who died were not very close to me. Still their death touched me. As I looked at dead people’s relatives, friends I realized that this event is very hard to experience. It seemed that they lost the ground under their feet, they looked so lost as if they did not know how they were going to live any longer. But still in such a sad situation they believed that for a man who died will be easier to live “there”. They wanted to say goodbye to their friend, relative and I even heard one woman saying that she hopes to see him in the better world. That was the most convincing argument that she believes in the meaning of death. I would like to say that nobody should give up in believing in life after death. People should believe in death as in a one step in the better human’s life. In nowadays when social, economic conditions are very unfavorable old people who have to little time to change something must have hope in case they could live their last days cheerfully, hopefully. But it is one problem with it – people are too afraid in death. Let us cope with this problem, let us give a hopeful meaning to death and let us live more joyful!
15 anglų kalbos tekstų kalbėjimui.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (5 psl., 15,04 kB)
Pateikiama šių autorių įžangos interpretacijoms: B. Radzevičiaus, Kazio Bradūno, Vinco Mykolaičio Putino, Juozo Grušo, Justino Marcinkevičiaus, Balio Sruogos, Vinco Krėvės, Šatrijos Raganos, Romualdo Granausko, Juozo Apučio, Janinos Degutytės, Antano Škėmos, Salomėjos Nėries, Jono Biliūno, Antano Vaičiulaičio, Maironio, Kristijono Donelaičio, Vytauto Mačernio, Henriko Radausko
Lietuvių kalba  Paruoštukės   (1 psl., 12,3 kB)
Vocabulary. Definitions of key vocabulary. The means of marketing. Advertising. Advantages and disadvantages of major advertising media. Formulating of the advertising message. The role of the advertising in the promotional mix. Advertising as persuasion. Marketing influences and often actually controls almost every part of company's activities. Everyone who works for the company must “think marketing”. To think marketing we must understand in the right way what is the marketing concept.
Rinkodara  Konspektai   (32 psl., 212,25 kB)
Alcohol can play a major part in many people's social lives. That's why it's easy to forget that it's actually a very powerful drug. Technically speaking, it's a depressant which means it slows down your body's responses in all kinds of ways. Just enough can make you feel great, too much and it's all over.
Biologija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 4,43 kB)
Any examination of the history of the EV inevitably asks the question: "Why were they overtaken in popularity by gasoline -powered vehicles?" Let me take a few paragraphs to give you my opinion as to why electric vehicles have lost the war of numbers to their petrol - powered cousins and get this question out of the way. There is no one simple answer, but many facts contributed to the rise of the internal combustion engine and decline of the electric motor for the primacy of driving on road transportation.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6 psl., 23 kB)
Gramatikos taisyklės: Types of Questions, Writing a Letter, Modal Verbs, Writing a Paragraph, the English Tenses in the Active Voice, the English Tenses in the Passive Voice, a Letter of Complaint, the Usage of the Article in English, the Adjective, the Noun, Linking Words/Phrases, Conditional Sentences, Wishes, the Gerund.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (19 psl., 32,46 kB)
The Aim is to make a review on scientific literature. The Problem of the report is: The main causes of suicide; people’s condition who usually make it. Research methods used: I used closed questions because they allow respondents to answer the question very quickly, not using much time. In reason that findings would be more reliable I choose random sample. The majority of my respondents were students. There were 25 respondents, 68% of them were females and 32% males. The average of their age was 20.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,91 kB)
Lithuania is situated on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea and borders Latvia on the north, Belarus on the east and south, and Poland and the Kaliningrad region of Russia on the southwest. It is a country of gently rolling hills, many forests, rivers and streams, and lakes. Its principal natural resource is agricultural land. Government. Parliamentary democracy. History. The Liths, or Lithuanians, united in the 12th century under the rule of Mindaugas, who became king in 1251.
Geografija  Referatai   (9,82 kB)
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries (March 21-April 19) Element: Fire Modality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars, Pluto Part of Body: Head, skull sinuses, jaws. Herbs: Pepper, garlic, hemp, poppy, holly, thistle, onion, fern, mustard. Stones: Bloodstone, ocher, diamond, ruby. Keywords: Self, ego, imitative, action, courageous, pioneering, adventurous, freedom-loving, independent. Business Types: Exploration, design, engineering, athletics. Aries starts off the Zodiac, and it is self-motivation that is the hallmark of this sign.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (5,35 kB)
Flat or house
During the short time of period I would like top speak about what is better to live in a flat or in a house. I will try to consider good and bad points about living in both. Also I will try to express my opinion what is better flat or a house and opinion about what is the future perspectives on accommodation in Lithuania. And finally I will try to give you short summarize about all my speech.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,46 kB)
Referatas VU. Įvertinimas 10. Labai geras darbas. Language studies traditionally have emphasized verbal and written language, but in the late dozens of years have begun to consider communication that takes place without words. In some types of...
Where was the famous poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe born? Where were German emperors crowned? Why do Frankfurt's traditional apple wine glasses carry such a unique pattern? Which is the tallest skyscraper in Europe? Where does the European Central Bank have its headquarters? Frankfurt's superbly trained and certified tour guides present our wonderful city in a total of 20 languages.
The major basketball team Statyba was established in 1964 in the Soviet Union. That team managed to win Bronze medals in 1979 at the Soviet Union championship. In 1997 it was renamed Lietuvos Rytas Statyba, then just Lietuvos Rytas as the club was bought by major Lithuanian newspaper Lietuvos Rytas. Investitions made the club to be one of two best clubs of Lithuania, the other being BC Žalgiris from second largest city Kaunas.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (3,81 kB)
Present Simple – everyday/year, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, always, never, at weekends, on Mondays …Po when, as, while, before, after, as soon as, until, if; taip pat po who, which, that pgr. sakinys būsimasis, o šalutinis būtinai esamasis. Present Continuous (to be talking) – now, at the(this) moment; su įsiterpusiais always, constantly, for ever. Present perfect (to have talked) – just, already, yet, lately, recently, so far, ever, never, before. Baigtam veiksmui su today, this morning/afternoon/evening/week/month/year, kai jie reiškia nepasibaigųsį laiką. Nepasibaigusiam veiksmui su for ir since.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,32 kB)
B. Radzevičius
B. Radzevičius yra iškiliausias penktojo dešimtmečio kartos rašytojas. Suėmęs tradicinius epopėjinius romano elementus (gausūs aprašymai, dienoraščių citatos), B. Radzevičiaus kūrinys juda į vieną magnetinį centrą – kaip kaimo aplinkoje, kolektyviniame žmonių buvime, nuo pat kūdikystės dienų formuojasi būsimo literato asmenybė, jo pažinimo resursai, pojūčiai jautrumas, vertybių nuovoka, perskaitytų knygų atverti horizontai , noras pačiam prabilti. Herojus siekia pajusti save kaip tėvynės, gimtinės, giminės žmogų ir kaip autonomišką asmenybę, laisvą kūrėją.
Anglų kalbos temos
Personal identification I’m Darius. I was born in 1978 on the 21th of February in Kaunas. I don’t remember anything about the weather that day, but I know that it was about 2:30 p.m. I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a brother. When I was a child I can't say, that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (15,57 kB)
Almost everyone in Lithuania has a Christmas tree in their home which is decorated with electric lights and ornaments purchased in the store. There are some people who still follow the old traditions and use hand crafted ornaments to decorate the tree. It is done especially if the family has little children who like to make ornaments from paper or something else in order to put them on the branches of the tree.
Hawaii is a group of islands located in the centre of the Pacific Ocean that became the 50th state of the United States of America in 1959. The 130 islands are of volcanic origin. Only seven of the eight major islands are inhibated :Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Hawaii's Big Island… GEOGRAPHY Hawaii is the most remote island chain in the world, over 2,000 miles from the nearest landfall. Distance makes for splendid isolation - these Polynesian islands are removed from all else but one another.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (7,33 kB)
The media shows us millions pictures of "beautiful" people and gives us a lot of “lessons” on how to make ourselves more attractive: how to have better hair, better teeth, better makeup or a better body. Take any fashion magazine and you will see that almost every fashion advertisement company there uses a thin model who looks happy because she has bright skin, new lipstick, beautiful clothes or because she lost her weight because of some new magic pills. Have you seen an overweight male or female appear in the advertisement?
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,18 kB)
Williams syndrome
The most important treasure for peoples is health. Every body knows that, every body repeats it thousands of times. For parents sometimes the most important are them own child. They could do anything for them. But sometimes it is not enough to want or to do, because diseases do not ask or you could do for your child everything, it just appears and you need to fight with them. How much cost child’s health?
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,24 kB)
My dream house
The topic of my talk is my dream house. As an introduction to my talk I want to say that I feel fine in our house, but everyone wants to live better, I think. Firstly, I’d like to tell you about lifestyle of living in a city and living in a country. The townies are more private people than the villager. Often the peoples, who live in the city, know their neighbours just by sight.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,61 kB)
Pagrindiniai anglų kalbos laikai santraukoje.
Private schooling
Private Schooling Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that private schools offer a better education to children and better prepare them for college. Thesis Statement: Private school children are more involved in community service, are generally provided with a better education, and are more likely to apply and succeed in college.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,38 kB)
Lyriniai kūriniai. Lyrikos žanrai. Lyrikos tipai. Epiniai kūriniai. Epo žanrai. Draminiai kūriniai. Dramos žanrai. Grožinės literatūros kalba. Poetinė leksika. Poetinė sintaksė. Poetinė fonetika. Eilėdara. Literatūros rūšių skirtumus lemia pasakotojo santykis su tikrove. Jei kūrinio pasakotojas tarsi iš šalies stebi įvykius, žmones, turime epinį kūrinį. Jei pasakotojas vienaip ar kitaip išreiškia savo vidinius nusiteikimus, laikome lyriniu. Kūriniai, kuriuose nėra pasakotojo, o veiksmo įvykiai perteikiami veikėjų poelgiais ir pokalbiais, yra draminiai.
Lietuvių kalba  Konspektai   (5 psl., 37,82 kB)
The New York scene reveals many traces of … unrest. Insecurity reigs. Almost everyone hates his job. Psychiatrists of all schools are as common as monks in the Thebaid. “Who is your analyst?” will disarm any interviewer; books on how to be happy, how to attain peace of mind, how to win friends and influence people, how to breath, how to achiece a cheap sentimental humanism at other people’s expense, how to become a Chinaman like Lin Yutang and make a lot of money, how to be a Baba’i or breed chickens all sell in millions.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5 psl., 17,28 kB)
Lietuvių autoriai
Trumpi 11-12 klasių autorių kūrybos bruožai, diktuoti mokytojos ir rinkti internete.
Lietuvių kalba  Konspektai   (6 psl., 13,91 kB)
Kristijonas Donelaitis – “Metai”, Maironis – “Pavasario balsai”, “Jaunoji Lietuva” fragmentai, Šatrijos Ragana – “Sename dvare”, Vaižgantas – „Pragiedruliai“, Jonas Biliūnas – apsakymai, apysaka “Liūdna pasaka”, Vincas Krėvė – “Skirgaila”, Vincas Mylolaitis Putinas – “Altorių šešėly”, “Tarp dviejų aušrų”, Jurgis Savickis - novelės, Salomėja Nėris – “Diemedžiu žydėsiu”, “Prie didelio kelio”, Henrikas Radauskas – “Fontanas”, “Strėlė danguje”, Antanas Vaičiulaitis - novelės, Balys Sruoga – “Dievų miškas”, Antanas Škėma – “Balta drobulė”, Justinas Marcinkevičius – “Mažvydas”, Juozas Aputis, Romualdas Granauskas, Vanda Juknaitė, Saulius Šaltenis, Bitė Vilimaitė, Sigitas Geda, Marcelijus Martinaitis, Nijolė Miliauskaitė, Judita Vaičiūnaitė, Tomas Venclova.
Lietuvių kalba  Interpretacijos   (7 psl., 17,14 kB)