Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 132 rezultatai

Famous Lithuanian People
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (7 psl., 538,09 kB)
apie muziejus ju nauda.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 7,49 kB)
anglu rasinys
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 6,5 kB)
Air transport in Lithuania. history. First civil planes in Lithuania. First regular flights. Consolidating position of the Lithuanian aviation. Review of the Lithuanian civil aviation activities. State management of the civil aviation. The tasks Activities. Lithuanian airports. The State Enterprise Vilnius International. Air navigation services. (APIMTIS 5PSL)
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9,52 kB)
Mainly food used for Lithuanian - potatoes. A traditional Lithuanian dish made from potatoes is called zeppelines. Lithuanians have a lot of harmful eating habits.
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (12 psl., 3,01 MB)
Mass Media
The mass media plays very important role in our life. It helps us to learn what is happening in the world very fast. Mass media includes newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Nowadays there are so many newspapers a. magazines, radio station a. TV channels that we have to be very selective a. choose the best of them.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 7,67 kB)
Good afternoon, everyone. I’m here today to speak of labour market in Lithuania in recent years, especially after integration to EU. This talk is divided into 4 main parts. 1) Firstly, I’d like to look at Official situation of Lithuanian labour market through the recent years 2) Secondly I’ll be talking about Jobs in shortage and demand and Need of high Qualification 3) Thirdly, Emigration from Lithuania in 1990-2002 4) My fourth point will be about Emigration from Lithuania after entering EU and the wages. Finally I’ll be looking at the conclusions ________ My talk will last about 15 min If you have any questions, please stop me at any time, and I will be happy to answer them Official situation of Lithuanian labour market through the recent years Having rewieved the changes which have taken place in Lithuania since the restoration of independence in 1990, it can be said that the market economy in Lithuania is becoming stronger and that this process is irreversible. This period has seen the creation in Lithuania of a consistent system for the realization of social security and labour market policies. The labour market in Lithuania has in the recent past been characterised by positive changes influenced by the implementation of the country’s investment and economic policies as well as the means used to realize the Lithuanian Republic’s employment programme: the number of employed is increasing, the number of people out of work is decreasing along with unemployment rate. The fundamental right to social security and work is provided for by Article 48 of the1992 Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, which states that every person is free to do the job or business of their choice, and that they have the right to suitable, safe and healthy work conditions, to receive fair payment for work, and social security if they are unemployed. The work of foreign nationals in the Republic of Lithuania is regulated by law. Researches made by interviewing people out of work, give us the numbers of 75 % of those, registered the jobless in Labour Exchange really wanna find a job, and there is yearly a downward numbers interested just in unemployment relief. Labour market suppose that in year 2004 the number of the unemployed in average can be around 145 000, this is 20 000 less than the year before.
Lietuviškas maistas: tradicijų ir pokyčių sankryžoje Petras Rimantas Venskutonis Kauno technologijos universiteto (KTU) profesorius, Maisto produktų technologijos katedros vedėjas. Gimė 1953 m. Kaišiadoryse. Maisto produktų inžinieriaus technologo specialybę įgijo KTU 1976 m., Kijevo maisto pramonės institute apsigynė disertaciją 1986 m. Mokslinio darbo sritis  natūralių maisto priedų chemija ir technologija. Paskelbė per 200 mokslinių darbų. Tradicinis maistas, nacionaliniai mitybos ypatumai yra būdingi kiekvienai pasaulio valstybei, tautai ar netgi etninei grupei. Iš kitos pusės, sparčios globalizacijos, ekonominės integracijos ir gyventojų migracijos sąlygomis maistas bei mitybos įpročiai kinta. Karu su tradiciniais nacionaliniais maisto apibūdinimais vartotojų lūpose vis dažniau skamba tokie terminai, kaip “greitas maistas”, “hamburgeris”, ”pica”, “traškučiai” ir kt. Tokiems pokyčiams poveikį taip pat turi didelį mokslo ir technologijų vystymasis, žemės ūkio ir maisto pramonės industrializavimas, prekybos geografijos išsiplėtimas. Kokie pagrindiniai tradicinio lietuviško maisto atributai? Tai  tikriausiai, natūralumas, geras (pilnas, natūralus) skonis ir aromatas, labai ribotas maisto priedų naudojimas. Visi šie atributai kuria teigiamą lietuviškų maisto produktų įvaizdį. Atkūrus nepriklausomybę 1991 m., vyko spartūs pokyčiai. “Geležinės sienos” likvidavimas ir spartus integravimasis į Europos erdvę yra bene svarbiausi tokių pokyčių veiksniai. Vis tik, šiuo metu dar galime tvirtinti, kad Lietuvoje tebegaminami tradiciniai lietuviški maisto produktai. Ypač tai pasakytina apie tradicinius duonos, mėsos ir pieno gaminius. Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį vyko tiek teigiami, tiek ir neigiami maisto gamybos ir vartojimo pokyčiai. Žymiai pagerėjo padėtis maisto saugos valdymo ir užtikrinimo srityje, įdiegiamos šiuolaikiškos technologijos, plečiasi eksportas į vakarų valstybes. Vienas iš pagrindinių tradicinio lietuviškojo maisto natūralumo priešų yra įvairūs ekonominiai veiksniai. Naudojant vien tradicines, natūralias žaliavas gana sunku konkuruoti laisvojoje rinkoje, nes tokios žaliavos yra dažniausia brangios. Todėl, ypač mėsos gaminių sudėtyje, vis daugiau naudojama pigesnių netradicinių žaliavų (sojų produktų, kitos kilmės baltymų koncentratų) bei sintetinių maisto priedų (fosfatų, nitritų ir kt.). Apibendrinat galima teigti, kad Lietuvoje vyksta sudėtingi žemės ūkio, maisto pramonės, viešojo maitinimo ir mitybos pokyčiai. Reikia pripažinti, kad jie nėra tradicinio lietuviško maisto naudai. Ar lietuviškas maistas visiškai praras savo pozicijas? Parodys ateitis. Reikia tikėtis, kad geroji lietuviško maisto tradicija visada turės savo pozicijas ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir išsikovos tam tikrą nišą ir kitose valstybėse. Lithuanian food: on the crossroad of traditions and changes Petras Rimantas Venskutonis Professor of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Head of Department of Food Technology. Born in 1953 in Kaišiadorys. Diploma of Food Engineer obtained in 1976 from KTU, PhD in 1986 from Kiev Institute of Food Industry. Research area  chemistry and technology of natural food additives. Published more that 200 research papers. Traditional food, national dietary habits are characteristic to every country, nationality or even ethnic group. On the other hand, under conditions of a rapid globalization, economical integration and migration of the population food and nutrition undergo considerable changes. Together with traditional national food attributes more and more frequently consumers use in their everyday life such terms as “fast food”, “hamburger”, “pizza”, “chips”, etc. Development of science and technology, industrialization of agriculture and food production, expansion or trade geography also cause quite rapid changes in food production and dietary habits of the population. The above-mentioned processes are also characteristic to Lithuania which has had deep national food and dietary traditions. The influence increased after reestablishment of independence in 1991. Abolishment of “iron curtain” and integration into the EU are the most important factors for all these changes. What are the most characteristic features of the Lithuanian food? Most likely, it is “naturalness”, good flavor, and limited use of food additives. Both, positive and negative changes can be observed in food production and dietary habits in Lithuania. Improvements in hygienic conditions, application of modern equipment and technologies, expansion of the market are very positive developments, while the use of non-traditional, often inferior quality raw materials, synthetic food additives can be regarded as a negative side of the story. Anyway, in the course of unavoidable changes it can be expected that good traditions of Lithuanian food will be preserved inside the country and moreover will find their niche in other places of the world.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (5,48 kB)
Lithuania lies by the Baltic Sea. But only the west part of our country is bathed by the sea. The climate in our country is quite good. We coul enjoy four seasons of the year. Every season is different from each other. My favourite season is spring. In this season we could see birds, like storks, tits, cuckoo and other, coming back from warm countries after long winter. Animals awake from their winter sleep. All nature becomes green. We could enjoy beautiful and colourful flowers. Most of them in spring I like violets. I like to watch the life of butterflies, ladybirds and grassschopers. After spring season comes summer. Then the weather becomes very hot. We could met various kind of wild animals in lithuanian woods: wolves, foxes, wild boars, beavers and other mammals. Also there is woodpeckers, swallows, sparows and storks, that are busy with finding food to eat. Very beautiful bird for me is swan. That white bird lives in lakes and delight people watching them. After amazing summer season comes autumn. It is very colourfull season, because the sky is blue and it matches with red, yellow and brown colours of the leaves on the trees. In this season people go to forest to pick mushrooms, nuts and wild berries. Unfortunately, this season always makes people be sad because of rainny and windy days. The coldest season of the year is winter. Then it snows a lot and the weather usually is really cold. Also there is fog and frost. So it‘s not one of my favourite season, despite my favourite holiday of a year – Christmas holiday. I think weather in Lithuania is enough good for us and it is better than in Australia, Africa or in Antarctica.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,24 kB)
The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. The official language of the state is Lithuanian. Lithuanian flag consists of gold, green and red ribbons. State emblem - white Vytis in the red field. The biggest town in Lithuania is Vilnius, then goes Kaunas, very beautiful town on the place where the river Neris flows into the Nemunas. Klaipeda, Panevezhys, Shiauliai and other big cities too. For the first time Lithuania was mentioned in 1009 in Quedlinburg annals. As a state it was emerged in the early 13th century and Mindaugas became the Grand Duke of Lithuania about 1240. At the end of 14th and the beginning of 15th century Lithuania became one of the most powerful states in the Europe. Lithuania was christened in 14th century, until that time it was pagan. Lithuanian people had to fight a lot for their freedom. The latest occupation ended only in 1990, when on March 11 Lithuania proclaimed its restoration of statehood. There are two big Universities in Lithuania in Vilnius and in Kaunas. University in Vilnius is very old: it was established in 1579, and another University, which received the name of the Vytautas the Great, was founded in 1930.
1254. Klaipeda was granted Lübeck City Right. 1298. Because of Klaipeda’s instability determined by conflict between Lithuanian and German knights, the bishop of Kur6as moved his residence from Klaipeda to Pilten. 1328. According to the agreement of the German Order in Prussia and Livonia, Klaipeda and its surroundings were transmitted to the German Order in Prussia and later became a part of Prussia Duchy and Kingdom. 1455. Klaipeda was occupied by the Samogitians for the first time. 1525. During Reformation in Prussia, a the Lithuanian Church was established. It enabled the Lithuanian community to consolidate beside the German community. Little by little, Klaipeda started to take the traits of a multi-cultural city. 1540. A fire devastated a large part of the city. 1605. The famous German poet Simon Dach was born. In honour of the poet the sculpture of Anicke was put on the square of Theatre and has become the symbol of the Klaipeda city. 1629-1635. Klaipeda was ruled by the Swedes.
As the gateway to breathtakingly beautiful and dunes and quaint fishing village, Klaipeda is used as a launch pad rather than as a final destination. It is easy to reach Nida, Juodkrante on the lovely Curanion spit Palanga, a summer-time pleasure town to the north. While the surrounding areas are inarguably more interesting, Klaipėda shouldn’t be completely avoided. Its Old Town is charming and there are a few interesting museums to see. Take time to see the sights there before you rush headlong to the Baltic Sea Beaches: In summer pack up your sunscreen and join the crowds on the beach. From Klaipeda try the fallowing or head north to the beach resort of Palanga or take the ferry across the lagoon to Neringa instead. If you want to sleep at the beach, check out. Keep an eye out for signs designating who gets to use which beach: women-only, men-only and general beach. Nude sunbathing is allowed on the single-sex beaches. Memel:The old, German name for the city harks to the 13 th century, when knights of the Teutonic Order first came to the area, and may be a corruption “Nemunas”, the river that empties into the Curonian Lagoon. Although populated by both Germans and ethnic Lithuanians (even some Latvians) the area became a part of Lithuania only 1923. The name “Memel” is still in use in many German-language publications, which may also include the German street names, to aid the many German tourists who come to the area each year in search of their family roots. To avoid confusion we use the Lithuanian name Klaipėda and note “Memel” where historically appropriate. Archaeological evidence reveals that this area was once densely populated by the Balts, ancestors to Lithuanians. From the 9th century, their lands were perpetually raided by the Vikings. From the 13th century, the site suffered new invasions by German feudal lords and the Teutonic Order. In a move to consolidate its governance over the territory, in 1252 the Order erected a castle on the delta of the river Dane, named it Memelburg and used it to control the strait between the mainland and the Curonian Spit. After this, Lithuania's main waterway trade route via the Nemunas river to the Curonian Lagoon, Baltic Sea and so to Gotland and Scandinavia was sealed shut. Klaipeda denied their true identity for ages. This situation only changed with the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, which took the territory from Germany and temporarily placed it under French control. In 1923, the Lithuanian government seized control of the Klaipëda region from the French, the region was soon recognized a part of Lithuania by the international community. Klaipeda today - an Ancient Town and a Modern City .Klaipëda has a population of more than 206,000 and is vital to Lithuania's economy as the country's main seaport. Klaipeda has developed into a modern city, with the characteristic quays and warehouses of a port, and with clusters of old German fachwerk buildings. The city centre has an eclectic mixture of buildings in various styles, including the old City Hall, the neo-gothic Post Office, the former Louise Gymnasium, the theatre and some private houses. The old town itself is laid out in a rectangular network of streets dating from the 13th to 15th centuries, where it is still possible to see remains of the old castle and citadel, sections of the castle towers, ramparts, bastions, ditches and other medieval defenses. At Kopgalis, a restored fortress houses a Marine Museum, Aquarium, and dolphinarium. Port:Klaipeda is an attractive transit port, connecting the main transportation corridors between the East and the West. It is the most northern ice-free Baltic seaport. Harbour waters do not freeze even at -25°C. The depth of the harbour waters at the northern part of the port quays is 17 meters. Klaipeda has a number of advantages over other ports in the region for transit: it has excellent road links with the only motorway standart road in the Baltic States linking a port complex to the countries of the former Soviet Union Young, pushing, liberal, open, tolerant, bright, ambitious, and perhaps a bit crazy - these are the words that are most often used to describe the city of Klaipeda. Namely these epithets is a key for those who strive to unriddle the secret of Klaipeda's unique, for those who try to realize how, in comparatively short period of time, Klaipeda, being grey and undistinguished industrial city, could become one of the leaders of the country, and now it is reasonably titled the capital of Western Lithuania. So, is Klaipeda still a province? Vilnius, standing high above is likely to say YES. However, hard working, ambitious and optimistic residents of Klaipeda have other o pinion. Moreover, they are sure, that after Lithuania will have become a full member of the European Union, Klaipeda will not be rejected for sure There is hardly anyone who would decide to challenge the fact that Klaipeda, having celebrated its 750th anniversary on August 1, 2002, in the recent decade surpassed the second largest Lithuanian city Kaunas in many fields and has already become a serious competitor for the capital Vilnius. Today, Klaipeda and its region receive not only foreign and local capitals, but also the brains of the country Klaipeda - city of success The majority of Klaipeda residents, who celebrated the 750th anniversary of the city on August 1, 2002, claim that they are happy and they are not going to move to any other city.
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (7,62 kB)
Christmas is a Lithuanian national holiday. On the eve of Christmas people has a family supper, they don't meat, only fish, fruits and berries. Everybody is waiting for Christ to be born. Some people enjoy themselves on the new year's day. On the eve of New Year they have a party at home, or go the restaurants, visit their friends. The New Year tree is decorated for the Christmas or New Year. The day of Lithuanian's independence is on the 16 of February. Since 1928 Lithuanian's people marks this day every year by paying tribute to those who gave their lives for the people's happiness. For many years after World War the second this holiday was forbidden. Since 1989 it again becomes the national wide holiday in your country. It's a non-working day. The 11 of March is also a very important day for your country. Mother's Day is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of May. The member of family honour mother giving flowers, presents to her on that day. The 1st of November is day of commemorating the dead usually on All Saints Day. People lay flowers on dear people and honour their memory by observing a minute's silence. In spring we celebrate the Easter Day. The tradition of Easter Day is to colour eggs for Easter table. There are some other holidays in Lithuania, but I tried to discuss the most popular.
Turto draudimo sutarties samprata. Turto draudimo sutarties turinys. Esminės turto draudimo sutarties sąlygos. Įprastinės ir atsitiktinės turto draudimo sutarties sąlygos. Turto draudimo sutarties sudarymas ir pasibaigimas. Šiame darbe didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas turto draudimo sutarties reglamentacijai Lietuvos Respublikoje, draudimo įmonių praktikai draudimo rūšies taisyklėse nustatant turto draudimo sutarčių sąlygas, taip pat lyginamuoju aspektu bus atsižvelgiama į užsienio šalių (Anglijos, Rusijos ir Vokietijos ir kt.) patirtį. Įvadas
Teisė  Diplominiai darbai   (60 psl., 52,98 kB)
Nowadays the air, water and soil pollution have become a really big problem. Humanity thinks too little about natural resources and future of our descendants, as well as the world face, the disappearance of rainforests and global warming. The rapidly developing industry has polluted the air and the water. People, animals and plants are closely connected to each other. The usual order being broken, the nature starts to clean itself in a way that is harmful to the man himself.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (3,68 kB)
Food and drink
Health is the most important thing in a person’s life. Eating habits is a big part of a healthy life, so to keep yourself in a healthy way you have to eat only healthy and well-balanced food. Lithuanians like to eat good, tasty and filling foods. The tradition of eating well is inherited from our ancestors, who would say, he who eats well, works well. Lithuanian cooks prepare simple but tasty foods. A good cook can create delicious meals using simple ingredients.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (1,83 kB)
Anglų kalba
Everyone wants to live clean, nice and tidy. We like to look at somewhere and say: “What a niece place! How wonderful! Just like in heaven!”. But what are we doing to make the surrounding like this? To my mind just nothing… On the contrary – we do much more to destroy our environment. Living conditions in the world are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from factories are polluting the air, trees are cutting down, and streets are full rubbish and grime. Furthermore rivers are being polluted by chemicals from factories too.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,89 kB)
Feast of St.John
From ancient times people marked the time of the return of the sun, the shortest and longest night. In olden times it was called the Feast of the DEWS, [ a.k.a. RASOS ]. When Christianity was established in Lithuania, the name was changed to Feast of St. John, according to agrarian folk calendar, the start of haying. The rituals of the longest day were closely related to agrarian ideas and notions.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (8,08 kB)
Pasirinkau šią apskaitos programą, nes mano manymu, ji yra verta dėmesio populiarumo, aptarnavimo ir patogumo. Kaina nėra mažiausia 3000lt (priklausomai nuo pasirinktų modulių), bet įmonei geriau investuoti iš karto daugiau, nei po to mokėti už problemų šalinimą ar naujos sistemos įsigijimą. Be to nereikia mokėti už tai, ko jums nereikia, nes galite patys pasirinkti reikiamus programos modulius.
Apskaita  Referatai   (4,78 kB)
Anglų kalbos temos
Personal identification I’m Darius. I was born in 1978 on the 21th of February in Kaunas. I don’t remember anything about the weather that day, but I know that it was about 2:30 p.m. I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a brother. When I was a child I can't say, that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (15,57 kB)
CV angliškas
Personal details Name: Andrius Žukauskas Date of birth: 25th October 1981 Nationality: Lithuanian Address: Talackoniu v. Pasvalio p.o. LT- 5250 Pasvalio reg. Lithuania
Almost everyone in Lithuania has a Christmas tree in their home which is decorated with electric lights and ornaments purchased in the store. There are some people who still follow the old traditions and use hand crafted ornaments to decorate the tree. It is done especially if the family has little children who like to make ornaments from paper or something else in order to put them on the branches of the tree.
Už sį darba gavau 10 . Stengtasi ir ilgai ieškota informacijos...
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (2,69 kB)
Lithuania politic
Biografinė knyga. išrinkti 100 žodžių su vertimais (skliausteliuose parašytas puslapis kur tas žodis randasi). Ir trumpas pasakojimas apie perskaitytą knygą.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (1,15 kB)
Unemployment really is one of the economic and social problems. However, stressing of this problem usually leaves people with an impression that it is the most urgent in Lithuania. One could read in an article in one newspaper that this problem is not that urgent as our politicians present it.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (3,35 kB)
KTU socialinių mokslų fakulteto 1 kurso anglų kalbos tiriamasis darbas (gavau 10). "Government does not tax to get the money it needs; government always finds a need for the money it gets." That’s what once said Ronald Reagan about taxes and what it is collected for. Of course, it was a joke, but I may bet there are lots of people, who would agree with that thought. Sometimes they even feel that they are caught in the behemothian jaws of government.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,09 kB)
Education on the whole. Education fees in schools and Universities. Famous high schools of Lithuania. Famous foreign high schools. Education obtainable in Vilnius University. Types of high education. Education and studies in Communication Departament. Education is compulsory in Lithuania. Children start school at age of seven. They can stay at secondary school for 12 years but some of them leave it after tenth form. These pupils usually go to vocational junior colleges (proftechos) and trade schools where they can get both secondary education and qualification.And also they leard a trade.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3 psl., 5,42 kB)
General secondary education is provided at triple level, twelve-year general education schools. One or more levels are comprised of primary school (1st to 4th forms) (age 6/7 to 10/11); lower secondary school (5th to 10th forms) (age 10/11 to 16/17); and secondary school (11th to 12th forms) (age 16/17 to 18/19).
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 8,01 kB)
Anglų k. rašinėlis ("Book review" tipo) apie V. Mykolaičio-Putino knygą "Altorių šešėly".
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 3,72 kB)
Pagalba ruošiantis anglų kalbos egzamino kalbėjimo daliai.
Lietuvių kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (8 psl., 19,36 kB)