Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

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Šiame straipsnyje siekiama išskirti veiksnius, kurie svarbūs valdymui pokyčių kontekste. Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje akivaizdus valstybių ir visuomenių suartėjimas. Kalbant apie pokyčius, neišvengiamai kyla klausimų apie mūsų ateitį. Teisingas pokyčių ir jų padarinių numatymas dar šiandien leistų organizacijų vadovams keisti strategijas ir pasirengti rytdienai. Tai garantuotų konkurencinį pranašumą ir sėkmingą organizacijų veiklą. Pagrindinių kaitos poveikio sričių nustatymas yra viena svarbiausių šiandienos vadybos mokslo problemų.
Ekonomika  Tyrimai   (7 psl., 31,14 kB)
Angliški išsireiškimai, visi turėtų būti teisingi, nes dirbta su gera anglų mokytoja.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (5 psl., 12,88 kB)
Basketball is a ball sport in which two teams of five players each try to score points by throwing the ball through a basket. Basketball is highly suited to viewing by spectators, as it is primarily an indoor sport, played in a relatively small playing area, or "court," with only ten players, and using a large ball which is easy to follow. Additionally, the lack of protective gear makes it easy to see the reactions of the players. It is one of the most popular sports in the United States, and is also popular in other parts of the world, including South America, southern Europe, and the former Soviet Union, especially Lithuania.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,88 kB)
Privatization process was launched in Lithuania in September 1991 and since then it has constituted an integral part of Lithuania's economic reforms. The entire privatization process may be divided into three major stages: • The first stage covers the privatization that took place from September 1991 until July 1995. This phase may be called a mass privatization for vouchers with some elements of cash sales. The voucher method was chosen as the most effective way of transferring the ownership of the state-owned enterprises.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,3 kB)
Lithuania is situated on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea and borders Latvia on the north, Belarus on the east and south, and Poland and the Kaliningrad region of Russia on the southwest. It is a country of gently rolling hills, many forests, rivers and streams, and lakes. Its principal natural resource is agricultural land. Government. Parliamentary democracy. History. The Liths, or Lithuanians, united in the 12th century under the rule of Mindaugas, who became king in 1251.
Geografija  Referatai   (9,82 kB)
Taikos ir konfliktų studijos – tai kursas, skirtas magistro programos pirmojo kurso studentams. Šiame kurse detaliai apžvelgiamos taikos ir konfliktų teorijos, karo paplitimo problematika bei karų priežastys, jų geografinis pasiskirstymas, trumpai pristatoma karų istorija. Ypatingas dėmesys bus skiriamas įvairioms prievartos formoms, agresyvumo ir konfliktų priežastims, konfliktų sprendimams ir prevencijai. Kursas turėtų padėti klausytojams geriau suprasti karo ir taikos, tarptautinių ir vidinių konfliktų problematiką. Išklausę kursą studentai turėtų mokėti pateikti prievartos ir grėsmių analizę, suprasti karo ir konfliktų priežastis, grėsmių poveikį skirtingų lygių subjektams, interpretuoti konfliktų sprendimų ir prevencijos galimybes.
Lietuvių kalba  Analizės   (6,79 kB)
The Republic of Ireland (Irish: Poblacht na hÉireann) is the official description[1] of the sovereign state which covers approximately five-sixths of the island of Ireland, off the coast of north-west Europe. The state's official name is Ireland (Irish: Éire),[2] and this is how international organisations and citizens of Ireland usually refer to the country. It is a member of the European Union, has a developed economy and a population of slightly more than 4.2 million. The remaining sixth of the island of Ireland is known as Northern Ireland and is part of the United Kingdom.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (6,36 kB)
Aukštoji mada
Kad ir kaip žiūrėsime, aišku, jog esminis mados tikslas – išsiskirti iš kitų. Ji kyla iš mūsų poreikio jausti ir reikšti savo individualumą, unikalumą. Tačiau mada yra ir socialinis ritualas, kuris išreiškia tam tikros žmonių grupės tam tikru metu puoselėjamas idėjas, priimtiną, toleruotiną elgesį. Nors mada yra kintanti, tačiau jos suvokimas yra nuolatos siekiamas dalykas.
Dailė  Referatai   (8,38 kB)
London - the grand resonance of its very name suggests history and might. Its opportunities for entertainment by day and night go on and on and on. It's a city that exhilarates and intimidates, stimulates and irritates in equal measure, a grubby Monopoly board studded with stellar sights. It's a cosmopolitan mix of Third and First Worlds, chauffeurs and beggars, the stubbornly traditional and the proudly avant-garde.
UAB Megrame was established on 26 March 1992 and was the first in Lithuania to start the production of plastic windows. The President of the company is Juozas Magelinskas. Megrame has been a member of the Lithuanian Builders' Association since 1996. The company has two subsidiaries, i.e. Vakarų Megrame and Pietų Megrame, and its representatives in twelve cities and towns of Lithuania.
Declaration of Independence (United States), in United States history, a document proclaiming the independence of the 13 British colonies in America, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The declaration recounted the grievances of the...
LINUX sistemos
Pirmiausiai pasirenkam įdiegimo kalbą (English), toliau susirandam savo gimtąjį regioną (Lithuania). Pasirenkame klaviatūros standartą American English. Nustatome savo tarnybiniai stočiai pavadinimą (hostname) „bomba“. Domeno pavadinimą paliekam toks koks duotas pagal nutilėjimą („localhost“). Toliau pasirenkame rankinį patricijų nustatymo metodą (manual), spaudžiame ties tuščia disko vieta (free space), toliau pasirenkam creat new partition, nustatom particijos dydį 0,4GB, particijos tipą (Type for new partition) pasirenkam primary, particijos poziciją (Location for new partition) begining, toliau spaudžiame ant užrašo „naudoti kaip“ (use as), ir pasirenkame swap area, toliau renkamės done settings...
Informatika  Kursiniai darbai   (8,21 kB)
Channels of communication What are ‘telecommunications’? This term refers to the transmission of information over long distances using the telephone system, radio, TV satellite or computer links. Examples are two people speaking on the phone, a sales department sending a fax to a client or someone reading the teletext pages on TV But in the modern world, telecommunications mainly means transferring information from one PC to another via modem and phone lines (or fibre-optic cables).
Almost everyone in Lithuania has a Christmas tree in their home which is decorated with electric lights and ornaments purchased in the store. There are some people who still follow the old traditions and use hand crafted ornaments to decorate the tree. It is done especially if the family has little children who like to make ornaments from paper or something else in order to put them on the branches of the tree.
The city of London
The City of London is a small area in Greater London. The modern conurbation of London developed from the City of London and the nearby City of Westminster, which was the centre of the royal government. The City of London is now London's main financial district.
Hotels provide the vast majority of the accommodation for those traveling on business, atending conferences and exibitions or perticipating in incentives trips. In the UK hotels and guset hauses between them account for two – thirds of all business tourism accomodation. Only universities ( mainly for conferences ) and friends and family provide any other significant forms of accommodation.
Europien Union
What is the Europien Union ? The European Union (EU) is not a federation like the United States. Nor is it simply an organisation for co-operation between governments, like the United Nations. It is, in fact, unique. The countries that make up the EU (its ‘member states’) remain independent sovereign nations but they pool their sovereignty in order to gain a strength and world influence none of them could have on their own. Pooling sovereignty means, in practice, that the member states delegate some of their decision-making powers to shared institutions they have created, so that decisions on specific matters of joint interest can be made democratically at European level.
Photography is the process of recording pictures by means of capturing light on a light-sensitive medium, such as a film or electronic sensor. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects expose a sensitive silver halide based chemical or electronic medium during a timed exposure, usually through a photographic lens in a device known as a camera that also stores the resulting information chemically or electronically.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (12,46 kB)
The media shows us millions pictures of "beautiful" people and gives us a lot of “lessons” on how to make ourselves more attractive: how to have better hair, better teeth, better makeup or a better body. Take any fashion magazine and you will see that almost every fashion advertisement company there uses a thin model who looks happy because she has bright skin, new lipstick, beautiful clothes or because she lost her weight because of some new magic pills. Have you seen an overweight male or female appear in the advertisement?
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,18 kB)
Williams syndrome
The most important treasure for peoples is health. Every body knows that, every body repeats it thousands of times. For parents sometimes the most important are them own child. They could do anything for them. But sometimes it is not enough to want or to do, because diseases do not ask or you could do for your child everything, it just appears and you need to fight with them. How much cost child’s health?
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,24 kB)
Charlie Chaplin, who brought laughter to millions worldwide as the silent "Little Tramp" clown, had the type of poor childhood that one would expect to find in a Dickens novel. Born in East Street, Walworth, London on 16 April, 1889, Charles Spencer Chaplin was the son of a music hall singer and his wife.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (7 kB)
Is life better for today’s young people than it was for their parents?
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (0,91 kB)
Today education has become a token of an advanced, healthy and competent society. In fact, modern education more than ever before is aiming to provide experiences that will be useful in life (Smith 153). In the process of deciding which activities are effective and should be included in the high school curriculum, a clash between opinions often arises.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (5,45 kB)
Market segmentation
In segmenting a market, marketers look for broad classes of buyers who differ in their needs. There is no one right way of segmenting markets. A marketer has several bases available to him/her for the segmentation of markets.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,6 kB)
Knygos "Karaoke akpitalizmas" analizė. Darbas anglų kalba, buvo įvertintas puikiai. Pristatytas KTU. 10 lapų.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (6,65 kB)
Apie turizmo agentūras. The year 2003 was successful for Lithuanian travel agencies. Most of them have increased their sales and the number of tourists. There is a tendency of amalgamation and strengthening of the largest agencies. Travel agencies “Novaturas” and “Omnituras” would be the best examples of this successful cooperation.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,96 kB)
Erly Life of Columbus. A Western Route to Asia. The Expedition. People all over the world, if they were asked who first found America could answer, “Christopher Columbus” and give the date of the great event: October 12, 1492. Columbus reached one of the Bahama islands, east of America, with his three small ships on that day, after sailing for two months across seas which were mostly unknown.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (4 psl., 7,74 kB)
Windsor castle
The developement of the castle. The private chapel. The grand vestibule. The queen's drawing room. The king's dining room. Winsor Castle is one of the official recidences of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen is Head of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and also Head of the Commonwealth. The monarch’s direct powers these days are limited: as a constitutional sovereign The Queen normally acts on the advice of her ministers; nevertheless the government, the judges and the armed services all act in The Queen’s name and she is an important symbol of national unity. She is kept closely informed about all aspects of national life and the Prime Minister has a weekly audience with her.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9 psl., 7,67 kB)
Charles Chaplin. Galileo. The elderly in America. A camping trip. Tips for travellers. Charles Spencer Chaplin was the comedian, the greatest film comic in the history of mankind. The actor was born in 1889 in the London East End. Sydney was his brother, fuor years older than Charles. Chaplin’s parents were actors. Two children adored their mother for her blue eyes and long light brown hair. Littlle Charlie cuoldn’t remember his father. Mother told him that he was a very good artist.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5 psl., 10,1 kB)
The New York scene reveals many traces of … unrest. Insecurity reigs. Almost everyone hates his job. Psychiatrists of all schools are as common as monks in the Thebaid. “Who is your analyst?” will disarm any interviewer; books on how to be happy, how to attain peace of mind, how to win friends and influence people, how to breath, how to achiece a cheap sentimental humanism at other people’s expense, how to become a Chinaman like Lin Yutang and make a lot of money, how to be a Baba’i or breed chickens all sell in millions.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5 psl., 17,28 kB)