Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 74 rezultatai

Vocabulary. Definitions of key vocabulary. The means of marketing. Advertising. Advantages and disadvantages of major advertising media. Formulating of the advertising message. The role of the advertising in the promotional mix. Advertising as persuasion. Marketing influences and often actually controls almost every part of company's activities. Everyone who works for the company must “think marketing”. To think marketing we must understand in the right way what is the marketing concept.
Rinkodara  Konspektai   (32 psl., 212,25 kB)
Vadybos teorija
Vadybos samprata ir turinys.Valdymo objektai, subjektai ir funkcijos. Visuotinės kokybės vadyba ir harmoningosios plėtros koncepcijos ir jų taikymas Lietuvoje. Strateginio ir operatyvaus valdymo esmė ir metodologijos. Aplinkos ir strategijų sąveika. Alternatyvinės strategijos ir jų atranka. Organizacijos esmė, organizacijos tipai. Valdymas per tikslus teorijos raida. Analizės vaidmuo strateginiame ir operatyviame planavime. Analizė ir prognozė. Analizės rūšys. Ištekliai ir strategija.
Vadyba  Paruoštukės   (6 psl., 56,5 kB)
Buriavimo terminų žodynas su paaiškinimais angliškai ir lietuviškai. Longitude - Ilguma - viso 180 laipsnių į rytus ir 180 laipsnių į vakarus nuo Grinvičo meridiano. Meridian - Meridianas - menama linija, einanti nuo vieno žemės poliaus į kitą. Latitude - Platuma - viso 90 laipsnių į šiaurę ir 90 laipsnių į pietus nuo pusiaujo. Colregs - Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
Sportas  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (15 psl., 29,03 kB)
Kompiuterinių tinklų saugumas darosi aktuali problema vis platesniam žmonių ratui. Kuo labiau plinta Internetas, kuo daugiau žmonių ir ištisų kompanijų prisijungia prie jo, tuo aktualesnė darosi vietinio kompiuterių tinklo apsauga, jei jis prijungtas prie Interneto. Informacija šiais laikais yra viena iš brangiausių prekių. Įsilaužimai pasinaudojant Internetu jau realybė. Paprastai išskiriamos dvi įsilaužimų klasės: nelegalus priėjimas prie duomenų; serviso sutrukdymas.
Informatika  Referatai   (9 psl., 15,79 kB)
Pranešimas, rašinėlis anglų kalba. priklauso, kaip panaudosi. The living conditions in our city are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from the factories are polluting the air. Furthermore, the rivers and sea are being polluted by chemicals from the factories and people are suffering from breathing difficulties and stomach problems. We should do something it is too late.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 3,62 kB)
Anglų kalbos kalbėjimo tema.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 3,59 kB)
Clean up the World
The work of ecology. Air’s pollution. Earht’s pollution. Water’s pollution. The End. Olden time’s people lived in accord with the nature. Later, when the humanity have created powerful machines, various chemical materials, learned to govern the nuclear energy, there appeared lots of ecological problems. The most important elements of our surroundings ­- air, water and soil are more and more polluted.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4 psl., 9,09 kB)
Nowadays the air, water and soil pollution have become a really big problem. Humanity thinks too little about natural resources and future of our descendants, as well as the world face, the disappearance of rainforests and global warming. The rapidly developing industry has polluted the air and the water. People, animals and plants are closely connected to each other. The usual order being broken, the nature starts to clean itself in a way that is harmful to the man himself.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (3,68 kB)
The duke Gediminas who ruled in 1275-1341 built this castle. It was build after the dream of Gediminas. The duke dreamed en enormous iron wolf, who was howling very loud in the junction of the river Neris and Vilnia. The precursor predicted that in this place would grow powerful and strong town. He also added that Gediminas had to build a castle in the place where he so that wolf. Now the Gediminas castle is a historical museum. There you can find many interesting exhibits of Lithuania’s history.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (2,87 kB)
Privatization process was launched in Lithuania in September 1991 and since then it has constituted an integral part of Lithuania's economic reforms. The entire privatization process may be divided into three major stages: • The first stage covers the privatization that took place from September 1991 until July 1995. This phase may be called a mass privatization for vouchers with some elements of cash sales. The voucher method was chosen as the most effective way of transferring the ownership of the state-owned enterprises.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,3 kB)
Transportas ilgai buvo laikomas strategine ekonomikos šaka, nuo kurios priklauso valstybės saugumas. Dėl to daugelyje valstybių narių transporto sektorius buvo valstybės monopolija, nepaklūstanti rinkos taisyklėms. Transporto politika plėtojosi kaip vieningos rinkos kūrimo dalis. Todėl didžiausią Bendrijos acquis transporto srityje dalį sudaro teisės aktai, kuriais nustatomi bendri esminiai reikalavimai, reguliuojantys transporto paslaugų teikimo eismo saugumo, profesinės kvalifikacijos ir kitose srityse standartus, kurie apibrėžia, kokie rinkos subjektai gali patekti į rinką.
Giorgio Armani is the world's second largest selling designer (the first is Ralph Lauren) who sells approx. $ 2 billion per year retail. His products are sold in over 100 countries. He has reached this position because everyone looks fabulous when they wear Armani, they feel so confident, so chic and yet so utterly(visiskai) themselves. It is like magic. He is the magician. 1934 Giorgio Armani was born in Piacanza, Italy, an industrial town about 20 miles south of Milan. He was the son of Marie and Ugo Armani.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (3,89 kB)
One of the most striking features about India, which any foreign traveler must appreciate, is the size and diversity of this country. India is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of size, with a total landmass of 3,287,590 sq km. Located in South Asia, it has land boundary of 14,107 km with its neighbours [Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal and Bhutan] and a coastline of 7,000 km, which stretches across the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean. India is a country of both diversity and continuity.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,84 kB)
Did you know that the can opener was invented 48 years after cans were introduced? Cans were opened with a hammer and chisel before the advent of can openers. A Londoner, Peter Durand, invented the tin canister, or can, in 1810 for preserving food. There were no can openers yet, and the products labels would read: "cut around on the top near to outer edge with a chisel and hammer." The first can opener was invented in 1858 by American Ezra Warned. The well-known wheel-style opener was invented in 1925. Beer in a can was launched in 1935.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6,59 kB)
Anglų kalba
Everyone wants to live clean, nice and tidy. We like to look at somewhere and say: “What a niece place! How wonderful! Just like in heaven!”. But what are we doing to make the surrounding like this? To my mind just nothing… On the contrary – we do much more to destroy our environment. Living conditions in the world are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from factories are polluting the air, trees are cutting down, and streets are full rubbish and grime. Furthermore rivers are being polluted by chemicals from factories too.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,89 kB)
London - the grand resonance of its very name suggests history and might. Its opportunities for entertainment by day and night go on and on and on. It's a city that exhilarates and intimidates, stimulates and irritates in equal measure, a grubby Monopoly board studded with stellar sights. It's a cosmopolitan mix of Third and First Worlds, chauffeurs and beggars, the stubbornly traditional and the proudly avant-garde.
Darbas anglų kalba apie anglevandenius, vitaminus, riebalus. What you eat has a life long effect on your health and well-being. To look and feel your best, you have to eat adequate amounts of the proper foods. Many teenagers don't always choose the food that is best for them. They may not want to eat what the rest of the family is eating or they may eat poorly at school. The food at the school cafeteria is required by law in the United States to meet certain nutritional standards, but you may not be eating their food. There are six types of nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.
Pramonė  Referatai   (5,85 kB)
Maisto saugos vadybos sistemos projektas. Anglų kalba. Projektas buvo pristatytas Kopenhagos universitete, Danijoje. Darbas buvo yvertintas labai gerai. Vertas dėmesio studijuojantiems maisto pramonę.
Pramonė  Referatai   (14,77 kB)
Anglų kalbos temos
Personal identification I’m Darius. I was born in 1978 on the 21th of February in Kaunas. I don’t remember anything about the weather that day, but I know that it was about 2:30 p.m. I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a brother. When I was a child I can't say, that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (15,57 kB)
We love nature so much as it gives us that change we need: cold winter gives way to charming spring that turns to generous summer and romantic autumn. I like spring. After winter with its nasty drizzle, melting snow, dark gloomy sky spring comes. It gets warmer and warmer every day.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,47 kB)
Įvertinimas 8,pristatytas kolegijoje, legalios verslo formos ir valdymo struktūra. New business planners do some serious thinking about what legal form to choose for their new endeavour. This means determining what status the business will be in the eyes of the law. The choice has very important consequences.
The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).
Anglų kalba  Kursiniai darbai   (15,94 kB)
Drug, substance that affects the function of living cells, used in medicine to diagnose, cure, prevent the occurrence of diseases and disorders, and prolong the life of patients with incurable conditions. Since 1900 the availability of new and more effective drugs such as antibiotics, which fight bacterial infections, and vaccines, which prevent diseases caused by bacteria and viruses, has increased the average American’s life span from about 60 years to about 75 years. Drugs have vastly improved the quality of life.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (11,98 kB)
Moscow the capital of Russia is one of the world’s great cities. Its name was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147. Since that time M. has played an important role in R-an history. Today M. isn’t only the political center of R. but also the contry’s leading city in population, industry & in cultural importrance. M. stands on the M.R. in the center of the vast plain of E.R. The climate of M. is continental.
Italy (in Italian, Italia), republic in southern Europe, bordered on the north by Switzerland and Austria; on the east by Slovenia and the Adriatic Sea; on the south by the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea; on the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Ligurian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea; and on the north-west by France.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,69 kB)
The environmental damage is probably the most significant of nowadays problems. This is the result of ourselves behavior with environment. In addition, the Industrial Revolution had huge effects to environmental damage. In my opinion, there are several solutions to this problem.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (0,86 kB)
In ancient times, commercial and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii. Egyptians used papyrus to create sales messages and wall posters.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (20,72 kB)
Neue Technologien
Strategie 2005: Innovation - neue Technologien. Multimedia -Initiative Niedersachsen. Internet und Neue Technologien. Die Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Automatisierungslösungen ist ungebrochen. Der rasante Innovationsfortschritt insbesondere in der Informationstechnik und Sensorik zielt auf eine Aufwertung des Roboters als eines zentralen Bausteins wirtschaftlicher Automatisierung. Durch ein weiterhin steigendes Leistungs-/Kostenverhältnis werden zahlreiche Anwendungen und neue Einsatzgebiete erschlossen.
Vokiečių kalba  Rašiniai   (4 psl., 13,85 kB)
The beginning of the new millennium has been a heart wrecking one for the peace loving people of the world. The year 2001 saw dispute, destruction, and death — all in the name of religion. Once again, India and Pakistan are on the brink of a war. Why are these two siblings always at loggerheads with each other? Is it because Pakistan is an Islamic nation and India predominantly a land of Hindus? No, the reasons are more political than religious. It's hard to imagine that Kashmir, one of the most beautiful places in South Asia, inhabited by a peaceful populace, can become the bone of contention between the two countries.
Politologija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (4 psl., 9,09 kB)
Environment is dying every second. People, cars, factories and a lot more forces cause this. So we should take some action to save our environment. First and the most important step is to become environmental friendly person.
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (1 psl., 3,08 kB)