Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 104 rezultatai

Ecological problems
Ecological problems: air pollution, water pollution,littering, the green house effect
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 7,9 kB)
Climate Change
Climate Change Nowadays there are many discussions about whether the climate on Earth is really changing and whether people‘s activities is the main cause of these changes.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 6,42 kB)
Medžiaga kuri padės jums pasiruošti 2011m. įskaitos temos Kalba, 1 potemei "Kaip kinta lietuvių kalba, keičiantis visuomenės komunikacinėms reikmėms? Pagrįskite savo nuomonę konkrečiais pavyzdžiais."
Lietuvių kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (16 psl., 36,25 kB)
Anglu ese apie rukymo draudima. 10 klasei
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 6,59 kB)
puikus rašinys anglų kalba apie aplinką ir ką padaryti,jog ją išsaugotume.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2 psl., 7,4 kB)
Jungtinių Tautų Europos Ekonominė Komisija 1958 m. Ženevoje priėmė Mechaninių transporto priemonių taisykles, kurios yra privalomos jas įteisinusioms šalims. Šiose taisyklėse nustatyti transporto priemonių aktyviojo ir pasyviojo saugumo bei aplinkos apsaugos reikalavimai. Pasaulyje pasyviojo saugumo priemones pirmieji įdiegė Švedijos automobilių koncerno Volvo konstruktoriai. 1959 m. automobilyje Volvo Amazon įrengti trijų tvirtinimo taškų saugos diržai. 1972 m. 1970 m. Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos paskelbė ESV projektą, kurio pasekoje šios šalies automobilių gamintojai skyrė pagrindinį dėmesį automobilio saugumui. Volvo pristatė eksperimentinį saugų automobilį (ESC), kuriame buvo tokių naujovių: stabdžių antiblokavimosi sistema, oro pagalvės ir teleskopiniai buferiai. 1973 m. pagal Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų standartus Europos automobilių gamintojai pradėjo gaminti didesnius smūgį sugeriančius buferius ir automobilius su mažesnio skersmens vairu.
Mechanika  Referatai   (13 psl., 306,2 kB)
Prie kiekvieno eksploatuojamo inžinerinio statinio ar žmonių lankomo objekto privalo būti įrengtos laisvos prieigos transporto priemonėms, leidžiančios su mažiausiomis laiko sąnaudomis įlaipinti ar išlaipinti keleivius, pakrauti ar iškrauti krovinius, atlikti savo funkcijas. įvairioms specialioms tarnyboms (greitoji medicinos pagalba, policija, avarinės tarnybos, priešgaisrinė apsauga ir pan.). Rengiant transporto privažiavimus ir stovėjimo vietas atsižvelgiama į aptarnaujamo objekto specifiką, kuri nusako reikalingus inžinerinius sprendimus ir jų apimtį.
Inžinerija  Referatai   (13 psl., 184,19 kB)
Automobilius pradėta gaminti maždaug prieš 110 metų. Tiesa, pirmasis garinis triratis pasirodė šiek tiek anksčiau – 1769 metais. Skystu kuru varomi ratuoti savaeigiai ne tik pakeitė arklių traukiamas karietas bei vežimus, bet ir daugumos žmonių gyvenseną – padidėjo mobilumas, daugiau buvo pervežama krovinių, vyrai ir moterys patyrė vairavimo malonumą, sukurtas auto- ir motosportas.
Logistika  Diplominiai darbai   (45 psl., 59,73 kB)
Dialoge du žmonės kalbasi apie buto nuoma, dalinasi darbus ir t.t. Už darbą gavom po 10 su klasioku, nežinau kaip jums pasiseks :)
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 3,32 kB)
Vidaus degimo variklio keturi taktai 1. Įsiurbimas, 2. Suspaudimas, 3. Darbo eiga, 4. Išmetimas. Dažniausiai vidaus degimo varikliai yra keturtakčiai. Pirmasis taktas – įsiurbimas. Sukantis velenui, stūmoklis iš kraštutinio taško slenka žemyn, dujos cilindre praretėja, atsidaro įsiurbimo vožtuvas ir pro jį į cilindrą patenka degusis kuro ir oro mišinys. Kai stūmoklis pasiekia kraštutinį tašką, įsiurbimo vožtuvas užsidaro.
Inžinerija  Referatai   (5 psl., 383,24 kB)
Afrika (2)
Afrika – vienintelis žemynas, kurį beveik per patį vidurį kerta pusiaujas. Jis yra antras pagal dydį po Azijos. Afrikos plotas – 30,3 mln.km2, gyventojų skaičius – 703 mln. Didesnė jo paviršiaus dalis – plokščiakalniai. Tai pats karščiausias žemynas, kurio milžinišką plotą užima savanos ir dykumos. Afrikoje gyvena stambiausi žvėrys, didžiausi paukščiai. Žemyno miškuose auga daugybė vertingų rūšių medžių, o žemės gelmėse gausu įvairių naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių. Afriką kerta pusiaujas, pradinis dienovidinis, bei šiaurės ir pietų atogrąžos. Jos krantus skalauja Indijos ir Atlanto vandenynai. Didžiausios Afrikos valstybės – Alžyras, Libija, Egiptas, Mauritanija, Malis, Nigeris, Čadas, Sudanas, Nigerija, Centrinės Afrikos Respublika (CAR), Etiopija, Zairas, Angola, Pietų Afrikos respublika (PAR). Afrikos įdomybės. Tai vienintelis žemynas, kurį kerta pusiaujas ir pradinis dienovidinis. Kilimandžaro kalną, kurio aukštis 5895 m. ties pusiauju net ir vasarą dengia sniegas bei ledas. Jame yra viena didžiausių salų Žemėje – Madagaskaras. Jame gyvena didžiausias ir aukščiausias sausumos gyvūnai – dramblys ir žirafa. Afrikos gyvūnas gepardas – greičiausias gyvūnas žemėje. Seniausių žmogaus pirmtakų rasta Afrikoje. Kai kurios Afrikos gentys iki šiol gyvena akmens amžiuje: medžioja, renka augalus ir vabzdžius, vaikšto nuogi. Afrika – tai ,,juodasis žemynas“, nes dauguma gyventojų yra juodos odos spalvos. Afrika – negandų žemynas, nes: daugiausia atsiliekančių šalių, sparčiausiai daugėja gyventojų, daugiausia neprivalgančių ir badaujančių vaikų, dažnos epidemijos, pražūtingos sausros.
Geografija  Referatai   (817,74 kB)
To start with I think you agree with me that a big part of our most joyful and impressive moments are from holidays. Then our mood is in high spirit, we have lots of time to do everything we want. In addition, it is the way to relax and escape from your daily problems. A long days of holidays encourage us to start on a journey. Maybe you always have wanted to see acropolis in Greece or to dive into Mediterranean in Egypt? Holiday is the best time to do this. However, so many men so many minds. Different people prefer different ways to spend their holidays. Somebody prefers flights to journeys by bus, because you can see clouds, ocean or earth below you without any hindrance, furthermore it is a good way quickly to reach the place. Besides the plane other choose a traditional type of traveling by car. When the wind scatters your hair and you could feel like hero from “The Road” by Jack Keruack . As far as I can see young people give preference to hitch-hiking. Firstly, it takes them unusual experience, because such type of traveling is always full of unexpected situations. And secondly, it`s the cheapest way to travel. However, in my opinion it`s quite dangerous, especially for girls. This is the reason why I have never try such traveling. In spite of this I like traveling. It gives an opportunity to communicate with different types of people, to know yourself better and to know your friends inside out, because travel is a good way to unfold the true face of person. And the main reason why people every year over and over visit other countries is that travel gives an opportunity to know more about unique that country`s traditions and cultural identity. Furthermore it helps to expand our horizon. In conclusion, I would like to say that it is up to every person’s taste which type of travelling to choose.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (4,04 kB)
The second and third had been patiently occupied upon a subject which he had recently made his hobby- the music of the Middle Ages. But when, for the fourth time, after pushing back our chairs from breakfast we saw the greasy, heavy brown swirl still drifting past us and condensing in oily drops upon the window-panes, my comrade's impatient and active nature could endure this drab existence no longer. He paced restlessly about our sitting-room in a fever of suppressed energy, biting his nails, tapping the furniture, and chafing against inaction. "Nothing of interest in the paper, Watson?" he said. I was aware that by anything of interest, Holmes meant anything of criminal interest. There was the news of a revolution, of a possible war, and of an impending change of government; but these did not come within the horizon of my companion. I could see nothing recorded in the shape of crime which was not commonplace and futile. Holmes groaned and resumed his restless meanderings. "The London criminal is certainly a dull fellow," said he in the querulous voice of the sportsman whose game has failed him. "Look out of this window, Watson. See how the figures loom up, are dimly seen, and then blend once more into the cloud-bank. The thief or the murderer could roam London on such a day as the tiger does the jungle, unseen until he pounces, and then evident only to his victim." "There have," said I, "been numerous petty thefts." Holmes snorted his contempt. "This great and sombre stage is set for something more worthy than that," said he. "It is fortunate for this community that I am not a criminal." "It is, indeed!" said I heartily. "Suppose that I were Brooks or Woodhouse, or any of the fifty men who have good reason for taking my life, how long could I survive against my own pursuit? A summons, a bogus appointment, and all would be over. It is well they don't have days of fog in the Latin countries- the countries of assassination. By Jove! here comes something at last to break our dead monotony." It was the maid with a telegram. Holmes tore it open and burst out laughing. "Well, well! What next?" said he. "Brother Mycroft is coming round." "Why not?" I asked. "Why not? It is as if you met a tram-car coming down a country lane. Mycroft has his rails and he runs on them. His Pall Mall lodgings, the Diogenes Club, Whitehall- that is his cycle. Once, and only once, he has been here. What upheaval can possibly have derailed him?" "Does he not explain?" Holmes handed me his brother's telegram. - Must see you over Cadogan West. Coming at once. MYCROFT. - "Cadogan West? I have heard the name." "It recalls nothing to my mind. But that Mycroft should break out in this erratic fashion! A planet might as well leave its orbit. By the way, do you know what Mycroft is?"
Sleep disorders
INSOMNIA The term insomnia is used in reference to complaints about a symptom, namely, dissatisfaction with the amount or quality of one’s sleep. Whether or not a person has insomnia is almost always a subjective decision. A difficult feature of insomnia is that people seem to overestimate their sleep loss. One study that monitored the sleep of people who identified themselves as insomniacs found that only about half of them were actually awake as much as 30 minutes during the night. The problem may be that light or restless sleep sometimes fells like wakefulness or that some people remember only time spent awake and think they have not slept because they have no memory of doing so. NARCOLEPSY AND APNEA Two relatively rare but severe sleep disorders are narcolepsy and apnea. A person with narcolepsy may fall asleep while writing a letter, driving a car, or carrying on a conversation. Individuals with this dysfunction have recurring, irresistible attacks of drowsiness (apsnūdimas). These episodes can occur several times a day in severe cases, and last from a few second to 15-30 minutes. Essentially, narcolepsy is the intrusion (įsibrovimas) of REM episodes into daytime hours. During attacks victims go quickly into a REM state, so rapidly in fact that they may lose muscle control and collapse (smarkiai nusilpti) before they can lie down, they may report experiencing hallucinations. Narcolepsy runs in families, and there is evidence that a specific gene or combination of genes confers susceptibility (teikia jautruma) to the disorder. In sleep apnea the individual stops breathing while asleep. There are two reasons for apnea attacks. One reason is that the brain fails to send a “breathe” signal to the diaphragm and other breathing muscles, thus causing breathing to stop. The other reason is that muscles art the top of the throat become too relaxed, allowing the windpipe (gerklė, trachėja) to partially close, thereby forcing the breathing muscles to pull harder on incoming air, which causes the airway to completely collapse. During an apnea, the oxygen level of the blood drops dramatically, leading to the secretion of emergency hormones. This reaction causes the sleeper to awaken in order to begin breathing again. Most people have a few apneas a night, but people with severe sleep problems may have several hundred apneas per night. With each apnea they wake up in order to resume breathing, but these arousals are so brief they are generally unaware of doing so. The result is that those who suffer from apnea can spend 12 or more hours in bed each night and still be so sleepy the next day that they cannot function and will fall asleep even in the middle of a conversation. Sleep apnea is common among older men. Not waking up is probably one of the main reasons people die in their sleep. SLEEP DEPRIVATION (miego atėmimas, netekimas) . The need for sleep seems so important that we might expect being deprived of sleep for several nights to have serious consequences. Numerous studies have shown, however, that the only consistent effects of sleep deprivation are drowsiness, a desire to sleep, and a tendency to fall asleep easily. Subjects kept awake for 50 hours or more show nothing more noticeable than transient inattentions, confusions, or misperceptions. Even sleepless periods exceeding four days produce little in the way of severely disturbed behavior. In one study in which a subject was kept awake for 11 days and nights, there were no unusually deviant responses. Intellectual activities such as answering short test questions seem unaffected by several nights of sleep deprivation. ADVICE FOR A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP. • Establish a regular schedule of going to bed and getting up • Stay away form caffeinated drinks like coffee or cola for several hours before bedtime. Drink milk. • Don’t eat heavily before going to bed • Regular exercise will help you sleep better • Relax before bedtime, avoid stressful thoughts