Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasta 113 rezultatų

TERMINŲ ŽODYNAS 2 TURINYS 3 ĮVADAS 4 1. KOMPIUTERINIAI VIRUSAI 5 1.1. Viruso apibrėžimas 5 1.2.Virusų istorija 6 1.3.Virusų tipai 7 1.3.1. Kelties sektoriaus virusai 7 1.3.2. Kirminai 7 1.3.3. Loginės bombos 7 1.3.4. Failų virusai 8 1.3.5. Polimorfiniai virusai 8 1.3.6. Užslėpti virusai 8 1.3.7. Trojos arkliai 9 2. ANTIVIRUSINĖS PROGRAMOS 10 2.1. Antivirusinių programų atsiradimas 10 2.2. Antivirusinių programų tipai 10 2.3. Antivirusinių programų testai 11 2.4. Populiariausios antivirusinės programos 13 2.4.1. Panda antivirus Platinum 13 2.4.2. Norton AntiVirus 13 2.4.3. McAfee VirusScan 14 2.4.4. Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 15 IŠVADOS 16 LITERATŪRA 17 PRIEDAI 18
Informatika  Referatai   (18 psl., 97,83 kB)
Motyvacinis laiškas, siųstas į Anglijos universitetus.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2 psl., 13,44 kB)
To begin with i`d like to say that alcoholism is widely spread among young people and because of that it has become a serious national problem. Alcohol is widely used by young people. Around 90 per cent of european teenagers over the age of 14 years have tried alcohol at least once. ‘Binge drinking’, drink driving and unsafe sex can all result from the misuse of alcohol.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (2 psl., 4,75 kB)
About reading
Anglų kalbos topikas apie skaitymą, elektroninių knygų trūkumus ir privalumus bei mėgstamiausią knygą.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 3,28 kB)
Pagal ją klientai vietinėse parduotuvėse už smulkius pirkinius atsiskaitydavo kreditiniais rašteliais, kuriuos parduotuvė pateikdavo bankui, o pastarasis apmokėdavo juos iš pirkėjų sąskaitų. Tai pirmoji klasikinė kreditinų kortelių veikimo sistema, kurios principai išliko iki šių dienų. Kiek vėliau tarp kliento ir komercinės kompanijos siūlančios ne tik prekes bet ir paslaugas atsiranda organizacija tarpininkė, kuri imasi tvarkyti atsiskaitymo reikalus. Klasikinis pavyzdys yra “Diners Club” atsiradęs JAV apie 1949m. Alfred Bliumingdeil stambių univermagų tinnlo įkūrėjo anūkas ir Frencis Maknamara, vienos financinės kompanijos vadovas iškėlė idėją, kad galima sukurti kompaniją, kuri už tam tikrą mokestį, galėtų kredituoti smulkius pirkimus bei paslaugas tam tikrame Niujorko rajone. Jie paklausė vieno restorano savininko kiek jis mokėtų už naujų klientų pritraukimą, jei kitais keliais jis pats šių klientų neprisiviliotų, jis atsakė: 7 procentai. Ir šis skaičius apie 2 dešimtmečius dominavo kreditinių kortelių rinkoje. Žymiai vėliau restorano savininkas buvo paklaustas iš kur jis ištraukė šį skaičių. Jis paaiškino: kelionų agentūros agentas už naujų klientų priviliojimą būtų paprašęs 10. Prie šių žmonių prisijungė Maknamaros juristas Sneiders, ir kadangi jų ofisas buvo Empire State Bilding jie pradėjo platinti reklaminius lapelius aplinkiniuose ofisuose, kviesdami su jų kreditinėmis kortelėmis papietauti aplinkiniuose 10-12 restoranų. Mokestis už kreditinę kortelę nebuvo imamas, o klientų finansinę būklė nebuvo tikrinama. Užteko padoriai atrodyti ir patvirtinti, kad jis dirba šitame pastate. Per pirmą mėnesį apyvarta pasiekė 2000 dolerių, o pelnas 140 dolerių. Vėliau apyvarta pradėjo sparčiai augti todėl Bliumingdeil Los Angele pradėjo tokia pat veiklą pagal analogišką schemą, pavadintą “Dine and Sign”, jam pavyko pritraukti 25 restoranus ir mėnesio apyvartą padidinti iki 150 tukstančių, o jo kompanionai Niujorke pasiekė 250 tukst. men. apyvartą. Vėliau apjungus Los Angelo ir Niujorko padalinių veiklą atsirado nauja kompanija pavadinta “Diners Club”. Po metų ši kompanija turėjo kontraktus su 285 komerciniais taškais ir buvo išleidusi 35 tukst. kreditinių kortelių. Kiekvienas kortelės turėtojas klubui per metus mokėjo 3 dolerius. 1951 m. “Diners Club” apyvarta siekė 6,2 mljn. dolerių, o grynas pelnas 61 tukstantį. Ilgus metus “Diners Club” buvo monopolistas šioje kreditinų kortelių rinkoje. 1958 metais buvo sukurta Kart Blanš sistema kuri prieš tai buvo Hilton viešbučių korporacijos privati kortelė. 1958 metų spalio 1 dieną buvo išleista pirmoji “American Express”. Po metų ji įsigijo “Universal Travel Card”, kurias leido JAV viešbučių asociacija. Dėl išvystyto tarptautinio kortelių aptarnavimo tinklo ir didelių finansinių išteklių, skirtų klientų kreditavimui, jau 1960 metų pradžioje “American Express” turėjo sudariusi sutartis su 32 000 komercinių taškų ir išleidusi virš 475 000 kortelių. Tuo pat metu daugiau kaip 100 JAV bankų pradėjo realizuoti savas kreditinių kortelių programas. Tačiau greitai bankai susidūrė su problema - per siauros savų kortelių aptarnavimo rinkos. Todėl 1966 metais Bank of America, kuris leido BankAmericCard korteles pradėjo išdavinėti licenzijas kitiems bankams, šių kortelių leidimui. Bank of America konkurentai 1969 metais susijungė į asocijaciją ICA (Interbank Card Association) ir nusipirko teisę iš vakarinių valstijų bankų leisti “Master Charge” korteles. Bankai kurie leido “BankAmericCard” 1970 metais susijungė į NBI (National BankAmericCard Incorporation). Tuo būdu 1970 metų pradžioje universalių banko kortelių rinkoje atsirado 2 stambūs konkurentai. Tuo pat metu universaliosios kortelės buvo skirstomos į korteles skirtas kelionėms ir pramogoms (Travel & Entertainment) kurias leido “Diners Club”, “American Express”, ”Cart Blansh” ir kurios buvo skirtos apmokėti už paslaugas viešbučiuose, restoranuose ir grynai bankines korteles. Dabartiniu metu šis skirtumas beveik išnykęs ir šis suskirstymas yra gana sąliginis. Apie 1976 metus prasidėjo atskirų NBI ir ICA padalinių susijungimas. Apie 1951 metus Britanijos viešbučių ir restoranų asociacija pradėjo leisti Europoje universalias BHR kreditines korteles. 1965 metais ji susijungė su savo Švedijos konkurentu “Rikskort”, kurios savininkai buvo Valenbergų šeima, ir įkūrė kompaniją “Eurocard International”. Septinto dešimtmečio pradžioje ICA ir NBI pradėjo skverbtis į Europos rinką, dėl šios priežasties 1976 metais NBI pakeitė savo kortelės “BankAmericard” pavadinimą į europiečiams labiau priimtiną “Visa”, o ICA į “Master Charge” į “Master Card”. 1992 metais susiliejo Eurocard International su mokėjimų sistema Euro Check, ko pasekoje gimė “Europay International”. Japonijos rinkoje dominuoja JCB kortelės. Funkcionavimo principai. Pats paprasčiausias kreditinės kortelės funkcionavimo pavyzdys yra kai ją išleidžia 1 firma. Tokioje sistemoje atsiskaitymas negrynais vyksta tarp 3 dalyvių: kortelės eminento, kortelės savininko ir aptarnavimo punkto. Aptarnavimo punktu gali būti ne tik viešbutis ir parduotuvė, bet ir banko skyrius išduodantis kortelės sąvininkui pinigus grynais. Klientas pateikęs kortelę gauna prekę arba paslaugą, mainais į kvitą vadinamą slipu. Kuriame fiksuojamas kortelės numeris aptarnavimo punkto kodas ir koordinatės, paslaugos arba prekės suma, operacijos data. Slipą pasirašo kortelės sąvininkas bei pardavėjas. Aptarnavimo punktas slipą pateikia kortelės eminentui, o pastarasis perveda pinigus į nurodytą sąskaitą. Eminetas pateikia kortelės sąvininkui sąskaitą ir jį kredituoja, po kurio laiko gaudamas šias lėšas atgal iš kortelės savininko. Daugelyje apmokėjimo schemų eminentas automatiškai nurašo nuo kortelės savininko sąskaitos reikalingą sumą, pagal išankstinį susitarimą. Tačiau šiuolaikinėje kreditinių kortelių sistemoje visas mechanizmas veikia žymiai sudėtingiau, dėl sekančių priežasčių: 1.Kortelių biznis susideda iš 2 tarpusavyje susietų dalių: kortelių savininkų ir komercinio tinklo, kuriame šios kortelės funkcionuoja. Šioje situacijoje naudingesnėje padėtyje atsiduria bankai, kurie turi ir viena ir kitą. 2.Net ir labai stambūs bankai nepajėgūs sukurti didelės konkurentiškos sistemos. Todėl jiem naudingiau jungtis tarpusavyje. Šitoje bankų asociacijoje atsiranda reikalas turėti jungiamąją grandį, kuri atliktų atsiskaitymus tarp atskirų eminentų, nes vieno banko klientas su kreditine kortele gali ateiti į parduotuvę, kurią aptarnauja kitas bankas. Todėl ir reikalingas centras apdorojantis operacijas, t. y. atliekantis procesingą. Šita centrinė procesinginė kompanija gali atlikti ir kitas funkcijas: autorizacija (aptarnavimo punktas gali užklausti ar klientas yra pajėgus apsimokėti už paslaugas arba prekes). Paprastai autorizacijos centras patvirtina arba nepatvirtina kliento mokumą, nenurodydamas jo sąskaitos dydžio, kliento pavardės. Tuo būdu šiuolaikinę atsiskaitymų sistemą sudaro: 1. Kortelių bankai - eminentai; 2. Bankai - ekvaireriai (bankai valdantys komercinį tinklą, t. y. tiesiogiai aptarnaujantys viešbučius parduotuves ir panašiai); 3. Parduotuvės ir kiti komerciniai taškai; 4. Atsiskaitomieji bankai; 5. Procesingo kompanijos, kurios apdoroja finansines operacijas; Kortelės savininkas iš parduotuvės ar kito komercinio taško gauna prekę arba paslaugą kreditan, komercinis taškas pateikęs slipą gauna nuo savo banko ekvairerio piniginę kompensaciją už kortelės savininko pirkinį. Bankas ekvaireris šiuos pinigus atsiima kreipdamasis į banką eminentą, tiesiogiai arba per tarpinį atsiskaitomąji banką. Ir pagaliau bankas eminentas atsiskaito su klientu per jo saskaitą. Praktikoje bankas ekvaireris gauto iš komercinio taško slipo duomenis paverčia į elektroninę formą (failą) kuris siunčiamas į procesingo kompaniją. Ši kompanija per dieną gautus failus kaupia, rūšiuoja ir persiunčia bankui eminentui. Šitas sumarinis dokumentas yra pagrindas bankui ekvaireriui gauti iš banko eminento išeikvotas lėšas, o pastarasis šių elektroninių duomenų pagrindu vykdo kortelės savininko sąskaitos kreditavimą arba debitavimą. Pagal šitą schemą vyksta netik kliento lėšų judėjimas bet juda ir komisiniai pinigai, kuriuos išsidalina šioje grandinėlėje dalyvaujančios įstaigos, nes jų darbas paremtas komercijos pagrindais. Komisinių pinigų išskaičiavimas yra visiškai skirtingas kai kortelės savininkas perka prekę parduotuvėje ir kai jis nori paimti pinigus grynais jį aptarnaujančiame banke. Bankas išduodantis kortelės savininkui grynus pinigus faktiškai jį kredituoja, ir tarptautinėse sistemose ši operacija vadinama”kasos avansu”. Todėl kortelės savininkas gaudamas pinigus grynais turi papildomai apmokėti komisinius už kreditavimą (Lentelė Nr.2). Jei kortelės savininkas perka prekę, į šią parduotuvėję atliekamą operaciją įtraukiamas mokestis už mainus (Interchange fee). Jos tikslas kompensuoti bankui eminentui išlaidas, kol iš kortelės savininko kreditinės sąskaitos pervesti pinigai į parduotuvę sugrįš atgal bankui eminentui. Šiuo atveju komisinius apmoka parduotuvė. Kai kuriuose Rytų Europos šalyse tame tarpe ir Lietuvoje gali būti nukrypimų nuo šitos pasaulyje pripažintos schemos (Lentelė Nr.3). Smart cart Viskas kas buvo paminėta tinka kortelėms su magnetine juosta, kurios sudaro daugumą kortelių funkcionuojančių šiandieną pasaulio rinkoje. Kortelėms su įmontuotomis mikroschemomis arba Smart-kortelėmis taikomi kitokie funkcionavimo principai. Patentą išleisti pirmas korteles su mikroschema 1974 metais gavo prancūzų inžinierius Rolan Moreno, tam tikslui sukūręs firmą “INNOVATRON INGENIERIE”. Pagrindinis smart kortelių pranašumas lyginant su kortelėmis magnetinės juostos pagrindu yra jų daugiafunkcionalumas, saugumas ir patikimumas, o taip pat ir autorizacijos galimybė režime Off-line. Dažniausia smart kortelės panaudojamos organizacijoms atsiskaitymui negrynais, telefonų kortelėms, korporacijoms ir įstaigoms, atsiskaitymams konkretaus subjekto viduje. Visos Smart kortelės yra apsaugotos PIN-kodu (personal indentification number). Šios kortelės turi dvigubą apsaugos sistemą: kiekvienoje atsiskaitymų negrynais sistemoje dalyvauja 3 subjektai-kortelės savininkas, bankas išdavęs kortelę ir komercinis taškas. Informaciją kortelėje gali keisti arba banko tarnautojas arba prekybos taško darbuotojas. T.y. kredito srytyje turi dirbti banko atstovas, o debito prekybininkas, jei kortelė turi tik 1 atminties apsaugos zoną su debito ir kredito srytimis gali dirbti tiek prekybininkas tiek bankininkas, o tai sudaro sąlygas nesąžiningumui ir sukčiavimui. Smart - kortelėse yra 2 atminties apsaugos lygiai ir joje realizuojamos specialio komandos tokios kaip “atidaryti sąskaitą”, “kredituoti sąskaitą”, “nuskaityti likutį” ir pan. Pvz.: prekybininkui prieinama tik komanda debituoti saskaitą. Priimant mokėjimus pagal smart korteles naudojami 2 tipų įrenginiai: mokėjimo terminalai arba kasos registratoriai. Mokėjimo terminalas tai specilizuotas mikrokompiuteris. Dėl nedidelės operatyvinės atminties, šitie terminalai negali sukaupti daug informacijos ir dažniausia naudojami vieno eminento klientams aptarnauti. Kasos registratoriai sukurti ir dirba IBM PC bazėje. Jie leidžia priimti visas mokėjimo rūšis ir turi visus kasos aparato atributus. Programinės įrangos išplėtimo galimybė leidžia sukurti daugiaeminentines sistemas, šitos kasos yra aprūpintos Cart reader su PIN klaviatūra. Universali elektroninė mokėjimo sistema (U.E.P.S.). Ji skirta atlikti atsiskaitymus ne grynais pagal mikroprocesorines korteles U.E.P.S. Ji sukurta pranzūzų firmos NET1 International ir nuo 1991 metų įdiegta eilėje šalių. (jau taikoma ir Vilniaus banke). Pagrindinis šios sistemos privalumas yra tas, kad visas mokėjimos TRANZAKCIJAS galima atlikti režime Off-line betarpiškai bendraujant 2 kortelėm, daugialaipsnė kortelių emisijos sistema ir visiškai nėra slaptos informacijos prekybinių terminalų atmintyje. Kortelės savininko gauti pinigai randasi banke atskiroje sąskaitoje (Holding Account) ir banko panaudojami kaip laisvos kreditinės lėšos. Parduotuvės terminalas turi 2 readerius smart kortelėms. Darbo pradžioje į vieną iš jų įstatoma parduotuvės kortelė. Į laisva readerį įstatoma pirkėjo smart kortelė atsiskaitant už prekes. Tuo metu pirkinio kaina nuskaitoma nuo kliento kortelės į parduotuvės kortelę, kartu su kortelės numeriu, data ir kita reikalinga informacija. Visa šita informacija užrašoma į terminalo atmintį. Pasibaigus darbui parduotuvės terminalas inkasuojamas ir duomenis pervedami į banko eminento einamąją sąskaitą. Panašiai darbas vyksta jei kortelės savininkas nori gauti grynus pinigus bankomate. Vykstant dialogui tarp 2 kortelių visa informacija yra šifruojama specialiais raktais ir yra unikali kiekvienam ryšio seansui. Bankas eminentas gavęs informaciją iš komercinio taško dešifruoja informaciją savais raktais. Jeigu klientas kortelę gavęs šiame banke nuo jo sąskaitos nurašoma reikiama suma ir atitinkama suma pervedama į parduotuvės sąskaitą. Jeigu klientas gavo kortelę kitame banke formuojamas mokėjimo pranešimas ir siunčiamas per emisijos centrą reikąlingam bankui. Šis bankas gavęs pranešimą atlieka ankščiau minėtas operacijas. Kortelių rūšys Egzistuoja daug kortelių klasifikavimo rūšių: 1. Pagal medžiagą iš kurios ji padaryta: a)popierinės, b)plastikinės, c)metalinės. Pastaruoju metu daugiausia naudojama plastikinės kortelės. Kai kur dar naudojamos popierinės (kartoninės) laminuotos kortelės, kurios yra pigios tačiau nepatikimos padirbimo požiūriu. 2. Pagal informacijos užrašymo pobūdį a)grafinis užrašas, b)embosiravimas (įspaudimas), c)šrich-kodavimas, d)kodavimas magnetinėje juostoje, e)kodavimas čipsuose, f)lazeriniai įrašai. Grafiniai užrašai buvo naudojami pirmosiose kortelėse, tačiau ir dabar kiekviena kortelė turi grafinius vaizdus pagal kuriuos identifikuojamas bankas ar kompanija išleidusi konkrečią kortelę. Kartais kreditinėse kortelėse yra įspaudžiami (embosiruojami) kortelės sąvininko duomenys (vardas, pavardė). Štrich kodavimas buvo naudojamas iki tol, kol neatsirado įrašai magnetinėse juostose. Štrich kodai buvo panašūs į tuos kurie yra ant prekių. Jie buvo populiarūs dėl savo pigumo, kiek vėliau štrich kodai buvo dengiami nepermatomo plastiko sluoksniu ir nuskaitomi infra raudonaisiais spinduliais. Kredito kortelių sistemoje įvyko revoliucija 6 dešimtmetyje, kai ant kortelės pradėta klijuoti magnetinė juosta ir joje užkoduotu būdu buvo įrašomas kortelės numeris jos galiojimo laikas ir kita informacija. Šios kortelės ir šiandien yra pačios populiariausios pasaulyje, bet praėjus 20 metų nuo jų panaudojimo pradžios tapo aišku, kad jos negali užtikrinti pakankamos informacijos apsaugos. Todėl 1974 Moreno pasiūlė tam tikslui panaudoti čipą arba mikroschemą. O tokias korteles pavadino Smart - card. Kortelės paplito Prancūzijoje, PAR ir kitose šalyse, tačiau pilną išplitimą pasaulyję stabdo palyginti aukšta šių kortelių gamybos kaina. Tik paskutiniais metais, kai pasaulinėje atsiskaitymų sistemoje kortelėmis su magnetine juosta pastebima vis daugiau sukčiavimo atvejų, Smart kortelės pradėtos dažniau diegti į praktiką. 1981 metais John Dreksler išrado optinę kortelę kur įrašas lazeriniu prietaisu daroma į specialų lazerinį diską, įlietą į kortelę ir atitinkamai lazerio pagalba jis nuskaitomas. Šių kortelių privalumas tas, kad galima įrašyti didelės apimties informaciją. Nežiūrint to bankiniuose atsiskaitymuose šios kortelės nėra plačiai taikomos. 3. Pagal eminentus a)bankines(universalios) kortelės, kurias leidžia bankai ir finansinės kompanijos; b)kortelės, kurias išleidžia komercinės kompanijos atsiskaitymams šios kompanijos tinkle; 4. Pagal aptarnaujamų klientų kategoriją: a)paprasta kortelė; b)sidabrinė kortelė; c)auksinė kortelė; d)elektroninė kortelė. Paprasta kortelė yra skirta eiliniam klientui. Tai “Classic Visa” ir “Mass (Standard) Eurocard / Master Card”. Sidabrinė kortelė, dar vadinama “Busisness Card” skirta organizacijų, kompanijų darbuotojams, kurie yra įgalioti tam tikrose ribose naudotis savo kompanijos lėšomis. Auksinė kortelė skirta garbingiems ir labai turtingiems klientams. Be viso to “Visa” ir “Europay” turi korteles, kurios skirtos tik bankomatams, gauti grynus pinigus specialiuose elektroniniuose terminaluose “Electron Visa”, “Cirrus / Maestro”. 5. Pagal mokėjimo schemą: a)kreditinės, b)atsiskaitomosios, c)debitinės. Kreditinė schema numato nulinį išeitinį likutį kredito sąskaitoje. Visos operacijos užrašomos kreditan, o kortelės savininkas privalo atsiskaityti pagal aptartas sąlygas. Pateikiama pavyzdinė vakaruose priimta schema. Pirmų 25 kalendorinių dienų laikotarpyje, nuo kredito sumos bankai neskaičiuoja procentų, bet kortelės savininkas turi sumokėti 10 procentų skolos. Praėjus šiam laikotarpiui nuo likusios neapmokėtos skolos dalies bankai kiekvieną dieną skaičiuoja 20 procentų metinių palūkanų. Apmokant prekių ir paslaugų kainą, kortelės sąvininkas komisinių nemoka. Išimant grynus pinigus klientas moka 2 procentus nuo išgrynintos sumos. Už pačią kortelę klientas moka 25 dolerių metinį mokestį. Paprastai kredito dydis yra limituojamas atsižvelgiant į kliento turtingumą, jo kasmėnesinių pajamų dydį. JAV “Visa” ir”Master Card” dirba pagal kreditinę schemą ir procentai gaunami už kreditavimą sudaro didžiausią pajamų dalį. Kaip rašo spec. leidiniai nemažai klientų stengiasi atsiskaityti per 25 dienas su banku. Ir pastarasis negauna numatytų pajamų. Tuo būdu mes turime reikalą faktiškai su atsiskaitomąja schema, kuri numato atsiskaityti per mėnesį visą išleistą pinigų sumą per numatytą laikotarpį. Todėl “American Express” korteles, kurios turi vieną emitentą, daug kas vadina atsiskaitomosiomis. Principiniai nuo kreditinių skiriasi debitinės kortelės. Atsiskaitant pagal debitines kortele nurodyta suma tą pačią dieną nurašoma (debetuojama) nuo kliento banko sąskaitos. Jeigu suma viršija kliento saskaitos likutį tai atsiskaitymo operacija blokuojama. Debitinėm kortelėm reikalinga autorizacija atliekant kiekvieną operaciją. Paprastai siekiant apsaugoti kliento kortelę nuo vagystės pametimo atveju, klientas gauna PIN kodą, kurį žino jis vienas. Tam pačiam tikslui skirtas ir susitarimas tarp kliento ir banko, kuris limituoja panaudojamų pinigų sumą per dieną.
Ekonomika  Konspektai   (15,01 kB)
Violence on TV
To tell the truth, I am strongly against violence on TV. Usually I ask myself why some people have tendencies toward violence. What factors cause those violent and aggressive behaviors? Among broad other reasons such as mental health, personal characteristics and economic status there is the violence in media that gives people those nonsensical ideas and inspiration. The truth about television violence and children had been shown. Studies have been carried out and all the results point to the same conclusion: violence on television affects the behavior of children who are watching it. In fact, violence on TV causes children to be increasingly violent and the effects could be life-long. Children create violence to keep themselves satisfied. The reason children are so drawn to the violence on TV today is that the characters on TV make it look fun, so children find it fun to imitate. It has been found that kids who watch more television are more likely to solve their problems with violence rather than kids who don’t. Talking about kind of scenes children shouldn’t see at all, I must say that children shouldn’t be allowed to watch killing and all others which are bloody. As I know the most violence contains television programs about daily events. I must admit that the most violence is on Lithuanian programs such as Farai, Komanda. By the way, there is saying: the more bloody film it is, the more popular it becomes. So, I think all most popular TV shows and movies are fulfilled of blood and violence as well. If somebody does not like to watch violence on TV, that doesn’t let him or her to change others opinion. We can’t forget that these films are for adults not children. It is the adults who are able to see the difference between what is real and what is false. Actually, somebody likes those action movies and TV shows that have death counts close to hundreds. They love the feeling of leaving cinema in awe of what they just saw. That shows that we have no right to take shows and movies off the TV. But I strongly believe that the time of that must be controlled. It should be shown, when it is late and all children are sleeping. To make less violence on TV can only punishment. And the best should be a huge sum of money. To sum it up, fixing this problem isn’t easy, it will never go away, and in time it will get worse. About the only way to correct this ever-growing problem is to stop it where it starts: at home. Parents should take up the responsibility to be more into what their kids watch.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,49 kB)
Every day we tend to watch news, and every day we hear that people were killed, robbed or tortured. Four out of ten people said that they had been the victims of actual or threatened violence in the United States. Usually I ask myself why some people have tendencies toward violence. What factors cause those violent and aggressive behaviors? Among broad other reasons such as mental health, personal characteristics and economic status there is the violence in media that gives people those nonsensical ideas and inspiration.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (57,8 kB)
TV Violence
Every day we tend to watch news, and every day we hear that people were killed, robbed or tortured. Four out of ten people said that they had been the victims of actual or threatened violence in the United States. Usually I ask myself why some people have tendencies toward violence. What factors cause those violent and aggressive behaviors? Among broad other reasons such as mental health, personal characteristics and economic status there is the violence in media that gives people those nonsensical ideas and inspiration.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (15,55 kB)
I have a computer as well. I need my computer for doing my homework or just for spending my free time. I use programs such us Microsoft Word, Excel, Win amp, Nero and so on. I spend few hours a day working on a computer. But sometimes (if I have a lot of to do) I spend almost all day working on a computer. If I have free time, sometimes I spend it playing computer games. But it isn’t very often. My favorite computer games are the following: X, X, X and others. It is interesting question about advantages and disadvantages of having a computer at home or at school. The main disadvantage of computers is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to eyes, and sitting on a chair for hours at a time is certainly not healthy. Secondly, computers distract from social interactions such as conversation. Also, people can be inclined to become anti-social and stay at home in front of their computers for ages. Finally, the most persuasive argument against the using computers is that more and more are done by computers and less are done by people. That means that not only unemployment is increasing, but people become lazier not even to do anything, but to think as well. However, the advantages of computers are numerous, such us undeniable educational benefits, especially for children. School subjects become more interesting when they are presented on a computer screen. Moreover, computers can be fun with a seemingly endless variety of games which can be played on computers. In addition, computers are valuable to any business, making life easier and saving time by being capable of storing and retrieving vast amounts of information at the touch of button. Furthermore, personal can see as the using of computers increases powers of concentration. To sum it up, I must say that computer is a thing, which helps us to do our life much easier. So it means that we shouldn’t make it more important than our life or friends.
First of all, the slogan misses an important point. The death penalty does not punish people for killing, but for murder. Killing is justified when it is done in self-defense. Killing means to cause death. Murder, on the other hand, is defined as, "the unlawful and malicious or premeditated killing of one human being by another". "Kill," "murder," and "execute" are not interchangeable terms. Death penalty opponents would like us to believe otherwise. Just because two actions result in the same end does not make them morally equivalent. If it were so, legal incarceration would be equated with kidnapping, lovemaking with rape, self-defense with assault, etc. Therefore, the slogan is better stated, "We execute people to show people that murder is wrong." Morality is defined as "the principles of right and wrong." As moral creatures, humans deserve praise for good deeds, and punishment for bad ones. Punishment may range from a slap on the wrist to death, but the punishment must fit the crime. Morally, it is wrong to incarcerate someone for murder. A sentence of life in an air-conditioned, cable-equipped prison where a person gets free meals three times a day, personal recreation time, and regular visits with friends and family is a slap in the face of morality. People will say here that not all prisons are like the one cited. This betrays an ignorance, however, of current trends. Eventually, criminal rights activists will see to it that all prisons are nice places to go. But regardless of the conditions of a particular prison, someone who murders another human being can only be made to pay for his actions by forfeiting his own life. This is so, simply because a loss of freedom does not and cannot compare to a loss of life. In reality, the murderer actually gets off easy when he is sentenced to death. Executions in this country are performed by lethal injection and electrocution. If a person is lethally injected, he is first put to sleep, and then he is administered drugs that will stop his heart. If a person faces the electric chair, he is dead within seconds. Compare this to the heinous crimes of the murderer, where often the victim will go through excruciating pain for minutes, hours, or sometimes days. The opponents of death penalty gives five reasons why the death penalty should be abolished. Those reasons are quite commonly given, so I will address their objections here. 1. The death penalty is racist. 2. The death penalty punishes the poor. These are basically the same argument. What it boils down to is "the death penalty is not applied fairly." This cannot be an argument against the death penalty. If it were, then it would be an argument against all punishments. To argue that the death penalty is to be abolished because it is not fairly imposed is to admit that if it were imposed fairly it would be okay. This is not an argument against the death penalty but an argument to improve the justice system. Is the system unfair? Fix it. What is unfair is not that the black and poor prisoners get what they deserve. What is unfair is that the rich and white prisoners do not. 3. The death penalty condemns the innocent to die. There is absolutely no proof for this statement. The possibility of an innocent person being executed is extremely small, and continues to decrease with the improvement of forensic science. It is true that death row prisoners have been released, but it is not true that they were innocent. Consider the following fact: A judgment of acquittal is final. Even if overwhelming evidence is later uncovered, the prosecution can never appeal. Likewise, if a conviction is reversed on appeal because the evidence of guilt was legally insufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, then the defendant cannot be retried. Furthermore, if a court decides that the evidence brought against the defendant was legally insufficient, it is not saying that the defendant was actually innocent. By making this decision, the court is merely saying that the prosecution did not prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. We must make a distinction when we use the words "acquittal" and "innocent." The media often overlooks this distinction, and thrives on causing widespread panic that an innocent person was falsely convicted. Being acquitted, however, does not mean that the defendant did not actually commit the crime. A jury must acquit "someone who is probably guilty but whose guilt is not established beyond a reasonable doubt. 4. The death penalty is not a deterrent against violent crime. The death penalty as a deterrent to crime is not the issue. Capital punishment is, pardon the redundancy, a punishment for crime. As a punishment, it is 100% effective; every time it is used, the prisoner dies. Additionally, the death penalty is actually 100% effective as a deterrent to crime: the murderer will never commit another crime once he has been executed. 5. The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. The death penalty is not cruel and unusual punishment. The framers of the Constitution supported the death penalty, so it is ridiculous to claim that cruel and unusual punishment refers to the death penalty. Furthermore, it is logically impossible to be cruel while punishing a guilty murderer for murdering an innocent victim. I have tried to argue here that the death penalty is moral and just. We must never forget that no one has to be executed; if no one murders, no one is executed. Murderers are not innocent people fighting for their lives; that statement describes their victims.
How ballet can change your life Take some young people from the most disadvantaged areas in the West Midlands. Challenge them to perform 'Romeo & Juliet' as a ballet. Film every ouch, fall and tear. Present it as a TV documentary and see them performing live in Birmingham! Ballet Hoo! Is not a competition. There were no rounds of auditions, no elimination process and no search for an overall winner. Over 18 months the Ballet Hoo! Project combined ballet and the arts, fitness, personal development training and life coaching to around 100 young people to develop skills to help them better their lives. Included in the cast was 19 year-old Alethea from Smethwick. She says: "I found the whole process challenging but at the same time very rewarding. I owe everyone a whole lot for the skills I have gained and will carry with me into later life." Tybalt wrestles with the crowd This version of Romeo and Juliet, developed by Kenneth Macmillan, meant a grueling rehearsal schedule for the untrained teenagers and the Birmingham Royal Ballet professionals as they worked together - and even adapted certain scenes. They performed at the Birmingham Hippodrome in front of a packed audience on Thursday 28 September, and were filmed for the final Channel 4 documentary.The project seems to have inspired everyone involved, and the success stories are already arriving. Linden, who plays Tybalt, says: "I have recently been accepted by the National Youth Theatre and greatly enjoy acting. I hope to continue performing."The project was a partnership between Birmingham Royal Ballet, Youth at Risk and Channel 4 - who have been filming the teens along their journey. There are still a couple of the documentaries to be screened 'Ballet Changed My Life: Ballet Hoo!':
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (39,18 kB)
A small number of scientists investigate ESP and other parapsychological phenomena systematically. Joseph Banks Rhine began pioneering work on ESP under carefully controlled conditions more than 50 years ago. For many observations he used a special deck of 25 cards: 5 cards of each of 5 symbols. For parapsychological studies the cards were often shuffled mechanically. Then the participant was given 25 “trials”. In studies of telepathy, the scientist chose a card and looked at it before the subject “guessed” the symbol. In research on clairvoyance, the investigator selected a card and placed it facedown on the table without looking at it. Then the participant “guessed” the symbol. For work on precognition, the subject “guessed” the symbol that would appear before the experimenter selected the card. While the number of hits among people who perform well is typically small (7 out of 25), some subjects do surprisingly well. Spontaneity and trancelike states seem to increase the magnitude of ESP effects. People who believe that ESP exists make slightly higher scores on laboratory tests than skeptics do. In the public’s mind the evidence for ESP consists primarily of personal experiences and anecdotes. Such evidence is unpersuasive in science because it suffers from many problems: 1.The replication problem is acute because most such evidence consists of one-time occurrences (for example a woman announces a premonition that she will win the lottery that day-and she does). There is no way to evaluate it because it is not repeatable. 2.The problem of inadequate controls and safeguards is decisive because such incidents occur under unexpected and ambiguously specified conditions. There is no way of ruling out such alternative interpretations as chance, faulty memories, and deliberate deception. 3.and finally the file-drawer problem is also fatal. The lottery winner who announced ahead of time that she would win is prominently featured in the news. But the thousands of others with similar premonitions who did not win are never heard from; they remain in the file-drawers. It is true that the probability of this woman’s winning the lottery was very low. But the critical criterion in evaluating this case is not the probability that she would win, but the probability that anyone of the thousands who thought they would win would do so. That probability is much higher. The same reasoning applies to precognitive dreams. We tend to forget our dreams unless and until an event happens to remind us of them. We thus have no way of evaluating how often we might have dreamed of similar unlikely events that did not occur. We fill our database with positive instances and unknowingly exclude the negative instances. Extraordinariness is a matter of degree. Telepathy seems less extraordinary to most of us than precognition cause we are already familiar with the invisible transmission of information through space. Precognition seems more extraordinary because we have no familiar phenomena in which info flaws backward in time. National polls find that about ½ of all adult Americans believe in ESP. Psychologists are a particularly skeptical group.
Dental caries
Alternative names: dental cavities; tooth decay. Definition: A disease of the teeth resulting in damage to tooth structure. Dental caries is one of the most prevalent disorders afflicting mankind, second only to common cold. It usually occurs in children and young adults. Dental caries is a relatively recent in human history. Dental caries remain a relatively rare disease in some areas of the world. In Europe, North and South America, virtually every person is attacked at some time during his life. Tooth decay seems to be a disease of civilization possibly associated with refined foods. A lack of dental cleanliness is also closely associated with tooth decay. There are three main factors that be simultaneously for the condition to occur: ●microbial dental plaque; ●teeth susceptible to caries; ●diet that provides a frequent supply of fermentable carbohydrate Microbial dental plaque is a colorless, bacteria laden film that forms daily on the teeth. The bacteria convert all foods-especially sugar starch-into acids. The onset of carries is early in susceptible populations. Decay occurs where bacteria and foods adhere to the surface of the teeth. Many individuals with high caries susceptibility speak of inheriting “soft teeth” or that the resistance to tooth decay is strongly influenced by genetic variation in tooth composition. Prevention. Oral hygiene is the primary prevention against dental caries. This consists of personal care and professional care. The use of dental sealants is a good means of cavity prevention. Sealants are thin plastic-like coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars. Symptoms and Signs: ● toothache; ● cavities. Most dental caries are discovered in the early stages during routine checkups. The surface of the tooth may be soft, pain may not be present until advanced stages of tooth decay and dental X-ray may show some cavities before they are visible. Treatment. Destroyed tooth structure does not regenerate. The progression of dental caries can be stopped by treatment. In filling teeth, the decayed material is removed by drilling and replaced with a restorative material such as silver alloy, gold, porcelain, or composite. Treatment often preserves the tooth. Dental caries- dantu eduonis Afflict – sukelti skausma Lesion – pazeidimas Refined foog – tinkamas maistas Medical condition- medicinine bukle Abscess- pulinys Restriction- apribojimas Prevent- uzkirsti kelia Dental sealant- dantu plevele Regenerative- atstatymas Preserve- saugoti Filling- plomba Alloy- lydinys Amalgam-amalgama
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (4,33 kB)
Computer – it`s a machine for carrying out calculations and performing specified transformations on information, such as storing, sorting, correlating, retrieving and processing data. The main disadvantage of computers is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to the eyes, and sitting on a chair for hours at a time is certainly not healthy. Secondly computers distract from social interactions such as conversation. Also, people can be inclined to become anti-social and stay at home and use their computer. Finally, the most persuasive argument against the use of computers is that the more jobs are done by computers the less are done by people. It isn`t very good for increasing people population. However, the advantages of computers are numerous, such as undeniable educational benefits, especially to children. School subjects become more interesting when presented on a computer screen. Moreover, computers can be fun with a seemingly endless variety of games which can be played on them. In addition, computers are valuable to any business, making life easier and saving time by being capable of storing and retrieving vast amounts of information at he touch of the button. I think computer has a lot of disadvantages and advantages. Yet, despite the health problems, risk to jobs and personal interaction, it seems that as long as the use of computers is regulated the benefits computers provide to education and businesses are invaluable. Computers make our life easier.
Computer games
Children nowadays are always very tired after school and they need to relax. The most interesting thing for them to do that is play computer games. Almost every parent worry about how it could affect their children lifes. But I believe that sometimes computer games could even entertain children. First of all, I think that computer game could not only set free from the presure children get at school but also be the best way to educate themselves. If there is special educational game that helps children to have a logical mind finding answers for various situations or helps them with some subjects they cannot understand at school, I think this is very needable and useful. In another hand, usually computer games affect children badly. If there is cruant game, it could get physical result which would be very unpleasant. Also, some children play them all the day and this could became a serious problem. As a result, I would like to say that children really need to relax after a long and hard day at school. But we must be very careful, because spending hours playing computer games might cause problems not only with school work but also with their personal life.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,11 kB)
Speciality The new thing that this store has is minimal inventory. Most probably many have said this before but they all still work under the old idea that all the records have to physically be in the store when the customers want to buy them. By taking the model of Apple's iTunes Store and moving it out of the home and onto the streets we can achieve a much lower inventory than is possible with a traditional musicstore. All the music would be stored on computer drives in full quality and when the customer wants to buy an album he simply requests it from the salesman who burns the album on a cd which the customer then takes with him. With this comes a much higher computer cost but that is more than balanced out by less inventory and less requirements for the store's size plus we get the added bonus of a potentially strong online presence. The stock-reducing feature of this store can be described so that no cd´s will be bought from the publishers except those that have already been sold. It would work similar to when one orders a cd from a traditional music store. The process then is that they put in an order for that particular cd which is then sent to them in the next shipment. Since they already can sell it when it comes to the store no cost of stock needs to be accredited to that particular cd and it will not degrade in value, as it remains unsold in the store. Market In all probability it will be easier to get smaller independent labels to accept this new arrangement since they are often less concerned about piracy and illegal distribution of their music. When Apple introduced its online record store with the possibility of burning song to cd it may have broken the ice for big publishers who may see this opportunity for what it really is, a big chance for them to regain some control over music distribution. According to the financial calculations presented in Appendix C we need to sell 22 cd's per day 30 days a month to get just above the break even point. That should be a reachable goal as we see with the following logic. For a store in central Reykjavik we can assume that the market size is 1800 customers. That is 10% of the population between 15 and 30. So in order to reach the breakeven point every customer needs to buy 4.4 cd’s per year, a goal that is easily within reach considering usual spending habits of young people in Iceland. A threat to this is of course the Internet and illegal downloads of music. Market size is furthermore considered under three circumstances, low, medium and high with the sales numbers 10, 40 and 100 respectively. The probability for each demand is 0.6, 0.3 and 0.1. A great factor in why low market size is thought to be most probable is the Internet and the still growing popularity of illegal downloads. Setup For a breakdown and projection of Setup cost see Appendix A. The setup for such a store is more like what one would expect from an ISP rather than a record store because servers and large data storage facilities will be prominent factors of the startup cost. Another aspect is the cost expected to be needed to ensure proper license agreements with publishers. That amount is expected to be needed for travel expenses and other costs excluding legal expenses that will arise from negotiating with the publishers about this new form of sales. Legal expenses are marked as a special cost category because of the difference in tax issues between these two factors in Iceland. Special programs will be needed in the modern store while traditional stock and bookkeeping software can be used in the traditional store. Among this special software is cd burning software, server maintenance and control as well as possible software to report sales of cd´s to the publishers but that will depend on the deals made with them, i.e. if they want secure data directly from the computer system without human interaction or if they simply want a report based on honesty for their billing purposes. In the financial calculation it has been assumed that just about all startup expenses will be covered by loans and that those loans will be fully repaid in three years. This is done to provide a horizon for the comparison. Operating Cost Operating cost projections are presented in Appendix B Operating cost for the two stores is calculated without considering inflation because it is not customary to consider inflation in such calculations. It is assumed that any change in costs will be carried directly into the prices and therefor effectively negating all consequences. The expected sale used in Replenishment of stock is 10% of the stock. This is below the breakeven point but since the breakeven analysis with NPV uses the sales as a variable this has no effect on that. The main objective with the operating cost sheet is to get a rough idea of what forms the operating expenses and approximate the amount. Legal expenses and publishing are assumed to be evenly distributed over the period while in fact they would be discrete and uneven amounts. For this preliminary analysis the even distribution is accurate enough. Payments of loans are expected to be every three months and the interest rate is 6% per year. The payments are assumed to be equal payments. Break Even Analysis When NPV is calculated it is assumed that the business is worthless at the end of three years and therefor we get no return at the end of that period. Interest rate is set to approximately 25% per year or exactly 2% per month. This interest rate is our interest demand, that is the interest we expect to be able to get if we invest differently. When establishing the Break Even point NPV analysis is used with the Goal seek option in Excel. The NPV is set to 0 and Goal seek adjusts the sales to find the corresponding amount. This is different from finding the breakeven for individual months or the sum of the period in general because this takes into account the possible earning of the money if it was invested differently. The Break Even analysis is presented in Appendix C. Results After examining the numbers we see that the modern store has a definite advantage over the traditional approach. By arranging the decision matrix and using the Maximax or MiniMax methods to determine the best possibility we get the same results, the modern store has better potential than the traditional one with regards to the NPV calculations. Furthermore if we use Expected Return, that is multiply the probabilities and return and then taking the maximum of that we get the same result. In the market section we saw a logical induction for the market share reaching and probably overtaking the breakeven point of 22cd's for modern store. The breakeven for a traditional is 59cd's and that amount we can not expect without a high demand which is considered improbable. Recommendations It is necessary before making any commitments regarding the store to first look for further information about the Apple deal. That information might be found on Internet rumor pages or magazines and newspapers covering the iTunes store. What we need to find out is any conditions that publishers put forth and the problems encountered on the way as well as how much Apple needs to pay the publishers for every song they sell, that should establish a baseline for the prices because it is unlikely that a small store like this would get a better deal than an industry giant with a phenomenal track record. A market analysis needs to be conducted. It can be as simple as sitting outside a competing record store and counting the number of people coming out of it with a bag in their hand or it can be a full third party analysis of the market. But making some kind of market research is important for further establishing the estimates of market size. With respect to the expected market size it is needed to determine the amount of cd writing equipment is needed. This is a variable with no counterpart in the traditional store but the potential of being quite expensive depending on the expectations of the stores client with regard to speed of service. It is necessary to examine many possible solutions ranging from cheap personal cd writers to more advanced professional equipment. Another such issue is the servers that store the music. They need to be able to store large amounts of data and need to serve all the data to the cd writers when it is requested. That should actually not be a big problem since modern servers have a very high bandwidth. Another issue that needs to be considered is the financial aspect. It is not very wise to finance the preparation expenses with loans, one should rather try to get venture capital or finance it in other ways. A loan can be a big burden to bear if it turns out that publishers are not willing to allow this form of store but the venture capital would simply be lost without much consequence. With venture capital the control of the store is in lost to some extent but that could be more feasible than to be stuck with payments of a loan that generated zero income.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (46,53 kB)
More and more people are beginning to open new business ventures (sumanymas). It seems like it is becoming the popular move. By opening a business there could be big profit(nauda)to be made, depending(atsizvelgiant) on the market. On the other hand, there are risks(rizika). It is said that there are two reasons why people start a business. The first reason is because they have inspiration(ikvepimas) for what they believe would be a great idea and the second is from desperation(neviltis).. There are various different ways to start a business. Not all entrepreneurs(verslininkai) begin their business by the thought of an idea. There are many other ways to go about starting a business. Buying a franchise, buying an existing company, the inventions of a product are all other ways to begin a business. People often start a business in a field that they know well. Although this is true, it is important not to limit the perspectives(perspektyva) of the kind of business to open. The areas outside of your interests may just be the right opportunity(galimybe) for you, which is why it is important to explore(istirti)other areas. This paper will talk about the general ways in which to start a new business and how to go about doing it. Included will be how to get ideas to open a business, planning out the business structure, ways to get money to start the business, getting prepared(pasiruosimas), hiring(samda the staff, and getting the word out to the public. Getting ideas to Open a Business the business idea plays a critical role in the overall(apskritai) success of the business venture chosen.. There are many considerations(pamastymu) that must be thought of before determine(nulemti) the success of an enterprise, including the entrepreneur, financing and other external forces. In order to have a good business idea it should:  satisfy personal goals and interests, (patenkinti personalo tikslus ir..)  find a success place in the market,  making sure it is possible to produce the necessary quality of the product or service,  Meet or exceed your financial goals.(atitikti ar virsyti ) In order to meet all of these criteria, it is important to complete research(uzbaigti nagrinejima) on the business idea that has been chosen. Research information can be gathered(kauptas) from various different sources(saltiniu). Some of these sources being the library, looking at existing businesses, word of mouth, reading books, watching television, going to government departments, talking to university professors etc. If the research has not been completed then it more likely that the business will become a failure(bankrotas) Planning out the business structure The one basic question facing all new business owners is “what business structure is the best for me?”. There are three main types of business structures:  sole proprietorship, (private nuosavybe)  partnership,(kompanija partneryste)  corporation. All of these different structures are different and require(reikalauja) different things to make them work. The sole proprietorship is a business that has only one owner and for the purpose of his/her own profit, the partnership is a business which has two or more people and all of the workers work as co-owners(bendra nuosavybe), and the corporation is an artificial entry with obligations(netikras iejimas su isipareigojimais Ways to Get Money to Start the Business There are various different funds available for new business ventures to try and create more jobs. Entrepreneurs are more then welcome to come into economy. To get these funds the business plan has to be completed. The funds available are for many different types of people. There are special ones for immigrant entrepreneurs, women’s entrepreneurs, and young entrepreneurs. Loans(paskola) from the government are available in several different places. The loans from the Government are mostly interest free and unsecured(negarantuotas) loans. This, in comparison(palyginus) to a bank loan, is much better for the fact that there is no interest. If the only opportunity left is the bank then it is necessary to get a low interest loan. When there is the most common questions in starting a business is: “where do I start?”. The questioner below will help answer that question for new business people. This checklist (katakogas) will be the road map for starting a business. Most business owners should use this to make sure that everything is done before the opening of the store. Prepare a business plan. Prepare a marketing plan.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6,5 kB)
Avril Lavigne
Rock & roll wild child Avril Lavigne hit big in summer 2002 with her spiky-fun debut song "Complicated," shifting pop music into a different direction. Lavigne, who was 17 at the time, didn't seem concerned with the glamor of the TRL-dominated pop world and such confidence allowed her star power to soar. The middle of three children in small town Napanee, Ontario, Lavigne's rock ambitions were noticeable around age two. By her early teens, she was already writing songs and playing guitar. The church choir and local festivals and county fairs also allowed Lavigne to get her voice heard, and luckily, Arista Records' main man Antonio "L.A." Reid was listening. He offered her a deal, and at 16, Lavigne's musical dreams became reality. With Reid's assistance and a new Manhattan apartment, Lavigne found herself surrounded by prime songwriters and producers, but it wasn't impressive enough for her to continue. She had always relied on her own ideas to create a musical spark and things weren't going as planned. Lavigne wasn't disillusioned, though. She headed for Los Angeles and Nettwerk grabbed her. Producer/songwriter Clif Magness (Celine Dion, Wilson Phillips, Sheena Easton) tweaked Lavigne's melodic, edgy sound and her debut, Let Go, was the polished product. Singles such as "Complicated" and "Sk8er Boi" hit the Top Ten while "I'm With You" and "Losing Grip" did moderately well at radio. Butch Walker of the Marvelous 3, Our Lady Peace frontman Raine Maida and Don Gilmore (Linkin Park, Good Charlotte) signed on to produce Lavigne's second album, Under My Skin, which appeared in May 2004. ~ MacKenzie Wilson, All Music Guide. Unapologetically original. Unabashedly in your face. Avril Lavigne's 2002 debut Let Go gave young women a defiant voice and set it to music they could rock out to. Fourteen million albums and eight Grammy nominations later, the Canadian chanteuse returns with Under My Skin but if you're expecting a whole lot of the same, you've got another thing coming. This is not a girl who rests on her laurels. Under My Skin opens with the dramatic tracks "Take Me Away" and "Together," which set the scene for the kick-ass guitars and radio-ready chorus of "Don't Tell Me," a song of willful female empowerment that picks up where "Complicated" left off. From there it's a one-two punch of three-chord guitar licks ("He Wasn't") and head-bopping optimism ("Who Knows") alongside swirling, brooding melodies ("Freak Out") and moody tracks ("Forgotten," "Nobody's Home") that reveal a darker side of Avril Lavigne. "I grew up so much in the past two years," admits the Napanee, Ontario, native. "I've been through a lot, I've learned a lot, and experienced a lot both good and bad. These songs are about all of that, and each is very personal to me." Working with producers, Butch Walker (of the Marvelous 3), Raine Maida (of Our Lady Peace), Don Gilmore (Linkin Park, Pearl Jam), Avril co-wrote the dozen introspective songs on Under My Skin in near secrecy. "I'd just come off my world tour and got back to Toronto and was writing right away," the 19-year-old says. "I had no idea what I was going to do. No one did. People wondered if I'd run out of things to write about, but it was the opposite." After a lunch date with fellow Canadian singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk turned into a major chick-bonding session, Avril and Chantal sat down to write. The chemistry was ineffable. "We got together one night and all of a sudden we had a song," she says. "No one knew what I was up to, not my management, not my label." The duo got together the next night and wrote another song. "We did that for two weeks and wrote 12 songs." Momentum took over and by summer Avril was moving into Chantal and her husband Raine Maida's Malibu house to record. "I was only off my tour for a couple of weeks, and I was ready to record," Avril recalls. The California air provided a needed escape from Avril's frantic life. "It was a great time for me, living out there, being out of the public eye, and having my independence. And my friendship with Chantal evolved into one of the best I've ever had." Chantal and Avril would spend all night in the studio perfecting the songs. During the day, Avril learned the city by driving to and from the studio and where ever she needed to be. No photos, no interviews, no pressure. Eventually they recorded most of the songs in Raine's studio, and those songs appear unaltered on Under My Skin. The rest of the tracks, co-written with her guitarist Evan Taubenfeld (and one track with former Evanescence guitarist Ben Moody), were cut just up the road. "I was involved in every aspect of making this record. I'm very hands-on," she says. "I knew how I wanted the drums, the guitar tones, and the structures to be. I understand the whole process so much better this time because I've been through it. I'm really picky with my sound."
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (11,54 kB)
DUTIES: making agreements, such as work agreements, loan agreements, supplying agreements (with a physical person and a juridical person), warrant letters concerning work activities, registration of work agreements in a Work Agreements Journal, working as a representative of the company in making distributing contracts in Lithuania, and other small deals; management of staff of the company; working as a representative of the company in courts (preparation of civil actions, claims, suits as well as retorts for courts and plaintiffs and taking part in the investigation of civil cases) and other legal institutions of Lithuania; forming a legal base of the company (accumulating of juridical literature); Also, I have an experience in establishing and eliminating of companies. 2. POST: lawyer, May 1999 - October 2001. A private firm the main activity of which is wholesale in cosmetics, personal hygiene means, babies diapers and other products of paper. DUTIES: making agreements, such as work agreements, loan agreements, supplying agreements (with a physical person and a juridical person), warrant letters concerning work activities, registration of work agreements in a Work Agreements Journal, working as a representative of the firm in making distributing contracts in Lithuania, and other small deals. 3. POST: administrator, June 1999 - October 2000. A company the main activity of which is rent of premises and wholesale in foodstuffs. DUTIES: a) typical office work - keeping up documentation, typing orders, making work agreements, correspondence with other institutions (initiative, receiving and responding notes), recording the minutes, warrant letters and other notes concerning work relations. b) communication with foreign suppliers in Poland, Latvia, Finland, Sweden; ordering goods, searching for transport and its ordering, credit of imported goods, making price lists and other activities concerning trade. From May 1998 to June 1998 and from November 1998 to February 1999 I did practical work on accounting in the commercial bank “Hansa bankas”. SPECIAL SKILLS 1. Computer skills: NC, MS Excel versions 6,7, MS Windows versions 3,5, MS Word versions 6,7, the special accounting program “Rivilė”, MS Word Perfect version 6.0, Multi Edit, PC Tools, Pager Maker, and others. 2. Work experience with a fax-modem, a fax and copying machines. 3. English and Russian. 4. Juridical knowledge. 5. Good typewriting. 6. Valid driver’s license. MY STRONG PECULIARITIES: 1. A wish to improve myself. 2. A will to make a career. 3. Deep knowledge of work, civil and criminal code, economic law, notaries and constitutional law as well as legal, standard bills. 4. Work experience. A short summary of the reasons why l am inquiring about a vacant work place in Your company: 1. A desire to broaden my outlook and deepen my knowledge. 2. An opportunity to make a career. 3. A wish to get an attractive salary which meet with my qualification and good conditions of work. 4. Communicating with new people. Thank You for Your attention. If You have got interested in my application, please contact me.
More males than females are affected by alcoholism, but drinking among the young and among women is increasing. Consumption of alcohol is apparently on the rise in the United States, as is the total alcohol consumption and prevalence of alcohol-related problems in the former communist countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This increase is paralleled in other countries, including developing nations. After 1980, however, consumption remained relatively stable in many western European nations. Alcoholism, as opposed to merely excessive or irresponsible drinking, has been thought of as a symptom of psychological or social stress or as a learned, maladaptive coping behaviour. More recently, and probably more accurately, it has come to be viewed as a complex disease in its own right. Alcoholism usually develops over a period of years. Alcohol comes to be used more as a mood-changing drug than as a foodstuff or beverage served as a part of social custom or religious ritual. Initially, the alcoholic may demonstrate a high tolerance to alcohol, consuming more and showing fewer adverse effects than others. Subsequently, however, the person begins to drink against his or her own best interests, as alcohol comes to assume more importance than personal relationships, work, reputation, or even physical health. The person commonly loses control over drinking and is increasingly unable to predict how much alcohol will be consumed on a given occasion or, if the person is currently abstaining, when the drinking will resume again. Physical addiction to the drug may occur, sometimes eventually leading to drinking around the clock to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Effects Alcohol has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged periods of excessive drinking may further complicate matters. Advanced cases often require hospitalization. The effects on major organ systems are cumulative and include a wide range of digestive-system disorders such as ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. The central and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged. Blackouts, hallucinations, and extreme tremors may occur. The latter symptoms are involved in the most serious alcohol withdrawal syndrome, delirium tremens, which can prove fatal despite prompt treatment. This is in contrast to withdrawal from narcotic drugs such as heroin, which, although distressing, rarely results in death. Recent evidence has shown that heavy—and even moderate—drinking during pregnancy can cause serious damage to the unborn child: physical or mental retardation, or both; a rare but severe expression of this damage is known as foetal alcohol syndrome. HISTORY OF ALCOHOL Thousands of years ago people began to make alcohol for practical reasons. Wine making began with the early Egyptians who found that grape juise spoiled quickly,but that fermented juise or wine would keep without spoiling.They also had problems with impure water,and the Egyptians noticed that people did not sick ower wine,but they often became ill when they drank inpure water.In later years,wine became inportant to the Roman Catholic Church throughuot Europe because wine was used to celebrate the sacrament of the Mass.By the 1300`s,beer industry had emerged in Central Europe.At this time,wine was also continuing to grow in popularity;many brands named for the places in which they originated.At first alcohol was desined for the practical reasons,its use changed.People began to experiment with different types of alcohol.Alcohol became an integral part of European culture.We need to understand the harmful effects of alcohol,because it can be fatal.
1. Personal identification I’m Darius. I was born in 1978 on the 21th of February in Kaunas. I don’t remember anything about the weather that day, but I know that it was about 2:30 p.m. I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a brother. When I was a child I can't say, that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that. At that time I didn’t understand that my parents wanted good for me, and I made my mother worry about me very often. I think, that my character isn’t bad now and I’m a good, sincere and tolerant teenager. In 1985 I started school and now I'm graduating it. I was good at all subjects. I am fond of school. I liked my class. I always felt like at home here. Everybody was so friendly and easy to get a long with. I was on good terms with my classmates and we always spend our free time together. I think, that school years maybe remain in my heart forever. I want to say a few words about the future. I'm going to take entrance exams and enter KTU. I would like to study Computer Science. My parents are engineers - programmers and I like this profession too. That's all about myself. 2. Services Services aren't important as food, drinks or home, but it's enough important to as. One of them we use more frequently others we don't use. There are many services in my region. There is post near my house. You can use all services that post can offer: to send a postcard, letter or parcel, make postal - order, to buy stamp or postcard. There are petrols where you can buy gas. Also there are hospital and police station in my region. Police station is one of the unpleasant services. You get there when you commit something bad. If you want to do photos it's no problem, because there are some places there you can make photograph. A Very important service for people's beauty is hairdressing saloon. But there is only one saloon in my region. Bank is very important for people, which have their own business. Usually they open checking account. But a lot of firms haven't enough money so they take loans. Diplomatic services are useful, when you are in foreign country or when you want to go there. And garage - service use people who have a car. Here they can check and put right their cars. The most important services are hairdressing, photography, post, and hospital. So all services are very useful. They make our life easier. 3. House and home I live in apartment house. This house is in _____ street. I have an apartment in a nine-story building I live on the second floor. The livers keep house in order. There are many trees near my house. My house was built in 1991. The number of my flat is 17. I live in the two rooms flat. The area of my flat is about 60 square meters. There is a balcony in my flat. I have a fine view from the balcony and windows. I have two bed-sitting rooms, a bathroom, a toilet, a corridor and kitchen. There are bookcases, wardrobes, beds, tables in the bed-sitting rooms. My walls are papered. On the floor there are carpets. I have all amenities hot and cold water, gas, electric light, central heating, lift. In the kitchen there is gas cooker. There are gas meter, electric meter and water meter. I would like to have a detached house in some solitary place, far away from the town's noise, smoke and polluted air. Sure it'll be a two-stored house with a big yard and garden. 4. Flora Lithuania's flora is rich and varied, because of its geographical position and climatic peculiarities, but we can't boast that it's peculiar to it alone. We have typical northern plants such as conifers, deciduous trees. Forests cover one fourth of its territory. 3 centuries ago, they were twice as extensive. Nowadays more woods are cut down than replanted. We have lots of spruce, birch and alder woods as well. It's a pity such trees as oaks, ashes and limes are decreasing, because they were used as timber. Now we can hardly find oak, ash or lime woods. The preservation and restoration of forest hasn't been given great attention. Every year hectares of forest are planted, but more hectares are felled. Timber is still the chief article of export. Some trees are remarkable as natural rarities. In East Lithuania at Stelmuze grows an old oak, that according to botanists, about 1,5 thousand years old. Forests cover one half of the territory in east and South Lithuania. The Varena-Druskininkai forests spread on area of thousands square km. These forests abound in mushrooms, berries and beasts. The Rudininkai forest remind as of historical events. The rebels of 1831 and 1863 against the Russian czar found refuge in it. The Cepkeliai swamp, covering 5000ha is the largest in Lithuania. Broad and beautiful are the Labanoras, Kazlu Ruda and other forests. 40% of Lithuanian's territory is occupied by arable land. 5. Fauna The Lithuanian forests have inspired many poets, writers and composers. They devoted their works to the charm of woods. The fauna has no particular species peculiar to it alone. There are various species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. For various reasons many kinds or them became extinct. This fate befell aurochs, bisons, bears, etc. All forests can boast of the giant of woods - the antlered elk. Elk meat is exported abroad. Deer are less common. Roe and hares are abundant everywhere. Wild hogs, foxes, squirrels, martens are rather numerous. The number of wolves has shrunk. The beaver was entirely exterminated, but now it has been reacclimatized. Their houses are frequent on the banks of many rivers. New species of animals such as punctate deer, minks have been acclimatized. They feel quit at home and bear offspring. We have 300 species of birds. In forests we can hear voices of woodpeckers, cuckoos, owls, hawks and others. In rivers, lakes and swamps are various species of ducks, geese, and swans, where they hatch their young. In Neringa there is a settlement of grey herons, rare birds. There are about 50 species of fish in Lithuania. We can't boast that abound in our lakes and rivers. Bream, roach, salmon, eels, carps are caught. Salmon comes to our rivers to spawn.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (22,04 kB)
Personal identification I’m Marius. I was born in 1981 on the 28th of January in Kaunas. I don’t remember anything about the weather that day, but I know that it was about 2:30 p.m. I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a brother. When I was a child I can't say, that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that. At that time I didn’t understand that my parents wanted good for me, and I made my mother worry about me very often. I think, that my character isn’t bad now and I’m a good, sincere and tolerant teenager. In 1987 I started school and now I'm graduating it. I was good at all subjects. I am fond of school. I liked my class. I always felt like at home here. Everybody was so friendly and easy to get a long with. I was on good terms with my classmates and we always spend our free time together. I think, that school years maybe remain in my heart forever. I want to say a few words about the future. I'm going to take entrance exams and enter KTU. I would like to study Computer Science. My parents are engineers - programmers and I like this profession too. That's all about myself. 2. Services Services aren't important as food, drinks or home, but it's enough important to as. One of them we use more frequently others we don't use. There are many services in my region. There is post near my house. You can use all services that post can offer: to send a postcard, letter or parcel, make postal - order, to buy stamp or postcard. There are petrols where you can buy gas. Also there are hospital and police station in my region. Police station is one of the unpleasant services. You get there when you commit something bad. If you want to do photos it's no problem, because there are some places there you can make photograph. A Very important service for people's beauty is hairdressing saloon. But there is only one saloon in my region. Bank is very important for people, which have their own business. Usually they open checking account. But a lot of firms haven't enough money so they take loans. Diplomatic services are useful, when you are in foreign country or when you want to go there. And garage - service use people who have a car. Here they can check and put right their cars. The most important services are hairdressing, photography, post, and hospital. So all services are very useful. They make our life easier. 3. House and home I live in apartment house. This house is in _____ street. I have an apartment in a nine-story building I live on the second floor. The livers keep house in order. There are many trees near my house. My house was built in 1991. The number of my flat is 17. I live in the two rooms flat. The area of my flat is about 60 square meters. There is a balcony in my flat. I have a fine view from the balcony and windows. I have two bed-sitting rooms, a bathroom, a toilet, a corridor and kitchen. There are bookcases, wardrobes, beds, tables in the bed-sitting rooms. My walls are papered. On the floor there are carpets. I have all amenities hot and cold water, gas, electric light, central heating, lift. In the kitchen there is gas cooker. There are gas meter, electric meter and water meter. I would like to have a detached house in some solitary place, far away from the town's noise, smoke and polluted air. Sure it'll be a two-stored house with a big yard and garden. 4. Flora Lithuania's flora is rich and varied, because of its geographical position and climatic peculiarities, but we can't boast that it's peculiar to it alone. We have typical northern plants such as conifers, deciduous trees. Forests cover one fourth of its territory. 3 centuries ago, they were twice as extensive. Nowadays more woods are cut down than replanted. We have lots of spruce, birch and alder woods as well. It's a pity such trees as oaks, ashes and limes are decreasing, because they were used as timber. Now we can hardly find oak, ash or lime woods. The preservation and restoration of forest hasn't been given great attention. Every year hectares of forest are planted, but more hectares are felled. Timber is still the chief article of export. Some trees are remarkable as natural rarities. In East Lithuania at Stelmuze grows an old oak, that according to botanists, about 1,5 thousand years old. Forests cover one half of the territory in east and South Lithuania. The Varena-Druskininkai forests spread on area of thousands square km. These forests abound in mushrooms, berries and beasts. The Rudininkai forest remind as of historical events. The rebels of 1831 and 1863 against the Russian czar found refuge in it. The Cepkeliai swamp, covering 5000ha is the largest in Lithuania. Broad and beautiful are the Labanoras, Kazlu Ruda and other forests. 40% of Lithuanian's territory is occupied by arable land.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (21,34 kB)
The subjects of this presentation are the origins of American lexicography which will be represented through main problems, bilingual dictionaries, historical development of British and American lexicography, the great works of Noah Webster, also by the lexicographic influences of encyclopaedic dictionary by John Ogilvie and Funk and Wagnall’s standard dictionaries.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9 psl., 17,83 kB)