Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 163 rezultatai

Land Management
Anglų referatas. Land management is the process of managing the use and development (in both urban and suburban settings) of land resources in a sustainable way. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which interact and may compete with one another; therefore, it is desirable to plan and manage all uses in an integrated manner.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8 psl., 11,64 kB)
Wildlife management
Interest in wildlife was an important part of the conservation movement of the late 19th century. Although wildlife did not have the economic importance of other resources such as timber, forage, and water, nor did it capture the public's attention as much as efforts to preserve scenic waterfalls or geysers, wildlife (especially big game) was perhaps the most endangered resource of that period. Buffalo, deer, and elk were almost eliminated from the West and predator species (wolf, bear, and cougars) were becoming rare. Upperclass reformers such as George Bird Grinnell, founder of Field and Stream magazine, and Theodore Roosevelt, a co-founder of the Boone and Crockett Club, were alarmed by the fate of big game in the Western States. When Roosevelt sponsored Gifford Pinchot for membership in the club, Pinchot was able to expand the notion of forest conservation to embrace the cause of big game protection. Yet, when the newly created Federal forest reserves were transferred from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Agriculture in 1905, Gifford Pinchot as head of the Forest Services apparently did not see much of a relationship between national forest administration and wildlife. His emphasis on timber resources set the future tone of the agency. Moreover, the agency had to be cautious about regulating game animals and birds on the forest reserves (which were renamed national forests in 1907), for fear of trampling States' rights and giving its western critics reason to disband the reserves. The policy of the Forest Service was to "cooperate with the game wardens of the State or Territory in which they serve ..." according to the first book of directives issued by the agency in 1905 (The Use Book). Two years later, a provision in the Agricultural Appropriations Act of 1907 made it a law that "hereafter officials of the Forest Service shall, in all ways that are practicable, aid in the enforcement of the laws of the States or Territories with regard to ... the protection of fish and game."
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (107,11 kB)
"Try it yourself, Holmes!" he has retorted, and I am compelled to admit that, having taken my pen in my hand, I do begin to realize that the matter must be presented in such a way as may interest the reader. The following case can hardly fail to do so, as it is among the strangest happenings in my collection, though it chanced that Watson had no note of it in his collection. Speaking of my old friend and biographer, I would take this opportunity to remark that if I burden myself with a companion in my various little inquiries it is not done out of sentiment or caprice, but it is that Watson has some remarkable characteristics of his own to which in his modesty he has given small attention amid his exaggerated estimates of my own performances. A confederate who foresees your conclusions and course of action is always dangerous, but one to whom each development comes as a perpetual surprise, and to whom the future is always a closed book, is indeed an ideal helpmate. I find from my notebook that it was in January, 1903, just after the conclusion of the Boer War, that I had my visit from Mr. James M. Dodd, a big, fresh, sunburned, upstanding Briton. The good Watson had at that time deserted me for a wife, the only selfish action which I can recall in our association. I was alone. It is my habit to sit with my back to the window and to place my visitors in the opposite chair, where the light falls full upon them. Mr. James M. Dodd seemed somewhat at a loss how to begin the interview. I did not attempt to help him, for his silence gave me more time for observation. I have found it wise to impress clients with a sense of power, and so I gave him some of my conclusions.
So unworldly was he- or so capricious- that he frequently refused his help to the powerful and wealthy where the problem made no appeal to his sympathies, while he would devote weeks of most intense application to the affairs of some humble client whose case presented those strange and dramatic qualities which appealed to his imagination and challenged his ingenuity. In this memorable year '95, a curious and incongruous succession of cases had engaged his attention, ranging from his famous investigation of the sudden death of Cardinal Tosca- an inquiry which was carried out by him at the express desire of His Holiness the Pope- down to his arrest of Wilson, the notorious canary-trainer, which removed a plague-spot from the East End of London. Close on the heels of these two famous cases came the tragedy of Woodman's Lee, and the very obscure circumstances which surrounded the death of Captain Peter Carey. No record of the doings of Mr. Sherlock Holmes would be complete which did not include some account of this very unusual affair. During the first week of July, my friend had been absent so often and so long from our lodgings that I knew he had something on hand. The fact that several rough-looking men called during that time and inquired for Captain Basil made me understand that Holmes was working somewhere under one of the numerous disguises and names with which he concealed his own formidable identity. He had at least five small refuges in different parts of London, in which he was able to change his personality. He said nothing of his business to me, and it was not my habit to force a confidence. The first positive sign which he gave me of the direction which his investigation was taking was an extraordinary one. He had gone out before breakfast, and I had sat down to mine when he strode into the room, his hat upon his head and a huge barbed-headed spear tucked like an umbrella under his arm. "Good gracious, Holmes!" I cried. "You don't mean to say that you have been walking about London with that thing?" "I drove to the butcher's and back." "The butcher's?" "And I return with an excellent appetite. There can be no question, my dear Watson, of the value of exercise before breakfast. But I am prepared to bet that you will not guess the form that my exercise has taken." "I will not attempt it." He chuckled as he poured out the coffee. "If you could have looked into Allardyce's back shop, you would have seen a dead pig swung from a hook in the ceiling, and a gentleman in his shirt sleeves furiously stabbing at it with this weapon. I was that energetic person, and I have satisfied myself that by no exertion of my strength can I transfix the pig with a single blow. Perhaps you would care to try?" "Not for worlds. But why were you doing this?" "Because it seemed to me to have an indirect bearing upon the mystery of Woodman's Lee. Ah, Hopkins, I got your wire last night, and I have been expecting you. Come and join us." Our visitor was an exceedingly alert man, thirty years of age, dressed in a quiet tweed suit, but retaining the erect bearing of one who was accustomed to official uniform. I recognized him at once as Stanley Hopkins, a young police inspector, for whose future Holmes had high hopes, while he in turn professed the admiration and respect of a pupil for the scientific methods of the famous amateur. Hopkins's brow was clouded, and he sat down with an air of deep dejection.
Smoking (2)
Smoking is very harmful not only for smokers but also for those who are near the smokers. This addiction causes heart ant pulmonary diseases, cancer and a lot of other horrifying diseases. The worse thing is that smoking causes psychological dependence. Therefore should smoking be banned or allowed in public places? There are two different opinions in our society, to ban smoking in public places or not. Firstly people are convinced that smoking in public places is appreciable as a society health problem. They think that smoking should be banned, because smoke harms all of us. On the other hand we ought to respect smoker’s interests and alternatives. Everyone is responsible for their self health. However these people who smoke are dependent on smoking, so in future they can try to use other drugs. The more people become addicts the worse our society will be. Though, to stop smoking requires a lot of amenities so for some smokers this can be too hard to do it. Adding up smokers can unwind and relax just when they are smoking. Such is their lifestyle. 180 So this question has two different sides. Although smoking is very harmful not only for smokers but for all of us who are near smokers, smokers alternative should be respected.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,8 kB)
Present Simple Use 1.To express an action that happens again and again, that is a habit. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Nick always helps his friends. 2.To express a fact which is always true. Rockets fly faster than airplanes. Expressions: always every day usually sometimes never Present Continuous Use: express an activity that is happening at the moment of speaking What are you doing now? express an activity or situation that is true now but it is not necessarity happening at the moment of speaking. Don’t take the book I am reading it. 3. to express a temporary activity I’am living with my friends until I find a place to live 4. to express a planned future arangement I am having a meeting with my classmates tomorrow We don’t use Present Continuous with words: like believe know think want remember hope neeed remember Past Simple Use 1. to express a finished action in the past I bought this book in Vilnius. 2. to express actions which follow each other in the story Shakespeare was born in England. He wrote hamlet in 1599. He died in1637. 3. to express a past situation or habit Jack played chess very well when he was a small boy. Past Simple time expressions Last night Two days ago I did Yesterday morning in 1985 When I was young Past Continuous Use 1. to express an activity in progress in the past. When I woke up it was snowing describe a situation or activity during the period in the past Jan looked lovely. She waswearing green dress. 3. to express an interrupted past activity I was sweeping the dust when the vaz broke. 4. to express an ninconplete activity in the past in order to contrast with the past simple which expresses a conpleted activity. I was reading a book during the flight 5. the past simle is usually used to express a repeated past habit or situation. I went out with Jack But past continuous can used if a reapeated past habit becomes a longer ‘setting’ for something I was going out with Jack when I first met Harry
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,97 kB)
We would be grateful if you could send us your latest catalogues together with the prices. If any discounts are applied, please list the terms of getting them. We would also like to know whether you will/can ship them to Lithuania. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
They serve as a useful means of communication. How could we understand or talk to people from other countries, if we couldn’t speak their language? I think that some people like learning foreign languages, various people have different reasons. I think that some people like learning languages in general, the others learn because they have to do that at school. Besides, nowadays pupils realize quite well that they might need foreign languages in the nearest future or it might be a credit for them to get a better job.
Global Warming
Global Warming has many threats on the climate and even the health of the people on this planet. Some of these threats include the altering of crop seasons and even effect the way organisms survive on the planet. The first thing I think I should discuss when talking about global warming is what causes it to occur. Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which are known as greenhouse gases, all build up in the atmosphere of the earth. All these gases make it so that it becomes harder for the radiation that the sun shines into the atmosphere to escape. The heat continues to build up and this is what causes the temperatures to increase. I know this seems like the temperatures increase massively but in the last hundred years the average temperature of the Earth has gone up between 0.8 and 1.0 degrees farenheight. Also in the last fifteen years, we have had the ten warmest years in record. Global Warming also helps the Earth and it has been for many years. Without global warming, the Earth’s temperature would be a lot lower than the 60-degree average. Unfortunately due to there being many more harmful “greenhouse gases” being placed into the atmosphere, instead of the temperature staying at a constant, its rising. What are many of the dangers of the Earth’s temperature rising? First of all it cause many of the glaciers that are floating in the Arctic and Greenland to melt. This in turn causes the sea levels to rise around the world. In the last hundred years alone the seas around the planet have risen anywhere from four to ten inches. I know it does not sound like a massive change but being able to raise all the seas in the world a whole ten inches is a huge problem. Sea levels also continue to rise is because the hotter temperature cause the ocean water to expand. An example of the sea level causing problems could happen on a little Native Island in the middle of an Ocean. On these islands usually where native tribes live, if the sea level rises three fourths of a meter then half of the island will sink. This could happen in many different islands around the world and if the water keeps on rising as it is, then farming land near the seashores will be flooded and the crops will be destroyed and many farmers will be left without much to live off of. The melting of the glaciers are also causing some problems in the Himalayas. Many of the tips of the mountain’s in that area. Massive flooding and rivers that are well above their normal levels are threatening the crops and homes in the area. Many of the locals that live in the area and many of the scientists that are surveying the area are saying that the glaciers are melting at a phenomenal rate. Another danger that comes with the changing of the climate is that the increased heat causes more evaporation to occur in the hotter climates. This causes there to be more precipitation in many other climates that are not used to handling massive rainfalls. The increased rainfall also leads to speeding up the process of the sea levels rising. Health is also something that becomes threatened because of global warming. Heat becomes a huge factor in the health of humans, especially the elderly. Incidents such as heat stroke head exhaustion and diseases increase drastically. The heat makes it possible for mosquitoes and other insects to transmit diseases. This is something that happened in New York during this summer. A very rare disease called St. Louis Emphyitis (spelling?) that would spread in puddles of water that mosquitoes would drink out of due to the heat. These mosquitoes would then bite humans and infect them with this disease. I don’t recall how many people, if any died due to this, but it did cause a bit of a panic in the New York Metropolitan area. Heat is not the only weather problem. Global Warming doesn't only increase temperatures in hot areas. It also decreases temperatures in cold areas. An example of this has been the cold spell that struck the Midwest. In Montana, temperatures plummeted to 30 degrees below and stayed there. The coldest weather ever recorded plagued our country's heart for over three weeks and still hasn't returned too normal. A related incident has been the blizzards of the East Coast. Some places in New York State got over twenty feet of snow. So what is in store for Earth in the future? Possible nothing. There are many people that believe global warming is nothing more than the normal rise of temperature around the world. So if this is the case, we have nothing to really worry about. Unfortunately, this scenario of normal raise in temperature might not be the case. If it isn’t, Scientists estimate that the global temperature will rise between five and nine degrees by the middle of the 21st century accompanied by a sea-level rise of one to four feet. Once the temperature reaches a certain threshold, the polar ice caps will began to melt. While those living in the Arctic may find that a nice surprise, the implications for the rest of the world are serious. Even a partial melting of the polar ice caps will cause sea levels to rise so much as to completely wipe out most coastal cities. This includes such big cities such as San Francisco and New York. Those cities that are not totally wiped out by the water will eventually be hit with hurricanes much more severe than any other one in history. Of course, inland cities are not safe either. Rather than surging seawaters and hurricanes, they will face drought. So what can be done in order to keep from all of that from happening? We need to stop putting so much pollution in to the air. No matter what there will always be a little bit of Carbon Dioxide omitted into the atmosphere. If we could just limit all the coal and fossil fuels that we burn, there will not be so much “greenhouse gases” and it would keep all of that from happening so quickly. There have also been many attempts by the United States Presidents Administrations in order to help slow down the effect. In my lifetime I know that I won’t see anything too drastic happen due to global warming, but there is a chance that my children and grandchildren will.
Genetic engineering
It is estimated that humans have between 50,000 to 100,000 different genes; some of them are linked to particular diseases and conditions. Scientists have now identified nearly 4000 conditions that are limited to single defects in a person’s genetic code. Researchers all around the world are currently engaged in “The human genome project”, which aims to identify and define the function of every gene to be found in the human body. Through this they hope to locate errant genes, thereby getting a better understanding of every disease that is genetically transmittable and if possible find a cure for it. Genetic engineering, where by the defective gene sequence is cut and remodeled, is one route scientists might take. At present genetics can be a reliable predictor of who is likely to develop a particular fatal illness. Many feel that this information has the potential to cause as much harm as good, among the 10 percent of the population who may be affected. Some say that people would not be able to cope with the knowledge that they were likely to contract a terminal illness, but genetics argue that everyone has the right to know so that they could plan the rest of their lives. Some women who have been told that they are likely to develop breast cancer have chosen a surgery to remove the breast in order to increase their chances of survival. Genetic engineering is big business, and many experiments take place on animals. Fruit flies have been produced that they have extra eyes on their wings and legs; two years ago scientists grew an ear in a test tube and then transplanted on a laboratory mouse without immune system in order to see if it would be rejected. Harvard University has even patented its own mouse known as “nocuous” which has been genetically manipulated to develop cancer. Imutran, a Cambridge-based biotechnology firm, have produced a pig that is transgenic, from which they hope to be able to supply donor organs such as hearts that are in short supply for transplantation. The revelation that scientists at Cambridge University have successfully transplanted the hearts from genetically altered pigs into monkeys is the most wonderful news to have emerged from the world of medicine fro more than a decade. We are all to familiar with the bad side of science – here is a cause for being happy. The implications are stunning. We are witnessing the forward in human happiness. The chance now exists that hundreds of thousands of people, who are waiting for heart, liver and kidney transplants and would die because of the lack of donors, will now live. Suffers from many other diseases will also face hope. Not only will all those who need these major organ transplants be treated but whole new therapies will emerge. Many cancers, for example are now treated by chemotherapy or radiotherapy but in future it might be safer and more effective to just transplant the affected organ. Possibilities are nearly endless and truly amazing. Whole new era of health and longevity is now downing. Names of diseases: Appendicitis, bronchitis, cancer, chicken-pox, constipation – vidurių užkietėjimas, diabetes, diarrhoea – viduriavimas, hay fever – šienligė, hepatitis, indigestion – skrandžio skausmai, flu, insomnia – nemiga, leukaemia, measles – tymai, mumps – kiaulytė, tonsillitis – angina. Shortened one: Genetic engineering A general term for the direncted manipulation of genes, and usually used synonymously with genetic manipulation or genetic modification. A wide range of technologies are involved in this, but most involve the recombinant DNA techniques. Genetic engineering falls into several different categories depending on what is being engineered. Bacteria, yeast. This is ‘traditional’ genetic engineering (over 10 years old). Using recombinant DNA techniques genes are put into microorganisms to make them produce something we want, be it insulin, better beer or protein for food. Animals. Genetically engineered animals are usually called transgenetic animals. They are produced by a combination of fertilization techniques and DNA technology and produce animals that pass on their genetic modification to their offspring. Plants. Sometimes called transgenetic plants. They are created through the use of plant cloning technologies, which involve growing plants from isolated plant cells. Humans. Although the genetic engineering methods applicable to cows or mice are, in theory, applicable to humans, they have not been yet applied for obvious ethical reasons. Some experiments treating disease have been performed: these do not modify the germ cells. This is called gene theraphy rather than more public allarming term genetic engineering.
One of my favourite thing is poetry which helps me to understand the outside world, brings to my mind the strength of the human spirit, the beauty of man. Poetry helps me to educate myself. When I have some spare time I create poems too. I’m going to publish my creative work in the future. But I know I must work very hard if I want to charm my readers. I wont to appeal to people’s hearts & minds of people, to their feeling & ideals. I’m also interested in architecture so I like to visit the places where I can see how people lived in the past, old buildings, castles. I like Gediminas castle, which foundation is guarded by the “Iron wolf” legend, in Vilnius. The vaults Of Vilnius cathedral attract me too. The castle of Grand Duke Kęstutis in Trakai admires me very much. If you want to visit the places of interest you have to travel. And I like travelling with my family during our holidays & on weekends. We visit a lot of places in the countryside by our bikes. I think biking is even better than riding in a car because you can follow narrow trails in the fields & in the woods where there are no roads. I like ride a bike because I can hear birds sing, listen to the sounds of nature & enjoy the fresh air then. I’m interested in photography too. I always take my camera with me when I’m on holiday. I keep a photograph record of family events. I like to correspond. I have a lot of pen-friends in all over the world. I have a pen-friend in Greece & I have been corresponding for 3 years. I like listen to the radio. My favourite radio station is “Radio centras” . In my opinion this station is for people of all ages, interests & tastes. I like listening comments & discussions on current affairs, interviews with various people. I like different kind of music. The programs of “Radio centras” are followed by music, & that’s why it interests me. TV is very popular in my life. I like to watch TV in the evenings. Entertainment programs are my favourite. I like : “Šou bulvaras”, “Dviračio Šou”, “Taip & Ne”. Very often I watch films too. I don’t go to the cinema because today we can see a lot of interesting films at home. Today cinema attendance fall because many people have video recorders at home. But I like to go to the theatre because it helps me to get back my energy. It’s one of the ways of getting out of depression. In my opinion entertainment makes our life more beautiful.
In past years few branches was opened in Eastern Europe and few more in USA (including Budapest, Rome, Viena and Amsterdam). In the same year the company’s trade mark was registered. The main marketing directors plan is to flourish (klesteti) in old contingent known as Europe and become most popular trademark among the others computer software and technics developers. Company’s driving force is research in newer PC technologies. On this depends how far it will go on in wild IT business. The management hopes to penetrate more international markets in the near future. Research management is fully in world for developing new IT technologies and upgrading old. Concentration in comptech development has enabled business to get more earnings and enrolling new shareholders for conquering the markets. As the small partnership become public limited company by the past few years,now it can enrole more financial needs for developing. In these IT times it’s the most common thing for that kind of companies to be 1st in new comptech production and researching that leads for newer markets and more business growth. Now this corporation honours agreements all over the world. Company epand from few workers to more that 1000 employers. Board of directors now manages the company with chairman who was elected to represent company in business sector. It now includes such branches as finance, marketing, production, personnel, purchasing, planning and most important research. Company’s production grows by the economical situation and consumers needs and it seems that it won’t exhaust.
Adjustment letter
From your account of the problem, I am quite sure that your request for the $240 adjustment on the damage to the 2 crates of Valjean Cristal stemware will be granted. A certain amount of breakage of this sort does unavoidably occur in cross-country shipping; I am sorry that it was your company that had to be the one to suffer the delay. I must remind you to keep the damaged crates in the same condition in which you received them until one of our representatives can inspect them. That inspection should take place within 2 weeks. If all is in order, as it sounds to be in your letter, you can expect the full reimbursement within 2 weeks after our representative's inspection. I hope this unfortunate accident will keep you from having merchandise shipped by Green Tree Freight in the future.
Acid rain
. On both sides of the border, cars and trucks are the main sources for nitric acid(about 40% of the total), while power generating plants and industrial commercial and residential fuel combustion together contribute most of the rest. In the air, the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can be transformed into sulphuric acid and nitric acid, and air current can send them thousands of kilometres from the source.When the acids fall to the earth in any form it will have large impact on the growth or the preservation of certain wildlife. NO DEFENCE Areas in Ontario mainly southern regions that are near the Great Lakes, such substances as limestone or other known antacids can neutralize acids entering the body of water thereby protecting it. However, large areas of Ontario that are near the Pre©Cambrian Shield, with quartzite or granite based geology and little top soil, there is not enough buffering capacity to neutralize even small amounts of acid falling on the soil and the lakes. Therefore over time, the basic environment shifts from an alkaline to a acidic one. This is why many lakes in the Muskoka, Haliburton, Algonquin, Parry Sound and Manitoulin districts could lose their fisheries if sulphur emissions are not reduced substantially. ACID The average mean of pH rainfall in Ontario's Muskoka©Haliburton lake country ranges between 3.95 and 4.38 about 40 times more acidic than normal rainfall, while storms in Pennsilvania have rainfall pH at 2.8 it almost has the same rating for vinegar. Already 140 Ontario lakes are completely dead or dying. An additional 48 000 are sensitive and vulnerable to acid rain due to the surrounding concentrated acidic soils.Ô ACID RAIN CONSISTS OF....? Canada does not have as many people, power plants or automobiles as the United States, and yet acid rain there has become so severe that Canadian government officials called it the most pressing environmental issue facing the nation. But it is important to bear in mind that acid rain is only one segment, of the widespread pollution of the atmosphere facing the world. Each year the global atmosphere is on the receiving end of 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 130 million tons of suffer dioxide, 97 million tons of hydrocarbons, 53 million tons of nitrogen oxides, more than three million tons of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, zinc and other toxic metals, and a host of synthetic organic compounds ranging from polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) to toxaphene and other pesticides, a number of which may be capable of causing cancer, birth defects, or genetic imbalances. COST OF ACID RAIN Interactions of pollutants can cause problems. In addition to contributing to acid rain, nitrogen oxides can react with hydrocarbons to produce ozone, a major air pollutant responsible in the United States for annual losses of $2 billion to 4.5 billion worth of wheat, corn, soyabeans, and peanuts. A wide range of interactions can occur many unknown with toxic metals. In Canada, Ontario alone has lost the fish in an estimated 4000 lakes and provincial authorities calculate that Ontario stands to lose the fish in 48 500 more lakes within the next twenty years if acid rain continues at the present rate.Ontario is not alone, on Nova Scotia's Eastern most shores, almost every river flowing to the Atlantic Ocean is poisoned with acid. Further threatening a $2 million a year fishing industry. Ô Acid rain is killing more than lakes. It can scar the leaves of hardwood forest, wither ferns and lichens, accelerate the death of coniferous needles, sterilize seeds, and weaken the forests to a state that is vulnerable to disease infestation and decay. In the soil the acid neutralizes chemicals vital for growth, strips others from the soil and carries them to the lakes and literally retards the respiration of the soil. The rate of forest growth in the White Mountains of New Hampshire has declined 18% between 1956 and 1965, time of increasingly intense acidic rainfall. Acid rain no longer falls exclusively on the lakes, forest, and thin soils of the Northeast it now covers half the continent. EFFECTS There is evidence that the rain is destroying the productivity of the once rich soils themselves, like an overdose of chemical fertilizer or a gigantic drenching of vinegar. The damage of such overdosing may not be repairable or reversible. On some croplands, tomatoes grow to only half their full weight, and the leaves of radishes wither. Naturally it rains on cities too, eating away stone monuments and concrete structures, and corroding the pipes which channel the water away to the lakes and the cycle is repeated. Paints and automobile paints have its life reduce due to the pollution in the atmosphere speeding up the corrosion process. In some communities the drinking water is laced with toxic metals freed from metal pipes by the acidity. As if urban skies were not already grey enough, typical visibility has declined from 10 to 4 miles, along the Eastern seaboard, as acid rain turns into smogs. Also, now there are indicators that the components of acid rain are a health risk, linked to human respiratory disease. PREVENTION However, the acidification of water supplies could result in increased concentrations of metals in plumbing such as lead, copper and zinc which could result in adverse health effects. After any period of non©use, water taps at summer cottages or ski chalets they should run the taps for at least 60 seconds to flush any excess debris. Ô STATISTICS Although there is very little data, the evidence indicates that in the last twenty to thirty years the acidity of rain has increased in many parts of the United States. Presently, the United States annually discharges more than 26 million tons of suffer dioxide into the atmosphere. Just three states, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are responsible for nearly a quarter of this total. Overall, twoªthirds of the suffer dioxide into the atmosphere over the United States comes from coal©fired and oil fired plants. Industrial boilers, smelters, and refineries contribute 26%; commercial institutions and residences 5%; and transportation 3%. The outlook for future emissions of suffer dioxide is not a bright one. Between now and the year 2000, United States utilities are expected to double the amount of coal they burn. The United States currently pumps some 23 million tons of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere in the course of the year. Transportation sources account for 40%; power plants, 30%; industrial sources, 25%; and commercial institutions and residues, 5%. What makes these figures particularly distributing is that nitrogen oxide emissions have tripled in the last thirty years. FINAL THOUGHTS Acid rain is very real and a very threatening problem. Action by one government is not enough. In order for things to be done we need to find a way to work together on this for at least a reduction in the contaminates contributing to acid rain. Although there are right steps in the right directions but the government should be cracking down on factories not using the best filtering systems when incinerating or if the factory is giving off any other dangerous fumes.
About myself
I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a sister. When I was a child I can't say that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that. At that time I did not understand that my parents wanted good for me, and I made my mother worry about me very often. I remember about my childhood a lot of things. I know that I met my first friends in kindergarten No.109. I remember the games which we played (my favourite was football). I remember my first girl-friend and the first love (it was about 11 years ago). In 1983 I started school No.22. I was good at all subjects. I liked to go to school. Now my achievements have decreased. My school life is changed too. In school I have a lot of friends, I like my class. I have a hobby. I like photograph. I take and do photos myself. I like this work, because it is very interesting to do that. When I’m doing the photos I always listen to music. Music it's something wonderful. Now I want to say a few words about the future. I'm going to take entrance examinations and the enter university. I would like to study book-keeping or banks ruling.
1. Personal identification I’m Darius. I was born in 1978 on the 21th of February in Kaunas. I don’t remember anything about the weather that day, but I know that it was about 2:30 p.m. I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a brother. When I was a child I can't say, that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that. At that time I didn’t understand that my parents wanted good for me, and I made my mother worry about me very often. I think, that my character isn’t bad now and I’m a good, sincere and tolerant teenager. In 1985 I started school and now I'm graduating it. I was good at all subjects. I am fond of school. I liked my class. I always felt like at home here. Everybody was so friendly and easy to get a long with. I was on good terms with my classmates and we always spend our free time together. I think, that school years maybe remain in my heart forever. I want to say a few words about the future. I'm going to take entrance exams and enter KTU. I would like to study Computer Science. My parents are engineers - programmers and I like this profession too. That's all about myself. 2. Services Services aren't important as food, drinks or home, but it's enough important to as. One of them we use more frequently others we don't use. There are many services in my region. There is post near my house. You can use all services that post can offer: to send a postcard, letter or parcel, make postal - order, to buy stamp or postcard. There are petrols where you can buy gas. Also there are hospital and police station in my region. Police station is one of the unpleasant services. You get there when you commit something bad. If you want to do photos it's no problem, because there are some places there you can make photograph. A Very important service for people's beauty is hairdressing saloon. But there is only one saloon in my region. Bank is very important for people, which have their own business. Usually they open checking account. But a lot of firms haven't enough money so they take loans. Diplomatic services are useful, when you are in foreign country or when you want to go there. And garage - service use people who have a car. Here they can check and put right their cars. The most important services are hairdressing, photography, post, and hospital. So all services are very useful. They make our life easier. 3. House and home I live in apartment house. This house is in _____ street. I have an apartment in a nine-story building I live on the second floor. The livers keep house in order. There are many trees near my house. My house was built in 1991. The number of my flat is 17. I live in the two rooms flat. The area of my flat is about 60 square meters. There is a balcony in my flat. I have a fine view from the balcony and windows. I have two bed-sitting rooms, a bathroom, a toilet, a corridor and kitchen. There are bookcases, wardrobes, beds, tables in the bed-sitting rooms. My walls are papered. On the floor there are carpets. I have all amenities hot and cold water, gas, electric light, central heating, lift. In the kitchen there is gas cooker. There are gas meter, electric meter and water meter. I would like to have a detached house in some solitary place, far away from the town's noise, smoke and polluted air. Sure it'll be a two-stored house with a big yard and garden. 4. Flora Lithuania's flora is rich and varied, because of its geographical position and climatic peculiarities, but we can't boast that it's peculiar to it alone. We have typical northern plants such as conifers, deciduous trees. Forests cover one fourth of its territory. 3 centuries ago, they were twice as extensive. Nowadays more woods are cut down than replanted. We have lots of spruce, birch and alder woods as well. It's a pity such trees as oaks, ashes and limes are decreasing, because they were used as timber. Now we can hardly find oak, ash or lime woods. The preservation and restoration of forest hasn't been given great attention. Every year hectares of forest are planted, but more hectares are felled. Timber is still the chief article of export. Some trees are remarkable as natural rarities. In East Lithuania at Stelmuze grows an old oak, that according to botanists, about 1,5 thousand years old. Forests cover one half of the territory in east and South Lithuania. The Varena-Druskininkai forests spread on area of thousands square km. These forests abound in mushrooms, berries and beasts. The Rudininkai forest remind as of historical events. The rebels of 1831 and 1863 against the Russian czar found refuge in it. The Cepkeliai swamp, covering 5000ha is the largest in Lithuania. Broad and beautiful are the Labanoras, Kazlu Ruda and other forests. 40% of Lithuanian's territory is occupied by arable land. 5. Fauna The Lithuanian forests have inspired many poets, writers and composers. They devoted their works to the charm of woods. The fauna has no particular species peculiar to it alone. There are various species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. For various reasons many kinds or them became extinct. This fate befell aurochs, bisons, bears, etc. All forests can boast of the giant of woods - the antlered elk. Elk meat is exported abroad. Deer are less common. Roe and hares are abundant everywhere. Wild hogs, foxes, squirrels, martens are rather numerous. The number of wolves has shrunk. The beaver was entirely exterminated, but now it has been reacclimatized. Their houses are frequent on the banks of many rivers. New species of animals such as punctate deer, minks have been acclimatized. They feel quit at home and bear offspring. We have 300 species of birds. In forests we can hear voices of woodpeckers, cuckoos, owls, hawks and others. In rivers, lakes and swamps are various species of ducks, geese, and swans, where they hatch their young. In Neringa there is a settlement of grey herons, rare birds. There are about 50 species of fish in Lithuania. We can't boast that abound in our lakes and rivers. Bream, roach, salmon, eels, carps are caught. Salmon comes to our rivers to spawn.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (22,04 kB)
Personal identification I’m Marius. I was born in 1981 on the 28th of January in Kaunas. I don’t remember anything about the weather that day, but I know that it was about 2:30 p.m. I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a brother. When I was a child I can't say, that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that. At that time I didn’t understand that my parents wanted good for me, and I made my mother worry about me very often. I think, that my character isn’t bad now and I’m a good, sincere and tolerant teenager. In 1987 I started school and now I'm graduating it. I was good at all subjects. I am fond of school. I liked my class. I always felt like at home here. Everybody was so friendly and easy to get a long with. I was on good terms with my classmates and we always spend our free time together. I think, that school years maybe remain in my heart forever. I want to say a few words about the future. I'm going to take entrance exams and enter KTU. I would like to study Computer Science. My parents are engineers - programmers and I like this profession too. That's all about myself. 2. Services Services aren't important as food, drinks or home, but it's enough important to as. One of them we use more frequently others we don't use. There are many services in my region. There is post near my house. You can use all services that post can offer: to send a postcard, letter or parcel, make postal - order, to buy stamp or postcard. There are petrols where you can buy gas. Also there are hospital and police station in my region. Police station is one of the unpleasant services. You get there when you commit something bad. If you want to do photos it's no problem, because there are some places there you can make photograph. A Very important service for people's beauty is hairdressing saloon. But there is only one saloon in my region. Bank is very important for people, which have their own business. Usually they open checking account. But a lot of firms haven't enough money so they take loans. Diplomatic services are useful, when you are in foreign country or when you want to go there. And garage - service use people who have a car. Here they can check and put right their cars. The most important services are hairdressing, photography, post, and hospital. So all services are very useful. They make our life easier. 3. House and home I live in apartment house. This house is in _____ street. I have an apartment in a nine-story building I live on the second floor. The livers keep house in order. There are many trees near my house. My house was built in 1991. The number of my flat is 17. I live in the two rooms flat. The area of my flat is about 60 square meters. There is a balcony in my flat. I have a fine view from the balcony and windows. I have two bed-sitting rooms, a bathroom, a toilet, a corridor and kitchen. There are bookcases, wardrobes, beds, tables in the bed-sitting rooms. My walls are papered. On the floor there are carpets. I have all amenities hot and cold water, gas, electric light, central heating, lift. In the kitchen there is gas cooker. There are gas meter, electric meter and water meter. I would like to have a detached house in some solitary place, far away from the town's noise, smoke and polluted air. Sure it'll be a two-stored house with a big yard and garden. 4. Flora Lithuania's flora is rich and varied, because of its geographical position and climatic peculiarities, but we can't boast that it's peculiar to it alone. We have typical northern plants such as conifers, deciduous trees. Forests cover one fourth of its territory. 3 centuries ago, they were twice as extensive. Nowadays more woods are cut down than replanted. We have lots of spruce, birch and alder woods as well. It's a pity such trees as oaks, ashes and limes are decreasing, because they were used as timber. Now we can hardly find oak, ash or lime woods. The preservation and restoration of forest hasn't been given great attention. Every year hectares of forest are planted, but more hectares are felled. Timber is still the chief article of export. Some trees are remarkable as natural rarities. In East Lithuania at Stelmuze grows an old oak, that according to botanists, about 1,5 thousand years old. Forests cover one half of the territory in east and South Lithuania. The Varena-Druskininkai forests spread on area of thousands square km. These forests abound in mushrooms, berries and beasts. The Rudininkai forest remind as of historical events. The rebels of 1831 and 1863 against the Russian czar found refuge in it. The Cepkeliai swamp, covering 5000ha is the largest in Lithuania. Broad and beautiful are the Labanoras, Kazlu Ruda and other forests. 40% of Lithuanian's territory is occupied by arable land.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (21,34 kB)
About languages (apie kalbas) My native language is Lithuania. So he must know its history, grammar, literature spelling. When I was on the fourth form I began to learn the English language. From the very first days I understood that it is very difficult to learn. English, as it has different pronunciation and spelling. If you want to learn new words, grammar, how to form the sentence. It is necessary to know the history, culture, traditions of the country which language, you study. It is very difficult to learn any foreign language when you do not hear it in the street at house. The film which we see on TV are translated into native language and we can’t hear the English language. The English language is very popular in the world and what country you visit you can communicate in England. The role of the foreign languageshas inereased in the last years, as Lithuanian keeps good relations with other European countries and is going to biome a member of European Union and NATO. So every young person must think about his future and the use of the foreign language. The European Union(apie europos sąjungą) The European Union is the European supranational organization dedicated to increasing economic integration and strengthening co-operation among its member states. The European Union was established on November one, nineteen ninety three. The treaty on European Union was ratified by the twelve members of the European community. They were Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The citizen of the European Union countries received the right to immigrate From owe country to another and they got a greater freedom to live, work or study in any of the member states and there were no borders to travel from are European Union State to another. The main body of the European Union is the European Parliament, which is elected by the citizens of the European Union States. The main body works in Strasburg, but most work of its committee is done in Brussels. Finland, Austria and Sweden joined the European Union in nineteen ninety five. In this year May first day Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia will become the members of the European Union. There are seven other countries which will become the members of the European union. They are: Poland, Cheek, Cyprus, Malta, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia. About myself(apie save) My name is Justina and surname is Šaučiūnaitė. I live in Anykščiai in Stoties street No eleven. I was born on the fiveof march nineteen eighty six in Anykščiai. I am eighteen, I am the citizen of Lithuania. I am a schoolgirl and I learn in the twelve form of Antanas Baranauskas secandary school. So I am a school-leaver.I live with my family: father, mather, I have one sister and one brother. All my Familymembers are cathalics.We the memders of our family are very friendly. We celebrate all Lithuanian holidays together. My favourite group is B‘avarija. My favourite singer is Andrius Mamontovas and also every yang person has a favourite pop graup.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (17,09 kB)
Lithuanian flora consists of deciduous trees, coniferous wood, mixed forests and bushes. Deciduous trees are oak, birch, alder, lime and others. Fir and pine are from coniferous wood. Mixed forests compose the biggest part of Lithuanian flora. Many animals are involved in Red book in Lithuania. Hunters don’t think about damage which they make hunting animals. In my opinion, national parks and conservation areas are necessary in Lithuania. These places protect our forests from cutting, animals don’t disappear.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2 psl., 9,38 kB)
The great Pyramid of the fourth dnasty King Khufu is the biggest Pyramid ever built and the highest monuement then known to man . The area it covers is vast enough to hold Europe’s Five biggest cathedrals. Millions of huge rocks were assembled by Kufre’s Faithful workmen to achieve this fabulous construction at the center of which, Khufu planned his inner chamber where his mummy was to lay for eternity .
Acid rain" is a general name for many phenomena including acid fog, acid sleet, and acid snow. Although we associate the acid threat with rainy days, acid deposition occurs all the time, even on sunny days. Something is acidic if it has a low pH. The pH of a liquid is measured on a scale which ranges from 0 to 14 with 7.0 being neutral. Anything with a pH value lower than 7.0 is acidic, and anything higher than 7.0 is basic.
Geografija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (3 psl., 6,71 kB)
Darni ekonominė plėtra ir ekologinės problemos. Darnios ekonominės plėtros turinio istorinė raida. Darnios ekonominės plėtros pagrindinės koncepcijos ir požiūriai. Darni ekonominė plėtra - trijų sistemų sąveika. Per tūkstantmečius žmonės gerai prisitaikė prie vietinių ekologinių sistemų. Kol mūsų ekonominės veiklos mastai, palyginti su ekologinių sistemų mastais, buvo santykinai nedideli, tiek ekonominėje teorijoje, tiek ir praktikoje, galėjome ignoruoti svarbų faktą, kad žmonių ūkis yra įtrauktas bei priklausomas nuo mūsų planetos ekologinių sistemų.
Ekonomika  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (12 psl., 20,68 kB)
Any examination of the history of the EV inevitably asks the question: "Why were they overtaken in popularity by gasoline -powered vehicles?" Let me take a few paragraphs to give you my opinion as to why electric vehicles have lost the war of numbers to their petrol - powered cousins and get this question out of the way. There is no one simple answer, but many facts contributed to the rise of the internal combustion engine and decline of the electric motor for the primacy of driving on road transportation.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6 psl., 23 kB)
Le francais en afrique noire. Colonisation française de l’Afrique noire: de1815 à 1914; après 1914. Implantation de la langue française. Afrique subsaharienne francophone d’aujourd’hui: les pays où la langue maternelle est le français; ceux où la langue officielle est le français; ceux où la langue d’usage est le français. L’enseignement dans l’Afrique noire: pendant la colonisation; après la décolonisation. La pratique du français en Afrique subsaharienne. Deuxième partie. Les particularites de la langue francaise en afrique noire. Syntaxe. Morphologie. Phonétique et phonologie. Vocabulaire: liste des “francophonismes” africains; les particularités du vocabulaire franco-africain et de sa création.
Kitos kalbos  Referatai   (26 psl., 33 kB)
My Ideal Home
Anglų kalbos kalbėjimo tema.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 4,45 kB)
Alternatyvų ekonominio įvertinimo tikslai. Pinigų srautų vertės kitimas laike. Alternatyvų įvertinimo metodai. Esamosios vertės metodas. Vidutinės metinės vertės metodas. Būsimosios vertės metodas. Vidinės pelno normos metodas. Atsipirkimo periodo metodas. Naudos - kaštų santykio metodas. Projekto balansas. Alternatyvos pasirinkimo priėmimo sprendimas. Investicinių projektų grupės. Projekto gyvavimo trukmės įvertinimas. Alternatyvų palyginimas, įvertinant pinigų srautų pokyčius. Ribotos kapitalo įdėjimų apimties įvertinimas. Skaičiavimo pavyzdžiai. Projektas "Apšvietimo schemos pakeitimas komerciniame pastate". Stiklo degimo krosnies modernizavimas butelius gaminančioje įmonėje. Antrinis šilumos panaudojimas tekstilės pramonės įmonėje. Hurvico metodas.
Ekonomika  Kursiniai darbai   (45 psl., 65,3 kB)
The relationship between crafts and design is difficult to define. You are faced with several issues as context and the definition of both: design and craft. According to the dictionary craft means- a special skill or ability. An occupation especially when that demands manual skills. And design means- a decorative or artistic work to plan by making preliminary sketches or outlines". Intentionally the dictionary makes both: craft and design sound like the same thing but really they are not, and in my essay I would like to look at their relationship through their differences and the context in which they are interpreted.
Dailė  Referatai   (3,56 kB)
The European Union (EU) is the European supranational organization dedicated to increasing economic integration and strengthening co-operation among its member states. At the moment EU counts countries, including Lithuania. Firstly, The European Union history established on 1 of November in 1993, when the treaty on European Union was ratified by the 12 members of the European Community.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (3,25 kB)
Big city problems
Since the foundation of Sćo Paulo, flood caused by summer rains has always been a serious problem, almost paralyzing the whole city. Year after year, many people die during these tropical rains, which devastate large areas of the city. 2000 was no exception. In March, inside the Anhangabaś Tunnel, in the downtown area, more than 160 vehicles got blocked by the rising water and were submerged as the tunnel flooded and the pumps didn't work fast enough. All over the city 14 people died and lots of houses and shops were invaded by mud and water.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,1 kB)
Mass Media
For our ordinary life are very important informations. We need informations about local, home and international political, social and sporst events. The biggets and most important sources of information are mass media. To mass media belong nawspapers, radio,television and internet. Newspaper. In Britiain the national newspapers are very important.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,77 kB)