Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 234 rezultatai

8 skaidrės anglų kalba apie Queen Elizabeth namus.
Anglų kalba  Projektai   (8 psl., 1,29 MB)
Išsamus pristatymas apie Šilutės miestą anglų kalba.
Anglų kalba  Projektai   (25 psl., 2,29 MB)
Trumpai supažindinsim su elektros rinka, tarptautine prekyba, Nord Pool Spot, elektros birža ir kitais dalykais su kuriais susiduriame kasdien nedgi to patys nežinodami.
Ekonomika  Referatai   (10 psl., 43,91 kB)
Apie Kinijos svarbą ir vaidmenį visame pasaulyje.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 9,5 kB)
puikus rašinys anglų kalba apie aplinką ir ką padaryti,jog ją išsaugotume.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2 psl., 7,4 kB)
Neįsivaizduojame, koks būtų pasaulis, jeigu žmonės nebendrautų. Jei nebūtų įmanoma bendrauti kasdieniniame gyvenime, informacija nepasiektų nei vieno žemės kampelio, pasaulis negalėtų tobulėti, negalėtų žengti vystimosi keliu. Bet bendraudami žmonės ne visą laiką tai daro tobulai, humaniškai, nuolankiai. Visą laiką atsiranda atskiri individai ar jų grupės, kurie visada yra kažkuo nepatenkinti. Jie tarsi maištininkai, kurie konfliktuoja su savo konkurentais kiekviename žingsnyje.
Pedagogika  Referatai   (13 psl., 8,51 MB)
Žvelgdami į Europos ir viso pasaulio pirmaujančių šalių patirtį negalime nepastebėti, kad jų rinkos ekonomikos sistemoje konkurencingumą bei su juo susijusį ekonomikos augimą skatina smulkus ir vidutinis verslas (SVV). Žymus ekonomistas Dž. Hornas teigia, kad smulkusis ir vidutinis verslas yra vienas iš aštriausių gyvybingos rinkos ekonomikos ,,kampų”, nes ši veiklos forma sukuria palankesnes sąlygos verslininkystei ir verslo kūrybai. Šis ūkio sektorius sugeba greičiausiai pajusti paklausos – pasiūlos pokyčius rinkoje, prisitaikyti prie jų, kurti naujas darbo vietas tose veiklose, kurių produktai ir paslaugos konkrečiu laikotarpiu turi didžiausią paklausą. Kadangi SVV yra pagrindinis naujų darbo vietų kūrėjas, valstybė stengiasi teikti paramą, skatina SVV plėtrą.
Vadyba  Referatai   (7 psl., 30,41 kB)
Shopping and money
The topic of my speech is shopping and money. i divided it into 2 parts. To begin with, it's difficult to imagine our life without shops. When we want to buy something we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men's and women's clothing stores. Nowadays supermarkets and department stores are becoming more popular where people can reserve time and find a necessary piece of goods.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 8,86 kB)
Ese apie moksla ir jo poveiki gamtai.visi reikalavimai ispildyti.398 zodziai.gavau 10 is sito :) pabaiga:Some say, that science gives people opportunity to play god. I disagree. Science gives us opportunity to rule our own life as much as possible. We can reserve our time by using technologies at home or at work, and use it to do more, to please ourselves. What is the most important, having a chance to share our duties makes us happier. In conclusion, science has a mission to help us and I think that this mission is being accomplished. We cannot call science a threat to society, because it is all about us, and not against us. The only matter is to comply with science and start thinking about how can we hand in the name of science.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,04 kB)
Laivų navigacija
Kursiniame projekte detaliai apskaičiuosime laivo kelia iš Klaipėdos uosto į Rogerdama, Olandija. Kursinio projekto užduotis - parinkti duotajam laivui (URANUS) optimaliausią ir ekonomiškiausią maršrutą, nubrėžti jūrlapyje kelią, išnagrinėti bei aprašyti išvykimo ir atvykimo uostus. Susipažinti su visais atvykimo ir išvykimo uostų reikalavimais. Surasti bei susipažinti su visa darbui reikalinga metodine medžiaga - locijomis, katalogais.
Inžinerija  Kursiniai darbai   (16 psl., 4,12 MB)
Šiaulių lankytinos vietos, aprašymas anglų kalba.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (6 psl., 9,9 kB)
Rašinys apie vaikystę anglų kalba.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 2,9 kB)
Dialoge du žmonės kalbasi apie buto nuoma, dalinasi darbus ir t.t. Už darbą gavom po 10 su klasioku, nežinau kaip jums pasiseks :)
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 3,32 kB)
Mass Media
The mass media plays very important role in our life. It helps us to learn what is happening in the world very fast. Mass media includes newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Nowadays there are so many newspapers a. magazines, radio station a. TV channels that we have to be very selective a. choose the best of them.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 7,67 kB)
Thieves - vagys
Thieves – this is a very big problem in our society. Every day we can meet the performance street pickpocket. Our city is more than a professional pickpocket thief. Basing of the working people should especially keep your items and keep them to yourself.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 3,37 kB)
An informal letter
My name is Giedre. I am from Lithuania. I have lived in Vilnius, a capital of Lithuania, since I was born. My family is not big. I am the only child. My mother works as a tourism agent and father is a clerk of the works.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 2,89 kB)
Palanga (pop. 17.6 thousand; ) is the biggest and most universal seaside resort of Lithuania. The Lithuanian seacoast is famous for its beaches of beautiful white sand and dunes, which can be found nowhere else on the Baltic Sea coast. Originally a fishermen’s village, Palanga was first mentioned in the written sources in the 12th century. The inhabitants were engaged not only in fishery, they also gathered amber which would reach the distant countries of Europe and Asia via the merchants’ routes. In the 19th century, Palanga started developing into a health resort, which was a great merit of the dynasty of the Count Tiškevičius (Tyszkiewicz), who moved to the town at that time. A park was laid out, a new palace was built, a port was equipped, a natural therapy centre was launched, a new church was constructed, and the sea pier was built then. During the press prohibition period, the route of book spreaders was crossing Palanga. The first national play in Lithuania, “Amerika pirtyje” (America in the Bath) by A. Keturakis, was staged in this resort in 1899. Over recent years, a great number of new hotels and guesthouses of various levels have been opened in the resort. Palanga also boasts several high-standard sanatoriums that provide treatment for the vestibular mechanism, nervous system as well as cardio-vascular disorders. Resting can be combined with heath improving here. The resort boasts a large variety of pubs, cafes, restaurants, discotheques, bars, night clubs, and casinos. Those who enjoy active holiday are offered pedal boats, bicycles, horse-riding, tennis courts, pools, a complex of baths, etc. A number of trails are intended for cycling or hiking. The Palanga Regional Park, stretching somewhat southward in the direction of Klaipėda, attracts visitors by impressive scenes of wild and severe nature. One of the most beautiful places in Palanga is the Tiškevičius Palace surrounded by a large park that was laid out by E. Andre. Presently, this building houses the Amber Museum, which holds a great variety of amber pieces and the collection of inclusions, the biggest in the world. Amber is the symbol of Lithuania. In August evenings, concerts and poetry readings are hosted in the terrace of the palace. Palanga offers a big choice of cultural entertainments during the holiday season. The resort is home to a very interesting museum of Antanas Mončys, the Lithuanian artist who created in Paris. Its small exposition shows expressive works of big artistic power. The Savickas Gallery often hosts memorable exhibitions of modern artists. One can see the views of old Palanga in the Local Lore Museum of the town. Palanga is the resort submerged in the shadows of trees, which is fascinating at any season of the year. During a colder period, it is an ideal place to hold conferences and seminars.
Geografija  Rašiniai   (128,04 kB)
GEOGRAFINĖ PADĖTIS Šiandieninė Airijos valstybė užima penkis šeštadalius Airijos salos. Airija yra Britų salyne, Airijos saloje, ribojasi su Jungtinių Karalysčių Šiaurės Airijos sritimi. PAVIRŠIUS Salos paviršius panašus į dubenį. Salos vidurio lygumą supa pajūrio aukštumos. Bet aukštumos nesudaro ištiso kalnyno, tik pakraščiais yra išsidraikę pavieniai kalnai. Pietvakarinėje dalyje aukščiausia aukštuma Carantuo Hills yra 1041 m. aukščio. kiti kalnai neperšoka 1000 m. Airijoje yra daug pelkių ir durpynų. ISTORIJA Nuo 1801 m. sausio 1 d. iki 1922 m. gruodžio 6 d. visa Airijos sala buvo Jungtinės Karalystės dalis. Nuo 1874 m., o ypač nuo 1880 m., kai Airijos parlamentinei partijai ėmė vadovauti Charles Stewart Parnell, ši partija ėmė siekti Airijai autonomijos (Home Rule), išliekant Jungtinės Karalystės sudėtyje. Nuo 1886 m. tarp airių protestantų ėmė stiprėti ir junionistų judėjimas, nes protestantai bijojo diskriminacijos, taip pat ekonominių ir socialinių privilegijų praradimo, jei airių katalikams pavyktų įgauti tikrą politinę valdžią. Nors junionistų judėjimas egzistavo visoje saloje, tačiau XIX a. pb. - XX a. pr. jis ypatingai stiprus buvo Olsteryje, kuris pasižymėjo didesne industrializacija nei likusi šalies dalis. Bijota, kad katalikai gali įvesti tarifinius barjerus, kurie neigiamai paveiktų Olsterio regioną. Be to Olsteryje buvo daugiau protestantų nei kitose šalies dalyse ir junionistai sudarė daugumą keturiose regiono grafystėse. Vadovaujant Dubline gimusiam serui Edward Carson ir serui James Craig junionistų judėjias tapo karingu. 1914 m. siekdamas išvengti sukilimo Olsteryje britų premjerministras Herbert Asquith, susitaręs su Airių palamentinės partijos vadovybe, į autonomijos Airijai suteikimo aktą įdėjo nuostatą, kad autonomija suteikiama 26 iš 32 grafysčių, o likusių statusas turėjo būti nustatytas vėliau. Autonomijos aktas taip ir neįsigaliojo, nes buvo nutarta jį sustabdyti iki tuo metu prasidėjusio Pirmojo pasaulinio karo pabaigos. Tuo metu tikėtasi, kad karas baigsis iki 1915 m. Tikėdamiesi teigiamo Airijos autonomijos klausimo sprendimo airiai dešimtimis tūkstančių stojo savanoriais į britų armiją KLIMATAS Klimatas švelnus, drėgnas, didelį poveikį daro Golfo šiltoji srovė: augmenija žaliuoja ištisus metus, visą laiką ganyklose ganosi galvijai. Vidutinė temperatūra sausio mėn. - 7°C, birželio mėn. - 19°C. Dažni krituliai, kai kuriose salos dalyse lyja 275 dienas per metus. Sniegas Airijoje labia retas svečias. Kai pasninga, airiai tiesiog sutrinka, jiems atrodo, jog tai vos ne stichinė nelaimė.
Geografija  Rašiniai   (177,83 kB)
Working day
Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. But when she is away, I make breakfast myself. I usually have a few sandwiches, two eggs and a cup of tea. I leave the house at 7.30 a.m. As the school isn’t far from home, I don’t take a bus. I go on foot. It takes me about ten minutes to get to school. Usually I meet my friend Andrius on my way. We go to school together. Our lessons start at eight o’clock. We usually have seven or eight lessons a day. It is not easy to study at our school, but it’s among the best schools in the region. There is a break for lunch after the fourth lesson. The break is short, so I have to hurry in order to get to the canteen, to have a lunch and to get back to the classroom on time. Our lessons are over at around 3 p.m.
Violence on TV
To tell the truth, I am strongly against violence on TV. Usually I ask myself why some people have tendencies toward violence. What factors cause those violent and aggressive behaviors? Among broad other reasons such as mental health, personal characteristics and economic status there is the violence in media that gives people those nonsensical ideas and inspiration. The truth about television violence and children had been shown. Studies have been carried out and all the results point to the same conclusion: violence on television affects the behavior of children who are watching it. In fact, violence on TV causes children to be increasingly violent and the effects could be life-long. Children create violence to keep themselves satisfied. The reason children are so drawn to the violence on TV today is that the characters on TV make it look fun, so children find it fun to imitate. It has been found that kids who watch more television are more likely to solve their problems with violence rather than kids who don’t. Talking about kind of scenes children shouldn’t see at all, I must say that children shouldn’t be allowed to watch killing and all others which are bloody. As I know the most violence contains television programs about daily events. I must admit that the most violence is on Lithuanian programs such as Farai, Komanda. By the way, there is saying: the more bloody film it is, the more popular it becomes. So, I think all most popular TV shows and movies are fulfilled of blood and violence as well. If somebody does not like to watch violence on TV, that doesn’t let him or her to change others opinion. We can’t forget that these films are for adults not children. It is the adults who are able to see the difference between what is real and what is false. Actually, somebody likes those action movies and TV shows that have death counts close to hundreds. They love the feeling of leaving cinema in awe of what they just saw. That shows that we have no right to take shows and movies off the TV. But I strongly believe that the time of that must be controlled. It should be shown, when it is late and all children are sleeping. To make less violence on TV can only punishment. And the best should be a huge sum of money. To sum it up, fixing this problem isn’t easy, it will never go away, and in time it will get worse. About the only way to correct this ever-growing problem is to stop it where it starts: at home. Parents should take up the responsibility to be more into what their kids watch.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,49 kB)
Violence at school
Kids do not turn violent overnight, nor do they not have previous problems of some type. Aggressive behavior can be attributed to a number of things and expressed in a number of ways through home-life, culture, and society. Many of the kids who have committed violent crimes have had problems since the age of five. It is extremely hard to say what leads kids to horrible acts such as Springfield and Columbine. One reason may be aggressive behavior in childhood, caused by harsh and inconsistent parents. A poor family life often leads to trouble in school from the very beginning. The best thing to do for such troubled children is to help them control their aggression through emotional growth and learning. Parents should encourage good behavior or the child will think this way is ineffective. As the child grows older they will continue to think that violent behavior is acceptable and is the most effective way. A teacher can step into these situations and help them see positive morals and realize their actions are wrong. Teachers should reward students for polite behavior or else they will feel frustration and failure. Frustration and failure can bring the child to aggressive behavior as it brings results and gives a sense of control.
Relationships Since long time ago people have known about relationships. At different stages of live we all feel love, anger, jealousy and so on… But we know that in adolescence relationships is one of the most important thing. Being a teenagers has never been easy. Because you usually fall in love for the first time at this age. When you love a boy or a girl, you don’t seem to notice the world around you, so often you forget your lessons or everyday chores. You don’t hear what your parents, friends or teachers say, so they become angry with you. Then you mostly say ‘You don’t understand me…’ When you split up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you had thought that this relationship would last forever and now it’s over. In this situation teenagers shed tears and regret their action. Also, relationships become difficult between teenagers and parents. Young people always want to go out and come home late at night. Parents don’t trust and often there is a quarrel. Sometimes teenagers choose friends who aren’t very good. And later young people fall victims by this ‘friends’. Then they want to talk with their parents and it helps relationship to get better. So, I think, adolescence is a very difficult time. Teenagers don’t understand their actions and feelings. One moment they can be very friendly, later they can be angry…
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,66 kB)
Everyone needs at least one profession in his life. So when you begin spending sleepless nights, thinking about a job and money, when you think of the plans for the future it's no doubt about it you're ready to choose most suitable career for you. So in the world there are a lot of different professions: you can work with people as a doctor, lawyer, receptionist, teacher; on the enterprise, bank, school or state institution. And what kind of a profession you choose is mainly depend on yourself. And I think it's very difficult task for everybody. And now there is such situation in the life that it is very difficult to find some worthy job especially suitable for you. So if you want some-how to get a job, you can make plans for the future when you study still at school or university. It's a good idea to take different factors into account: job satisfaction - your future job must satisfy you; money - it's important that your future profession must be well-paid or you must have a high salary to support the family, good conditions; training; traveling, the place of work -in the office, from home, in the open area or abroad. For example I'm still not sure about my workplace and conditions because I know the fact that my future career will be my central part of my future life. Everybody wants to breathe fresh air, and even I want to locate myself in a clean place. I don't want to work in a city because there are so many problems like heavy traffic and population. If I have a chance to choose a place where I prefer, I would choose a quiet and peaceful place near the Baltic sea. I think the "working condition" should fit and care about my lifestyle. I have seen several people who get stresses from their jobs. If I always have bad moods and get so much stresses from my work, I would rather be unemployed than be a worker. I would like to make enough money to provide myself and my family. Sometimes, I have felt I'm greediness because I want to have so many things such as a big house, a nice car, and many others. So nowadays more and more students are trying to find a part-time job. There are a lot of reasons for it, but the common one – lack of money. It maybe a bad economical situation of a whole family or teenagers just need money for their entertainments. Starting a part-time job, not every young person thinks about pros or cons of this decision. On the positive side, extra incomes improve economical situation of the family. If students earn money for their needs, they also help parents – don`t ask them for additional pocket money. What is more, young people become more independent among their friends. On the other hand, part-time job can become harmful for studies at school on in another educational institution. Students can skip courses, motivating that their job and money they earn are much more significant, then studies. To sum up, it`s obvious that working and studying at the same time is a very complicated task. In my opinion, not everybody can manage to do all things perfectly depend only on person`s qualities. So nowadays more and more people are very busy with work and other activity. Never before in the history of the world have businessmen traveled so much as they do today. It is not surprising because we are living in a world of growing international trade and expanding economic and technical cooperation. Fascinating though it is for tourist travelling, however, has become the most tiring of all the occupations for many businessmen and experts. Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air as it is the fastest means of travelling.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6,13 kB)
Back to the point, I must say that it is very difficult to show only four as there are many places in interest in Lithuania. From what I know, there are many national parksin Lithuania. As a matter of fact, I could take my guest to few of them. Firstly, I would show to my guest The Trakai National Park. This park was designed in 1992 to embrace the historical city of Trakai, the forests, lakes and villages. The most significant historic monument is the Island Castle, on lake Galvė, which was built in the 14th century. The gothic castle is an impressive example of Lithuanian fortress architecture. From the tower of the castle you can see the shores of the lake, surrounding it like a green wreath. The castle now houses a valuable ethnological museum. In summer, chamber music concerts are held every Sunday in the representation hall. I am definitely sure, that foreigners would be impressed by this charms of nature. Secondly, I would be able to show one more national park. Žemaitija National Park was founded in 1991. The main aims of the park are to preserve the lake Plateliai system and the nature, to make better conditions for endangered species of flora and fauna, to develop tourism. It's also important to keep in mind that in the park my dear guest can have a good rest and spend holidays or weekend in the fresh air, in picturesque places, play sports and games, visit museums of traditional woodearved sculptures. As far as Vilnius is concerned, it is the capital of Lithuania. Vilnius is the largest city in the Republic and a cultural center. It goes with the teritory that in case you are going to show Lithuania to foreigner, you must show him the capital of Lithuania. Sitting at the top of Gediminas hill are the ruins of the Upper Fortress. The 14th-16th century gothic castle is both an architectural and historical monument. The bottom floors now house a small museum where you can learn about the history of Vilnius and see displays of archaeological findings. A narrow spiral staircase leads you to the top of the tower and a breathtaking view of Vilnius. Be sure to take in the view from all directions - opposite of the city, illuminating like a vision, is Hill of Three Crosses. Your eye will naturally be drawn to the classical elegance of Vilnius Cathedral, which sits in the middle of Cathedral Square. And the last place, which I would love to show to my guest is Neringa. The fact is well known that Neringa is home to the longest street in the country. You have a chance to choose to stay in traditional family house or in luxurious hotels. It's no matter who is your guest, there he can take relaxing and fun-filled holiday. To sum it up, I was given a chance to tell only about four beautiful places in Lithuania, but I can't go along with that it is all what our guest can see in Lithuania.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (5,05 kB)