Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

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valdžios esmė
Žodis valdžia (angl. power) yra kilęs iš lotyniško žodžio potere, reiškiančio „galėti, sugebėti, pajėgti“. Juo paprastai žymima nuosavybė, galingumas ar galimybė už pinigus įsigyti daiktus. Ši koncepcija artimai susijusi su dominavimo koncepcija. Pastaroji reiškia tam tikrą kontrolės arba viešpatavimo rūšį. Ji kilusi iš lotyniško žodžio dominium, kuris buvo vartojamas patriarcho viešpatavimui savo šeimynos ar valdomos teritorijos atžvilgiu pabrėžti. Kadangi valdžios ( power) koncepcija dažnai buvo interpretuojama kaip dominavimo sinonimas, ji asimetriškai turėjo šalutinę papildomą prasmę. Ši koncepcija taip pat buvo glaudžiai susijusi su kito anglų kalboje vartojamo žodžio, reiškiančio valdžią (angl. authority), koncepcija (kitaip nei anglų, lietuvių kalba turi vieną paprastą žodį valdžiai apibūdinti, o anglų kalboje yra net du tokie žodžiai –power ir authority). Tačiau pastaroji koncepcija turi norminį aspektą, reiškianti įgaliojimų (valdžios) suteikimą. Šių koncepcijų esmė bei jų tarpusavio ryšiai yra įdomūs ir svarbūs, tačiau valdžios ( power) koncepcija traktuojama kaip galimybė veikti, o dominavimo (dominium) ir valdžios (authority) koncepcijos gali būti nagrinėjamos kaip jos rūšys.
Politologija  Referatai   (15 psl., 25,94 kB)
63 anglų topikai
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (42 psl., 53,24 kB)
Mass Media
The mass media plays very important role in our life. It helps us to learn what is happening in the world very fast. Mass media includes newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Nowadays there are so many newspapers a. magazines, radio station a. TV channels that we have to be very selective a. choose the best of them.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 7,67 kB)
Mass media
Good morning, today I`m going to speak about ‘Mass media’. To start with, the mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views. Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information. It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren't interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn't usually make headlines. Bad news does. To my mind say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people's private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is — should this be allowed? The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that's an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it's much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers. As far as can see, many people prefer the radio. It's good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house. In addition, other scours of information are newspapers. The best known are `Lietuvos rytas` and citizens  of Kaunas read `Kauno diena`. These concern themselves, as far as possible, with factual reports of major national and international news stories, with the world of politics and business and with the arts and sport. Newspapers don't react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. The Internet has recently become another important source of information. It is believed that in the year of 2010 there will be at least 500 million people on the system enjoying virtual reality. It means that more and more people use Internet for searching the news instead of reading newspapers or watching news on Tv. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don't have to wait for news time on TV. Thanks to Internet now news are easy of access. To sum up, mass media reach very large numbers of people. For this reason it plays a significant role in our lives. More than even before, mass media offers us a window to the world and it depends only on you which scours of information to choose.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (5,11 kB)
Vocabulary. Definitions of key vocabulary. The means of marketing. Advertising. Advantages and disadvantages of major advertising media. Formulating of the advertising message. The role of the advertising in the promotional mix. Advertising as persuasion. Marketing influences and often actually controls almost every part of company's activities. Everyone who works for the company must “think marketing”. To think marketing we must understand in the right way what is the marketing concept.
Rinkodara  Konspektai   (32 psl., 212,25 kB)
Iš istorijos žinome, kad XX amžius yra bene įdomiausias ir permainingiausias amžius visoje žmonijos istorijoje: žmogus pakilo į orą, vėliau net į kosmosą; atradimų ir išradimų buvę tiek, kad sunku juos visus būtų ir įvardinti.Žmonija išgyveno du pasaulinius karus, šaltąjį karą, vos nesusinaikino atominiu ginklu. Jokios abejonės, visi anksčiau minėti procesai ir įvykiai negalėjo nepalikti žymės pasaulio ir Lietuvos mene.
Dailė  Referatai   (5,34 kB)
Mass Media
For our ordinary life are very important informations. We need informations about local, home and international political, social and sporst events. The biggets and most important sources of information are mass media. To mass media belong nawspapers, radio,television and internet. Newspaper. In Britiain the national newspapers are very important.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,77 kB)
Aštuntajame dešimtmetyje atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad atsirado naujas reiškinys - į žiniasklaidą orientuotas terorizmas. Paaiškėjo, kad teroristų atakos dažnai surežisuojamos taip, kad patrauktų tarptautinės žiniasklaidos dėmesį. Terorizmo drama tampa ypač reikšminga, kai paimami įkaitai. Patys įkaitai teroristams nieko nereiškia: teroristinis veiksmas yra orientuotas į naujienas stebinčius žmones, o ne į aukas.
A variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world. As globalization continues and the earth's natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems. Some of the largest problems now affecting the world are Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Global Warming, Hazardous Waste, Ozone Depletion, Smog, Water Pollution, Overpopulation, and Rain Forest Destruction. Every environmental problem has causes, numerous effects, and most importantly, a solution. Our climate is changing.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (2,37 kB)
Anglų kalba
Everyone wants to live clean, nice and tidy. We like to look at somewhere and say: “What a niece place! How wonderful! Just like in heaven!”. But what are we doing to make the surrounding like this? To my mind just nothing… On the contrary – we do much more to destroy our environment. Living conditions in the world are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from factories are polluting the air, trees are cutting down, and streets are full rubbish and grime. Furthermore rivers are being polluted by chemicals from factories too.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,89 kB)
I’m going to speak about some kinds of pollution, for example air pollution or acid rain, water pollution. Now different kinds of trees, many of the animals, birds, fish are in serious danger. What should government do to stop the polluting, nowadays? First of all I would like to speak about water pollution There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned, too. Fish and reptiles can’t live in them.
About languages
My native language is Lithuania. So he must know its fourth form I began to learn the English language. From history, grammar, literature spelling. When I was on the the very first days I understood that it is very difficult to learn. English, as it has different pronunciation and spelling. If you want to learn new words, grammar, how to form the sentence. It is necessary to know the history, culture, traditions of the country which language, you study.
Public services is a term usually used to mean services provided by government to its citizens, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing private provision of services. The term is associated with a social consensus (usually expressed through democratic elections) that certain services should be available to all, regardless of income. Even where public services are neither publicly provided nor publicly financed, for social and political reasons they are usually subject to regulation going beyond that applying to most economic sectors.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8,51 kB)
Introduce myself
First of all I would like to introduce myself. I am Andrius Narbutas student A. I am studying in the fourth A class of gymnasium. It means that this year I am the school-leaver. Talking about my personal characteristics I would like to say that I am frank, obstinate, persistent, good-tempered and sometimes moody. In my opinion it is very important to mention that I am studying English for nine years and now you have a chance to grade my English knowledge.
Žiniasklaida, kitaip dar vadinama "visuomenės informavimo priemonėmis" - tai priemonės, informaciją sugebančios pateikti plačiam žmonių ratui.Tradiciškai žiniasklaidai priskiriama spauda, radijas ir televizija. Bendras jų bruožas yra tai, kad naudojantis techninėmis priemonėmis jos pasiekia plačiąją visuomenę.
Rinkodara  Referatai   (5,74 kB)
Danger of terrorism
This topic concerns wide aspect of crimes, because definition of terrorism isn’t unanimous concept.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8 kB)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is about a young boy, Huck, in search of freedom and adventure.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (11,73 kB)
31-na anglų tema
The United States of America. Australia. Great Britan. Russia. Sports in Great Britan. Education. The educational system of Great Britain. British education. Education in Russia. My favorite painter. My future profession. Mass media. Leasure time. The...
By mean of the elections people express their opionion how the country should be governed and who in their opinion would do it the best. In this essay I will try to compare how the main bodies of the Government are elected in all three countries – the...
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,1 kB)
Media have a tremendous influence on family life. Consider that 99 percent of U.S. homes have a television. Ninety-eight percent have radios, and 69 percent have computers. Just sixty years ago the invention of the television was viewed as a technological curiosity with small black and white ghost-like figures on a screen so hardly anyone could see them. Today that curiosity has become a constant companion to many, mainly – children.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (6,03 kB)
In ancient times, commercial and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii. Egyptians used papyrus to create sales messages and wall posters.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (20,72 kB)
Mass media
Means of communication are such as print, radio, TV. The mass media are defined as large-scale organizations which use one or more of these technologies to communicate with large numbers of people (‘mass communications’). The mass media has two important sociological characteristics: first, very few people can communicate to a great number; and, second, the audience has no effective way of answering back. Mass communication is by definition a one-way process. Media organizations are bureaucratic and corporate in nature.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 3,02 kB)
Žiniasklaidos rūšys ir funkcijos. Žurnalistinių vertybių žlugimas. Didžiulė mulkinimo mašina? Žvilgsnis į nūdienos naująją žiniasklaidą ir jos užuomazgas. Žiniasklaida ir konfliktinė hegemonija. Lietuvos visuomenės pasitikėjimo žiniasklaida fenomenas. Žiniasklaida ir demokratija. Nepilnamečių nusikalstamumas ir žiniasklaida žiniasklaida ir agresija. Psichologinis žiniasklaidos poveikis. Elektroninė žiniasklaida. Internetinė žiniasklaida. Jos galimybės.
Žiniasklaida  Konspektai   (54 psl., 95,73 kB)
Kalbėjimas tema "Mass Media" (laikraščiai, televizija, internetas). Ypač turėtų praversti žmonėms, kurie mokosi iš vadovėlio "Matrix. Upper-intermidiate" (Unit 3)
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 4 kB)
Pagalba ruošiantis anglų kalbos egzamino kalbėjimo daliai.
Lietuvių kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (8 psl., 19,36 kB)